Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 530


Chapter 530 The first battle with Di Tian (please subscribe)

In the face of this coercion, Huo Yuhao found himself as A wisp of dust, Di Tian can ruthlessly kill himself with a single breath...

Qianyu looked up at Di Tian in front of him, indifferently said, "As expected of the king of Star Dou Great Forest, but Now you, who am I trying to save, can you stop it?"

Di Tian gave a cold "hmph", and the stout dragon claw swung violently, and the space tearing in front of it opened. , gradually filled with a strange circular black glow with a diameter of about tens of meters, which seemed to be pregnant with something terrifying...

Then, Di Tian's dragon claw moved towards this circular black glow. glow stretched in and pulled it out as if he had caught something...

The blurred black sword shadow shattered the circular black glow. At first glance, Di Tian's dragon claw had one more A sharp long sword with black substance...

This is his Self-created Spirit Ability, the Dragon God sword!

"Then you are ready to fall with him!" After Di Tian coldly shouted, the dragon claw clenched the Dragon God sword and slashed towards Qianyu and Qianyu below at a very fast speed. Huo Yuhao...

And Qianyu, who reacted immediately below, grabbed Huo Yuhao's collar and dodged a few dozen meters away, narrowly avoiding the slash of Dragon God's sword...

When the Dragon God sword strikes hit the ground, a loud terrifying sound of "peng!" erupted, and the position where the two Qianyu were before was instantly cut by the sharp Dragon God sword. all split up and in pieces, and spread all around...

The other ominous beasts behind Di Tian are all staring at this scene...

Wan Monster King covered his beating heart, "It's been a long time since the boss shot, and he's still so terrifying!"

Scarlet King licked his beast lips, "After all, he was able to fight against the boss back then. The ominous beast is only the Evil Emperor!"

Although they are also the ominous beast of the Star Dou Great Forest, but in front of this king, there is no room for resistance!

Not even the confidence to connect the next blow Dragon God sword!

Bi Ji was shocked and said, "This human's reaction speed is so fast, the blow just now can't be seen clearly by anyone else!"

On the other side, he retreated a few Qianyu, who had stabilized his body at ten meters, suddenly found that his heartbeat could not help speeding up. Since he was promoted to Titled Douluo, he has not felt this kind of death Aura for a long time...

I feel the most thrilling. It was Huo Yuhao next to Qianyu. He was wearing a rude analysis and said, "It's a good terrifying speed. If it weren't for Qianyu, even if you used the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, you couldn't dodge it!"

Qianyu stared at the Dragon God sword on the Di Tian dragon claw, and said softly, "Dragon God sword? Then try whose sword is sharper!" The golden spirit ring lit up...

The eyes of the ghost girl behind her once again glowed with black glow, and then she stretched out her hands, quietly condensing the ash-gray flame of the angel sword!

She held the Angel Sword tightly in her palm, and under Qianyu's control, rushed towards Di Tian in front of her!

He slashed at Di Tian's chest with an angel's sword...

And when Di Tian saw Qianyu, he dared to attack, coldly said "overestimate one's" capabilities!"

Ye's Dragon God sword was not afraid to meet the angel sword...

I saw the two long swords of one black and one white collided together , a huge vortex swept out from the center of their collision...

The space between the two has obviously reached the level of Tearing Space, which is why the space vortex appeared!

And the aftermath emanating from the outer vortex of the space forced the rest of the ominous beast to withdraw from the range...

Di Tian's eyes saw the angel in the hands of the ghost angel. When the sword was not shattered instantly by his own Dragon God sword, he was shocked and said, "How is this possible! It can resist my Dragon God sword, and it doesn't look like it will be broken!"

Claiming that his Dragon God sword is definitely the strongest blade on this continent, didn't expect one day to be blocked by the sword created by the Spirit Master Spirit Ability!

Qianyu took this shocked look into his eyes, "Di Tian, are you surprised?"

Di Tian did not answer Qianyu, but asked calmly, "Humanity." , who are you? Why do you have nine million-year spirit rings!”

There are not so many 10,000 Year Spirit Beasts on the entire continent, you must know that even the strongest in the Star Dou Great Forest He is only 800,000 years of cultivation base!

Qianyu said softly with a smile "Di Tian, you have entered the realm of Demi-God, you should be very clear about that place?"

Hearing this With an answer, Di Tian golden's pupils shrank suddenly, "What... what? How is this possible!"

That place!

How could he not know what this human being said!

It is God Realm! That is the real world, and the strength of the gods on it is far more terrifying than this continent!

Could it be that the nine million-year-old spirit rings of this man in front of him were obtained from God Realm? ? ?

Thinking of this, even Di Tian, who treats everything very calmly, his huge body trembled unconsciously...

If this man really came from God Realm , then if he contacts the people of God Realm, it is very likely that he will bring disaster to all Spirit Beasts in the Nether!

Qianyu felt the subtle movement of Di Tian's body, indifferently said "Di Tian! Are you afraid?"

You don't need to guess, this Di Tian must be a brain supplement Something, so I scare myself...

For example, I have connections with the people of God Realm...

Di Tian stared at Qianyu without speaking for a while. , he slowly released the Dragon God sword in his hand...

As the king of the Star Dou Great Forest, he is not only planning for himself, but also for the entire Spirit Beast family, so he... ...don't dare to gamble!

Huo Yuhao, who was watching through his spiritual eyes from behind, looked stupid...

"What did Qianyu say to Di Tian to make this Star Dou Great The king of the Forest is afraid!"

Of course, not only Huo Yuhao, but other ominous beasts also looked at Di Tian who took back the Dragon God sword...

Not just now To fight or kill? Why did it stop instantly?

Di Tian's character has always been to cut weeds and eliminate the roots, never leaving any trouble, but today he actually made this move...

Qianyu also quickly recovered Nether Angel, calmly said "What? Stop fighting?"

He could feel that Di Tian didn't even show one-tenth of his strength, and of course, he also...

Di Tian closed his golden eyes and coldly said, "Let's go, but that boy, one day, you will die because of this, and it is absolutely impossible to become a god!"

The thought in Huo Yuhao's mind Daydream Ice Silkworm and Ice Emperor shouted "What does this mean?"

When Huo Yuhao was about to question Di Tian loudly, he was suddenly caught by Qianyu's neck and swallowed his words. ...

The two quickly escaped into the nether space and left the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest...

The ominous beasts didn't speak until the two left. He asked, "Boss, why do you want to let him go?"

"Yes! Although it's not obvious, your strength is definitely stronger than that human!"

"How old are we? Together, the ominous beasts can definitely keep the two of them!"

Di Tian's eyes just silently glanced at these ominous beasts, and calmly said, "That man probably came down from God Realm! ”

In an instant, the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest fell into silence...


(End of this chapter)

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