Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 816


Chapter 816 one month later (please subscribe)

soon, one month It's been such a hurry...

And today is the day the battle for the sect begins! All the Disciples to participate were called into the great hall of Profound Heaven Peak...

And the one sitting in the main seat is Profound Heaven Sect Sect Master, Mu Qingge!

Sitting in other positions, needless to say, is naturally the Peak Master of each main peak!

They all looked at the seven Profound Heaven Sect Disciple in the middle with serious eyes!

After a while, Mu Qingge said as softly as possible, "Today is the day when the sect battle begins, and before noon, I and the four Peak Masters will lead you to the Where is the Secret Realm!"

"As for the safety of the sect, we will leave it to you, Junior Sister Yun for the time being!"

Yun Churan's strength is in the entire Profound Heaven Sect Inwardly ranked second, if Mu Qingge was to leave, she would naturally have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of guarding the sect!

Yun Churan indifferently said "Yes! Sect Master!"

At this moment, two of the seven Disciples could be vaguely heard complaining in a low voice " Eh! Why are you so unlucky to participate in this sect battle!"

"Yeah! I don't even understand why I was selected. It is said that our Profound Heaven Sect is almost at the bottom every time!"

These words naturally fell into the ears of Mu Qingge and the protagonist Peak Master, they were all silently sighed in their hearts...

Having arrived at the Disciple who did not even have any confidence in participating degree!

Mu Qingge had to take a deep breath and comforted him as much as he could, "I know everyone is under pressure, so you don't have to force yourself to participate in the sect battle this time, if the other Three Great Sects unite again , just protect your own safety."

After hearing these words, the hearts of the two Disciples who had just whispered were relaxed...

They were really afraid Mu Qingge suddenly gave another death order to win the first place...

Yao Yufeng Peak Master glanced at the distant sky, stood up slowly and reminded, "Sect Master, time It’s almost there! It’s time to set off!”

After the words fell, in addition to Yun Churan, Mu Qingge and other Peak Masters also stood up one after another...

Mu Qingge slightlyly Nodding, he glanced at the seven Disciples in front of him, and said, "en! Then, all Disciples, let's go with us!"


In Mu Qingge and the others Under his leadership, everyone rushed to the destination with their swords and the fastest speed...

I saw Gu Linruo curiously looking at Xu Sheng beside him, and said doubtfully, "Junior Brother Xu , your cultivation base has not reached... woo"

Before Gu Linruo could say anything, Xu Sheng gently reached out to cover her thin lips, and said softly "Senior Sister Gu, Don't forget that I have a way to suppress it!"

Gu Linruo's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and she felt a little more confident in this sect battle...

Xu Sheng's real strength is the Void Refinement Stage. If he can show his full strength in the Secret Realm, no, even if he only shows the strength of the Divine Transformation Realm, he will win with no difficulty!

As everyone knows, Mo Qingyue, who was standing next to him, saw the incomparable intimacy of the two, and clenched his palms silently...

And Mu Yun smacking his lips, leisurely leisurely Said, "Junior Sister Mo, are you jealous? Oh, then Senior Brother, I can let you hold my hand!"

After he finished speaking, he pretended to hold his palm gracefully. Handed it over...

Mo Qingyue slapped his hand away, said ill-humoredly "get lost! ”

Mu Yun, who was clapped away, felt aggrieved "I comfort you with kindness and kindness, Junior Sister, you are actually murdering me, your heart is not ancient!"

The three Disciples who watched their every move behind him whispered, "I said, Can they really lead us to victory?"

"Winning? You think too much, it's better not to lose terribly! Even if Senior Brother Mu and Sister Mo are strong enough, we have to face There are twenty-one people!"

Liu Yun, who had been silent all the time, glanced at the two of them, and suddenly opened the mouth and said "you two are Xu Wei and Mo Heng, right? "

Both of them were stunned, nodded and said "Yes, Senior Brother Liu!"

There was a strong killing intent in Liu Yun's eyes, "this time , after entering Secret Realm, you two come with me!"

Xu Wei wondered, "But Sect Master didn't let us..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Yun then coldly said, "The target is too big and easy to be discovered by the opponent! As long as the Disciples of other sects are quietly removed, we still have the possibility to win!" Now, don't take back the humiliation that you have suffered for so many years...

That's what the Disciple of the Profound Heaven Sect is! !

Hearing this sentence, Xu Wei and Mo Heng couldn't help but widen their eyes...

This Senior Brother Liu actually wanted to kill the Disciple of other sectors in Secret Realm !

Mo Heng said slightly worriedly, "Even so, if you enter the Secret Realm, you will be broken up!"

The corner of Liu Yun's mouth raised an arc, said with a sneer "Don't worry, I have a way to find you!"

Just as everyone was thinking about it, Mu Qingge's voice rang in their ears...

" The Secret Realm has arrived! Everyone begins to fall!"

After the words fell, Xu Sheng and the others immediately controlled the sabres under their feet and landed downward...

When they fell completely After being on the ground, you can find that the location at the moment is very hidden, and all around are densely grown with trees and weeds! !

But the first thing that comes into view is a huge cave in front of you. The entrance that can accommodate more than a dozen people is constantly flashing with ripples. It is obviously a ban placed by some great master!

apart from this , and the rest of the people participating in the sect battle have gathered around!

Xu Sheng has a general feeling that the Disciples of these sectors are all in the realm of the Golden Core Realm, but the spiritual power of one or two people seems to be very disordered, which is obviously the cultivation base of forced suppression!

Mo Qingyue's beautiful eyes glanced at the gloomy smiles of the other sect disciples, and a cold intent saying "Disciples from other sects are not good!"

Mu Yun smacked his lips and said, "I'm afraid everyone has already figured out that we should unite against us! And he did not hesitate to waste the foundation to suppress the cultivation base, which is really frustrating"

Because Xu Sheng is the first time To participate, Gu Linruo reminded in a low voice, "Junior Brother Xu, after entering Secret Realm, you will be randomly assigned to any position inside!"

Xu Sheng said with a slight smile "en! many thanks Senior Sister reminds"

She secretly said in her heart, "Since it is randomly assigned, maybe use the ring given by Ouyang Qin for positioning..."

However, I always feel that all this is like being assigned by Ouyang Qin Suo plotted against...

Not long after, the Sect Masters of the other sects walked up to Mu Qingge with sarcasm. "Mu Sect Master, long time no see! didn't expect you guys even chose to participate in the sect battle!"

The Sect Master of the Tianliu Sect on the other side also echoed, "Yeah! , if it's our sect, we'll be sorry again!"

"I really don't know if Mu Sect Master is confident? Or if he already knows the result, let's go through the process! Hahaha ha!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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