Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 830


Chapter 830 is coming (please subscribe)

Yao Yufeng Peak Master looks at the panicked Profound Heaven Sect below Disciple, sighed, "It seems that Disciples don't have any confidence!"

To fight with other sectors in this state, I'm afraid I can't even support one hour!

Ling Luoyan next to her pursed her soft thin lips and said, "I can't blame them. With the power of the Profound Heaven Sect, if you want to resist three sects, as long as you have a little brain, you know that this is impossible. This happened!"

A look of regret appeared on Luo Qingyang's face, "But now they have no choice! If they choose to flee instead of fighting, I'm afraid they will be caught by the Profound Heaven Sect in an instant. A large number of Disciples in ambush were strangled."

Yun Churan said in extremely cold words, "The most important thing is that even if there is a sect Formation, it can only resist for a while!"

This means when the sect Formation breaks, the Profound Heaven Sect will blood flowing into a river!

Even if they are Peak Master and Sect Master, it is hard to have a glimmer of survival!

And Mu Qingge, who was standing in the middle, stared at the Profound Heaven Sect Disciples that were constantly discussing below, and he opened the mouth and said "Everyone Profound Heaven Sect Disciples, You must understand that now we have no other way out!"

"Only by fighting with all our strength can we gain life in the coming catastrophe! Even if the entire sect is destroyed, We also want to bite off a piece of meat from each other!"

These passionate words resounded through the Profound Heaven Sect, and penetrated into the ears of every Disciple. The mood gradually eased...

Immediately afterwards, one of the Profound Heaven Sect Disciple raised his saber and shouted "I would like to live and die with the Profound Heaven Sect!!"

This sentence is like a fuse, directly igniting the passion in the hearts of all Disciples present!

"I want to live and die with the Profound Heaven Sect too!"

"Long live the Profound Heaven Sect!! Long live the Profound Heaven Sect!!"

"Kill the Disciple of other sects! Let them take a good look at the power of our Profound Heaven Sect!"

This wave of words directly pushed the atmosphere to the highest point!

Mu Yun, who was below, opened his mouth and sighed, "Master Mu Sect is really amazing! Just a few words made the fighting intent of Profound Heaven Sect Disciples rise..."

Yun Congze He gritted his teeth and said, "Even if the fighting intent of Disciples is strong, in the face of such a big gap in strength... eh"

I'm afraid that in the next battle, there will be no Profound Admiral Continent. Heaven Sect Disciple, and Profound Heaven Sect!

Xu Sheng's inky eyes looked towards Mo Qingyue who was beside him, "Sister Mo, do you think so too?"

Mo Qingyue nodded, "en! Although I don't want to admit it, the final outcome of the Profound Heaven Sect and all Disciples, I'm afraid it is death!"

At the same time as finishing speaking, the beautiful eyes looked extremely dim, as if they had lost all colors...

Xu Sheng just smiled indifferently and didn't say anything more...


After that, the entire Profound Heaven Sect was on extreme alert, responsible for The Disciple for guards and patrols has almost doubled!

And these situations are naturally discovered by Disciples of other sects lurking outside the Profound Heaven Sect!

Oceans Sect Disciple said with disdain, "This Profound Heaven Sect is really overestimate one's capabilities, and when it's about to die, it will make these meaningless things!"

Another Disciple of Lie Qiongzong is also nodded, and agrees, "Yes, anyway, they are all dead, it is better to obediently surrender, so that they can also give them a good time!"

The sky in the middle Liu Zong's Disciple had a strong desire in his eyes, and licked the corner of his mouth slyly and said, "But you said, if you can catch some female disciples in the Profound Heaven Sect, wouldn't that be..."

"Don't dream! Even if you catch it, the scruples will only be used as slaves for those Elder and Sect Master! Do you really think you can get it?"

"The Sect Master should be here soon! Wait when the time comes, you can see the desperate expressions of those Profound Heaven Sect Disciples! hahaha ha!"

"Yes yes, dare to shoot our Disciples in the sect battle, this is the consequence !"


After about five hours, the space in front of the Profound Heaven Sect began to tremble, and countless hurried footsteps continued to sound...


I saw the Disciple at the top of the gate of the Profound Heaven Sect, those eyes were clearly watching the densely packed silhouette attacking in front, and turned pale in fright and said, "Enemy attack! Hurry up and inform the Sect Master and all Peak Masters. !!"

In an instant, the patrols and guards of the Profound Heaven Sect Disciples stood neatly behind the gate, clenching their swords, filled with solemn killing aura...


And the Tianliu Sect, the Earth Oceans Sect, and the Disciples of the Lie Qiongzong who came in front of them all stopped not far from the Profound Heaven Sect, and countless pairs of bad eyes stared at Nuoda in front of them. The Profound Heaven Sect!

Immediately afterwards, the Sect Masters of the Three Great Sects all came out of the carriage, and walked to the front with neither fast nor slow behind their backs...

I saw the Sect Master of Tianliuzong His eyes looked at the Disciples of Profound Heaven Sect, and said with a sneer "hehe, in the face of the joint attack of our Three Great Sects, there is such a strong fighting intent, it is indeed rare!"

The Oceans Sect Sect Master next to him disdainfully said "Tsk, it's just Final Struggle!"

Thinking of what happened in the sect battle, he couldn't wait to order an attack!

The Sect Master of Lie Qiongzong did not speak, and stared at the situation in front of him coldly...

The footsteps of "pēng pēng pēng ~~" sounded...


All the Disciples in the Profound Heaven Sect also moved towards this place. At the same time, above the gate of the Profound Heaven Sect, the silhouette of Six Paths dressed in white robes and walking with swords slowly fell...

It is Mu Qingge and the other five main peak Peak Masters...

Tianli Sect Sect Master coldly said "Mu Sect Master, you are here, but Let's wait for a while!"

Mu Qingge heard the words, face doesn't change and said, "That's really I neglected, I don't know that three Sect Masters led so many Disciples to come to my Profound Heaven Sect, what's the matter?"

The Oceans Sect Sect Master angrily shouted "Mu Sect Master, don't you know what to ask? You really think we don't know what happened in the sect battle. Is it?"

The Sect Master of Lieqiongzong echoed, "We are here to seek justice for the dead Disciples! If Profound Heaven Sect can't give a statement, then don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Of course, this is just an excuse to attack the Profound Heaven Sect!

Otherwise, if it spreads out, it will only damage the reputation of their Three Great Sects!

However, if the sect battle is used as an excuse, the Profound Heaven Sect can only be used.

Mu Qingge's face was covered with frost all of a sudden, coldly said "The three Sects The Master gave me a high hat as soon as he came, is it something wrong?"

The Tianliu Sect Sect Master interrupted him directly, taunted "Is it wrong? Mu Sect Master, we can come here. I'm not arguing with you, if we don't give us a satisfactory answer, today's battle will be inevitable!"

Mu Qingge clenched her palms tightly and said with a slight smile "Then I don't know the three Sect Masters, what answer do you want me to give to be satisfied?"

The Sect Master of Tianliu Sect raised a weird smile, mixed his words with spiritual power, loudly shouted "Profound Heaven Give the Sect to us Three Great Sects, and kill the four Disciples participating in the sect battle!"

"In this case, we can choose not to pursue it!"


(end of this chapter)

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