Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 532


Chapter 532 Dean To you, I am not worthy! (Please subscribe)

Beibei stretched out her hand and patted Qianyu's shoulder, "Qianyu, and Wutong, I'll leave it to you today"

Tang Ya clenched his fist and encouraged, "Come on, I will come back to replace you in the evening!"

Xu Sanshi said with a smile "Remember to say thank you after class, let me and Nannan be mentally prepared!"

It was a normal thing, but when it came to him, it was completely changed!

Jiang Nannan's face turned rosy, extended the hand and pinched the fat on Xu Sanshi's waist, "Xu Sanshi, this is in class, what are you thinking!"

Xu Sanshi He let out a very cheap scream, "Hey...Nan Nan, hurts!"

The beautiful eyes of Ma Xiaotao, who was watching, looked towards Qianyu, and said, "Qianyu. We'll leave first"

Huo Yuhao also nodded slightly towards Qianyu, so everyone in Tang Sect left...

only left in place Qianyu and Tang Wutong big eyes staring at small eyes ....

At this time, Tang Wutong asked Qianyu curiously, "Qianyu, have you taught anyone else?"

Qianyu shook the head, "No, this is forced to open!"

If it wasn't for Tang Wutong who shared the same day with himself, he wouldn't even want to enter the class, let alone the class. What a Tang Sect class!

Tang Wutong's purple eyes flickered a few times, "I don't have either, but let's try it out, maybe you like that feeling, maybe"

Qianyu smiles They went back to "en! Let's go"

Immediately, they reached out and held Tang Wutong's tender palm...

But suddenly, a voice of incomparable anger sounded from behind them The voice said, "Stop for me! You two students dare to pull and pull in the Academy under broad daylight! How decent!" When it is clear that the person who speaks is a middle-aged man with glasses and a little bulky, his eyes are full of doubts...

Tang Wutong "pu 呲" covered his mouth laughed, said curiously "Qianyu, do you know this person?"

She and Qianyu were both regarded as students of the outer school!

Qianyu corner of the mouth twitched, "I don't know, maybe it's a new teacher from Shrek Academy, right?"

And the teacher who just spoke up saw Qianyu and Tang Wutong He was still having a very natural conversation, and he didn't mean to let go...

So, he took a deep breath, stroked his sleeves, and rushed over angrily, saying angrily, "Okay. Ah! How dare you two ignore me! I have never seen such an arrogant student in my life!"

Shouted again "You two come with me to Dean's office in the Spirit Department! This matter It must be dealt with seriously!"

I encountered this situation on the first day of class, if I pretended not to see it, wouldn't it be more rampant in the future!

Qianyu "???"

Tang Wutong "???"


"da da da", Yan Shaozhe, who was reading the freshmen's materials, heard the knock on the door and whispered, "Please come in!"

As soon as the words fell, the door was slowly pushed open...

Only Seeing a foul-mouthed teacher walk in, he said angrily to Yan Shaozhe, "Yan Dean, I tell you, it's too much, it's only my first day at work, and I just caught a man and a woman who were dragging them in the outer yard. Pulling! It's a disgrace to the style of study!"

Yan Shaozhe stood up immediately, his face extremely serious and said "What? This matter must be dealt with seriously!"

Shrek Academy Couples are very strict in this regard!

If you want to become a couple, you must be promoted to the inner courtyard! Back then, Academy would not only not block, but support!

Otherwise, there would be no Sea God Blind Date Conference!

But if a couple is found in the Shrek Outer Court, they will be dealt with seriously!

There is even a good chance that Shrek Academy will be expelled outright! That's why I haven't found a couple in the outer courtyard for many years!

After hearing Yan Shaozhe's words, the teacher patted his chest proudly and said, "Don't worry, Dean, those two students have already been caught by me!"

Immediately, moved towards angrily roared outside the door, "You two, why don't you hurry in and wait for me to invite you?" …

I saw two figures walking in slowly, next moment, Yan Shaozhe's face froze...

What Divine Immortal joke is this?

Qianyu, the elder of the Sea God Pavilion, and Tang Wutong, a student from the inner courtyard, were caught here by a teacher from the outer courtyard! Still "arrested" on the charge of pulling and pulling in the outer court!

Next moment, Yan Shaozhe wanted to laugh, but he couldn't hold it back...

Qianyu looked at the teacher, pursed her thin lips and said indifferently "Wu Tong, I want to kill him!"

Although I don't know why, my heart is inexplicably very grumpy!

Tang Wutong next to him reassured and said, "Qianyu, don't be like this, although this teacher is new, it's quite cute!"

The teacher's eyes are piercing Glancing at Yan Shaozhe, seeing Qianyu and the others still talking, angrily shouted "You guys dare to say it! Didn't you see Yan Dean laughed so much by you?!"

Yan Shaozhe reached out his hand The teacher, who was patted excitedly, explained, "Then...that, this teacher, I think there is some misunderstanding between this!" He threw his arms away, still angrily shouted "What's wrong! Don't worry, Dean, I will never read it wrong! The little hand drawn by these two people just now is so sweet! I tell you, you didn't see it! If If you see it..."

Seeing the teacher's words, he blurted out continuously, Yan Shaozhe next to him wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and wanted to spit out in his heart, "Dean is still yours! You are here. I don't deserve it!"

Next, the three of them stared at the teacher and continued to scold him. After several minutes, he relaxed...

Yan Shaozhe said with a smile "This teacher, now you..."

Before Yan Shaozhe could finish speaking, the teacher interrupted him again and said amazingly, "Yan Dean, I suggest expelling both of them. People! After all, once there is a second time! It has to be completely eradicated"

"I really want to slap you to death!" This is what Yan Shaozhe is thinking at the moment...

Fired Sea God Pavilion Elder? How can you do that?

You just wanted to be a Spirit Dean, and now you still want to be a Sea God Pavilion Pavilion Lord?

Qianyu couldn't help but coldly shouted "Shut up!"

A burst of terrifying coercion directly struck the teacher's body, instantly stunning him ...

It was the first time he had such a big killing intent on a stranger!

Seeing that the killing intent beside Qianyu was almost solid, Yan Shaozhe shuddered, and hurriedly said, "Qianyu, hold back, hold back, the other party is also our Shrek Academy teacher, though. Excessive emotions, but also for the sake of the Academy!"

Immediately winked at Tang Wutong "That, Wutong, leave with Qianyu first, leave it to me here! Make sure not to bother him any more You guys"

Tang Wutong stretched out his hand and hugged Qianyu's arm, said with a slight smile "Qianyu, let's go, all those Disciples will arrive in a while, we teachers haven't arrived yet. It's going to be troublesome."

Qianyu glanced at the middle-aged man who fell to the ground with his icy eyes, then turned and left with Tang Wutong...

Leaving Yan Shaozhe alone Looking at the teacher on the ground with pity, he shook his head and sighed, "You said it's not good for you to catch someone, go catch a guy who even Shrek Dean would not dare to provoke too much!"


(end of this chapter)

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