Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 534


Chapter 534 is all broken! (Please subscribe)

On the way, the students who followed Qianyu and Tang Wutong began to talk in confusion, "Wutong teacher, and Qianyu teacher, I just saw students from other classes. Is it so much cheaper to eat than us?"

"Yeah! I just found out! After we said it was Tang Sect's identity, the unit price actually went up!"

"Could it be that Shrek Academy doesn't welcome our Tang Sect people?"

Tang Wutong also found it a little difficult to explain, so he could only comfortably say, "Academy doesn't dislike Tang Sect Disciple, it's just because of you guys. After joining Tang Sect, they are no longer affiliated with Shrek Academy in terms of identity.”

The total impossible directly told them to join Tang Sect, and they must be in order to Tang Sect to do things, instead of staying in Shrek Academy? ?

Now I only take classes in the classroom of Shrek Academy temporarily, and Tang Sect, as an independent sect, will have to leave Shrek Academy in the future whether they want to or not!

After listening to Tang Wutong's explanation, these students all had different understandings...

"I understand, that means we are Tang Sect The Disciple of this sect is not a student of Shrek Academy, right?”

“I’m so confused and can’t understand, as long as it’s not someone who rejects our Tang Sect”

“ It seems that apart from the more expensive food in the cafeteria, there is no difference in other places!"

Qianyu felt the strangeness of Tang Wutong next to him, said with a slight smile "Wu Tong, do you feel it is difficult to explain?"

Tang Wutong is not good at nodding?

"en! After all, what these children want to join is actually Shrek Academy, isn't it a little bit like doing so"

> Qianyu gently lifted her up. With hair, he reassured, "There's nothing wrong with these Tang Sect Disciples. The family background of these Tang Sect Disciples is not very good. All the expenses at Shrek Academy are paid by Sister Tang Ya and Brother Bei! Naturally, I will do things for Tang Sect in the future."

The life of the Tang Sect Disciple would have been very difficult without Tang Sect to pay for them! You have to find a way to earn room and board, etc...


After a while, Qianyu and the others came to the square of Shrek's outer courtyard. She saw Zhou Yi waiting with a stern face...

And there were dozens of new students standing behind her...

At this moment, these new students were all in Talk to each other about Shrek Academy's special class, Tang Sect class!

"I thought Tang Sect class was a key class at first, didn't expect is just a specially established class!"

"Yeah! Didn't you just find out? Those Tang Sect classes Disciple's meal cost is ten times higher than ours!"

"Hey... ten times? That doesn't mean that a meal costs more than ten gold coins!"

"I really don't know what the people in the Tang Sect class are thinking. Joining Tang Sect not only lacks the resources of Shrek Academy, but also gets embarrassed everywhere!"

Zhou Yi was cold when she heard these discussions. She turned her face and shouted, "Shut me up! Let me hear these words again and expell Shrek Academy! Understand?"

After the words fell, the students in front of her all bowed their heads. Whisper...

At this time, Qianyu and the others also came over, Tang Wutong moved towards Zhou Yi said with a slight smile "Zhou Yi teacher, did you guys come so early?"


Zhou Yi hurriedly turned her head after hearing Tang Wutong's voice, glanced at the Disciple of Tang Sect class at random, and said in a serious tone, "But I've waited for you, so I won't say more, and I'm ready to start. Let's go!"

Qianyu corner of the mouth twitched, "Zhou Yi teacher, don't be in such a hurry! Instead, make it clear how you want the students to fight? Or should the two classes have a melee?"


Zhou Yi was stunned for a while, then shook her head and said, "None of them! This time the battle method is to select seven students from two classes to compete!"

Next to Tang Wutong said curiously "Imitation The way of the Spirit Master tournament?"

Zhou Yi nodded "That's right! But considering that the spirit type of the seven students who were drawn out is the same as the teams participating in the tournament, I don't think about it!"


Tang Wutong pursed his thin lips and said softly, "I understand!"

After receiving Tang Wutong's reply, Zhou Yi said urgently, "If you understand, let's start quickly. ”

Then, she began to draw one by one from the students she taught...

Tang Wutong also looked towards The Disciple of the Tang Sect class...

These Disciples are all staring at Tang Wutong and Qianyu with puzzled and puzzled eyes...

"Wutong teacher, we are this What are you going to do? "

"Isn't it just a battle between our two classes?" "

"Is this the admission test for Shrek Academy? If you fail, you will be eliminated! "

Tang Wutong said with a slight smile "Don't worry everyone, this is not an assessment, it's just a simple competition between two classes, each class will send seven people to fight at a time"

" Are there any Disciples who want to participate now! "

After Tang Wutong's words fell, these Tang Sect Disciples raised their hands to recommend themselves...

"Me!" I need to! "

"And me!" This is a chance to win glory for Tang Sect! "

"Me too!" ”

Qianyu looked at these Tang Sect Disciples who were actively raising their hands, and his eyes flickered a few times...


In Star Luo Empire At the junction with Heavenly Soul Empire, there are countless Spirit Masters of Sun Moon Empire lurking in the dense jungle...

In front of their eyes, Star Luo Empire and Heavenly Soul Empire are separated from their own borders. Nei sent hundreds of carriages to move towards the other side's borders...

The whole situation looks very funny, especially those carriages, who seem to want to be seen by the people of Sun Moon Empire In general, there is no sign of wanting to hide at all!

A Spirit Master of Sun Moon Empire lurking in the dark scolded, "What are Soul Empire and Star Luo Empire doing today? It's clearly made for us to see! "

The other one narrowed his eyes, "They probably don't know that our Sun Moon Empire people are lurking here. Are they trying to confuse their eyes with such a big fight?" "

"Lord Tornado, what should we do?" Do you want to notify the team to stop these carriages? It is likely to carry combat equipment such as spirit tools! ”

I saw that the brawny man who was called Lord Kuangfeng was a very powerful Titled Douluo entrusted by Xu Tianran!

His profound Looking at the carriage who was walking intensively in front of his eyes, coldly shouted "Stop? joke! How dare you provoke our Sun Moon Empire like this! Get everyone ready with the spirit tool and smash all those carriages! "

Hearing Gu Feng Douluo's words, a Spirit Douluo cautiously said, "This... my lord, won't this reveal our position?" ”

Gu Feng Douluo did not speak, those cold eyes swept the Spirit Douluo, and directly made him shut his mouth...

Afterwards, Sun Moon Empire's commander was ordered. The Spirit Master took out the spirit tool and aimed the muzzle at the walking carriage ahead!

With the strong wind Doluo coldly shouted "Shoot! ”

These Spirit Masters have injected spirit power into the spirit tool...

In an instant, the missiles with destructive power hiding the sky and covering the earth came out of the muzzle. Fly out, and completely cover these carriages indiscriminately...

Before the people driving the carriage and the escorts can react, these missiles have already landed...

“pēng pēng pēng peng ~ peng~! ~~~" The continuous explosion sounded, and everything was annihilated under the attack of the spirit tool!

The gust of wind Doluo looked at the front filled with the smell of gunpowder, coldly said "This is the end of the fight against our Sun Moon Empire! ”


(End of this chapter)

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