Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 824


Chapter 824 Seriously Injured (Subscribe)

On the other side, facing the Disciple of the two Nascent Soul Realm, don’t Qingyue and Mu Yun couldn't get the top score at all, and they were almost completely suppressed and beaten throughout the whole process!

Mu Yun, who was covered in wounds, gritted his teeth, took out a medicine pill from the Universe Bag, and ate it, before clenching the pitch black saber in his hand again, staring at him. Looking at the two Disciples of the Heavenly Glaze Sect in front of her...

Secretly said, "Damn!! The gap in strength is too big!" The Martial Skill has been completely seen through by the other party, and it will be interrupted every time it is used!

And can't hide her figure, which greatly reduces her battle strength!

She cautiously beautiful eyes looked towards Mu Yun on the side, worriedly said "Senior Brother Mu, what's wrong with you?!"

Mu Yun shook the head, took a deep breath and said "I'm fine, Junior Sister Mo, I'll stop them, run away!"

Mo Qingyue's eyes turned a little red, she clenched her cherry blossom umbrella tightly and said firmly, "No, Senior Brother Mu, how can I let you stay here alone!"

In the current situation, to let Mu Yun stay here alone, that is the dead end!

And the two Nascent Soul Realm Disciples of the Heavenly Mist Sect opposite heard their conversation and laughed unbridled...

One of the Disciple said with a sneer "Escape! Just rely on you from the Golden Core Realm?"

Another Disciple glanced at Mo Qingyue's lovable body with extremely obscene eyes, licked his lips and said, "As a way to kill us How could you escape from the punishment of your companions! That female disciple is our favorite object!"

Mu Yun's eyes filled with endless anger, coldly shouted "You courting death!"


After the words fell, they broke out at a very fast speed and slashed towards the two people in front...

Seeing Mu Yun attacking, Tianlizong Disciple's eyes were full of disdain, "Overestimate one's capabilities!"

After saying this, he went up to him without any fear. With a loud "peng" sound, the two sabres collided together...

terrifying The power of Mu Yun directly smashed Mu Yun's whole body upside down, and the opposite Tianlizong Disciple did not miss this opportunity, and directly displayed movement method martial skill and jumped above him...

Mu Yun was shocked and said, "Damn!"

At this moment, an umbrella with a cold glow in the rapid rotation slashed towards the head of this Nascent Soul Realm Disciple...

The latter's face became impatient, and he kicked the umbrella handle directly and kicked it out...

Then injected spiritual power into his right hand and smashed it at Mu Yun below. Go...

Unable to dodge, Mu Yun had to stretch out his arms to resist, however, the power of the opposite Nascent Soul Realm was simply not something he could resist...

The man pupils shrank, "pu" spit out a mouthful of blood, and the impact ruthless blasted him to the ground, smashing a deep human-shaped pit! Countless dust appeared...

After the dust dissipated, the breath of Mu Yun in the human-shaped pit had already wilted, and it seemed that he might lose his vitality at any time!

Mo Qingyue's eyes finally couldn't hold back a few tears of love, she hurriedly rushed over and lifted up Mu Yun's upper body, "Senior Brother Mu!"

Seeing Mu Yun who lost his combat capability, Tianliuzong Disciple said with a sneer "I can't help but fight, then now there is only this female disciple left. Let's enjoy it while no one else is around now!"

Mo Qingyue's beautiful eyes saw the two approaching, and she directly picked up Mu Yun's pitch black saber and put it on her delicate neck...

She even It's death, and I don't want to be defiled by these people!

However, the next sentence made her face ashes!

I saw the Disciple of the Tianli Sect surprisedly said "Oh? Are you planning to commit suicide? But even so, we won't let you go!"

Mo Qing Yue gritted her teeth and said angrily, "'re not as good as beasts!"

At this moment, three neat voices came from the other side, "Sister Mo, let's help you. It's over!"

It was the three Liu Yun who tried their best to recover from their injuries while they were fighting!

their three people clenched their sabres tightly and blocked in front of Mo Qingyue and Mu Yun, looking angrily at the two Tianliufeng Disciples in front of them...

Looking at the three silhouettes in front of him, Mo Qingyue was stunned for a while, came back to his senses and then anxiously said "Senior Brother Liu, the two Junior Brothers..., leave us alone, run away! Their cultivation The base has reached the Nascent Soul Realm!"

Mo Hen gritted his teeth and said "Impossible, Senior Sister! I will never run away!"

Xu Wei also coldly said "That's right! If Not us! Sister Mo, you and Brother Yun Mu will not be attacked either!"

Liu Yun took a deep breath and said to Mo Qingyue, "Junior Sister Mo, take advantage of the chaos for a while. Run away, if we use that trick, we should be able to hold them back for a short time!"

Mo Qingyue pursed her thin lips and said, "But..."

Using that If recruited, Liu Yun and the three of them are basically impossible to survive!

Liu Yun interrupted her words, "No but, Junior Sister Mo, you must escape!"

Seeing the death-threatening expressions on the faces of Liu Yun and the three of them Heart, Mo Qingyue, after careful consideration, carried Mu Yun on her back, turned around and started to flee...

One of the Tianli Sect Disciple cry out in surprise "Not good" who saw this scene, she wanted to run away !!"

Another Disciple of the Celestial Sect hurriedly said, "Quick chase"

However, the eyes of the three of Liu Yun froze, and they took a step forward, blocking their way. In front of you...

"Your opponent is us! Don't even think about passing from here"


I was seriously injured, and I had to carry Mu Yun's Mo Qingyue gasped for breath, "cough cough...cough cough..."

When she wanted to continue to run away, her lovable body trembled unconsciously, and finally became powerless. She fell to the ground and closed her beautiful eyes tiredly...

After a while...

There was a faint call in her ear...

"Sister Mo, Sister Mo?!"

Immediately, she opened her beautiful eyes with all her strength, and vaguely saw Xu Sheng and Gu Linruo... …

Looking at Xu Sheng, she extended the hand trembling and said, "Xu... Junior Brother Xu, Liu... Yun and the others... two Nascent Soul Realm..."

Xu Sheng heard these words, reached out and stroked Mo Qingyue's head, and said softly, "I understand! Sister Mo, go to sleep."

After Mo Qingyue got Xu Sheng's reply, She closed her beautiful eyes again and fell into a deep sleep...

Gu Linruo looked towards Xu Sheng, the grim said, "Junior Brother Xu, I will stay here to take care of Senior Brother Mu and Sister Mo, you can go in peace. Save Senior Brother Liu and the others"

Xu Shengor nods here, "en! Then please Senior Sister Gu here! The flame snake also stays here. Let's go inside..."

After all, there is no guarantee that other sects will find Mu Yun and the two! And Gu Linruo's strength may not be able to deal with it!

The flame snake who understood Xu Sheng's words straightened up and said "hiss~ ~hiss~ ~" with his core spit out

Immediately, Xu Sheng didn't stop, The direction that Mo Qingyue pointed to before moved towards began to quickly rush past...


(end of this chapter)

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