Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 536


Chapter 536 The class discussion is over (please subscribe)

After being affirmed by Tang Wutong, the name Tang Sect Disciple Heavy nodded "en!"

And the other six friends of his team were stunned. Their situation was obviously going to lose the rhythm, and they won strangely!

And still use the Tang Sect trick that Tang Ya teacher taught yesterday! !

All Tang Sect Disciples looked at him with envious eyes...

"Amazing! It only took one day to learn Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, I'm still half-nodded I don't have any clues!"

"That's right, yesterday Tang Ya teacher finished teaching Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, I couldn't use it, he could do it in one night"

"His innate talent is so perverted! But our Tang Sect's secret skills are really amazing! Fortunately, I joined Tang Sect, otherwise I would have missed such a good opportunity!"

Tang Wutong looked towards him again The other Tang Sect Disciple said softly, "I believe that as long as you practice more, you can learn it!"

Qianyu next to him held his chin and thought, "Is this the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track? mysterious , and it seems that it can be upgraded as the user's physique and spirit power levels increase..."

He wondered if he wanted to learn Tang Sect secret skills as well...

But on second thought, this is a secret skill that Tang Sect does not pass on, and fighting above the Titled Douluo level is not something that these secret skills can make up for, and the idea of learning it is also a lot less...

Although it is of no use to me, it is quite useful to Spirit Masters below the Titled Douluo level. It is equivalent to a few more Spirit Ability than others in battle!

Just as Qianyu was thinking about it, Zhou Yi, who was standing on the opposite side, walked over slowly, and said curiously to Qianyu and Tang Wutong, "Qianyu, and Wutong, the Disciple used just now. What kind of tricks? To be able to reach Spirit Elder-level speed!"

These are nothing at all, but the important thing is that being able to maintain this speed for a long time is a bit terrifying!

If this technique can be extended to all Shrek students, the quality of students in the entire Shrek Academy will be improved to the next level!

Tang Wutong blinked his beautiful eyes, "Zhou Yi teacher, this is Tang Sect's secret skill, it was specially passed on to Tang Sect Disciple by Sister Tang Ya, even Qianyu didn't tell it!"

Tang Wutong blinked his beautiful eyes. p>

Zhou Yi's face showed a look of regret upon hearing this, "Secret skill of sect? Eh... it's a pity"

If it is a secret skill of sect, it must not be passed on to outside the sect. of people!

But she can understand all of this, otherwise sect will teach others everything, so what should sect do?

Qianyu lightly said with a smile "Zhou Yi teacher, why don't you let some students join Tang Sect?"

Zhou Yi stared at Qian angrily. Yu took a look, "Thinking is beautiful! Since this is a secret sect skill that cannot be shared, let's move on to the next game!"

Tang Wutong and Qianyu nodded, "en!"

After that, the two classes continued to send seven students to fight, and it took about two or three hours before the two classes ended the battle...

The final result was that the Tang Sect students only won. Two rounds...

This ending is also expected by Qianyu and Tang Wutong...

The two victories are almost all bombed, otherwise the worst ending should be Total defeat!

Tang Sect Disciples stared at the team behind Zhou Yi with fiery eyes, and said angrily, "Damn, I lost to them!"

"If we all learn the Tang Sect secret skills Now, how could they lose so badly! Only two teams won!"

"When we learn the Tang Sect secret skills and fight again, they will definitely lose injured badly with many teeth knocked out! "

At this time, Zhou Yi looked at Qianyu and Tang Wutong, opened the mouth seriously and said, "It seems that the class I led won the showdown this time, so I hope that the next time Tang Sect The class can improve!"

Qianyu raised her brows, "I said Zhou Yi teacher, you are provocative..."

Before Qianyu finished complaining , Zhou Yi turned around and led the students of his class away...

Tang Wutong saw this scene and covered his mouth and said with a slight smile "Zhou Yi teacher is really cute!"

Qianyu indifferent expression said, "You don't need to be cute, she's obviously a beautiful woman. She has to wear an Old Witch human skin mask. It's hard to imagine how Fan Yu accepts Zhou Yi's eccentricity"

Tang Wutong glanced at the sky above and reminded, "Qianyu, let's go too, it has already taken a lot of time, and your spirit tool class is going to be taken!"

Qianyu nodded and said "en!"

Then, he moved towards Tang Sect Disciples opened the mouth and said "All Tang Sect Disciples, go back to class now! Today I'll take you to learn spirit tool knowledge!"


Qianyu, who was standing on the podium, looked down at Tang Sect Disciples, who were staring at him, and coughed slightly "cough cough..."

Then the face doesn't change calmly said "Then I will explain from the most basic components of the spirit tool today..."

"The composition of the spirit tool is divided into shell, capacity box... and the core array, which Among them, the core array is the most indispensable thing for the spirit tool, and it is also the main basis for judging the level of the soul teacher! "

One of the Tang Sect Disciple asked "teacher! That is to say, as long as the core array of several levels is refined, can it be called a soul teacher of several levels? "

Qianyu explained patiently, "Yes or no, in order to obtain the spirit tool medal of that level, in addition to being able to make core arrays by yourself, you also need a finished spirit tool and a high-level soul teacher. proof! "

"Of course, the most basic thing is to keep up with your spirit power level, otherwise mental force and spirit power cannot support you to complete the engraving of the core array! "

Seeing Qianyu easily controlling the anger, Tang Wutong's beautiful eyes lit up with rays of light in the audience, and said softly, "Isn't this good? "

Just as she was thinking about it, the Tang Sect Disciples asked again and said eagerly, "The teacher, what level of soul teacher are you?" "

"Yeah yeah!" Qianyu teacher hasn't said what level of soul teacher he is! "

"Qianyu teacher, tell us quickly"

Qianyu was stunned, "Me? I'm a Level 9 Soul Master! "

"What? Is Qianyu teacher the Level 9 soul teacher mentioned by Tang Ya Sect Master? "

"Amazing!" Stronger than yesterday's Yuhao teacher's soul teacher level! "

One of the Tang Sect Disciple grabbed the key point and said in shock, "Is Qianyu Elder a Level 9 soul teacher? Doesn't that mean that his spirit power level has reached...reached..."

The other Tang Sect Disciple next to him was so anxious that he would slap him to death, "reached what? You say it! "

"I heard that the Level 9 Soul Masters seem to have reached the Titled Douluo level!" ! "

"Hey... Qianyu Elder turned out to be Titled Douluo, so he is the most powerhouse in our Tang Sect?" "

Qianyu did not continue to talk, but interrupted their conversation...

"Okay, don't discuss these issues, and now continue to explain to you The production steps of spirit tool parts! ”

“When we select parts, we must first observe...”

The whole lesson full of spirit tool knowledge ended so quickly...


(end of this chapter)

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