Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 836


Chapter 836 Threat (please subscribe)

The weak Mu Qingge endured exhaustion, opened the mouth and said "That's like... like...?"

Before he could finish speaking, Tianli Sect Sect Master face turned cold, kicked him in the chest again, Mu Qingge spit a again Mouthful of blood, the whole person shot straight out like a cannonball, hitting the stone wall not far away, forcibly creating a human-shaped pit...

See you at Oceans Sect Sect Master Like this, he folded his arms and sighed, "tsk tsk tsk, it's really miserable, after all, he was a well-deserved Profound Heaven Sect Heaven's Chosen, but now he has fallen to this point!"

Sect Master said with a sneer "Heaven's Chosen? Only his innate talent is worthy? I see! This so-called Top Rank sect Profound Heaven Sect simply doesn't exist, it's just that these people believe oneself infallible!"

Those Disciples in the Top Rank sect are at least several times younger than Mu Qingge when they reach the Divine Transformation Realm. If the latter is considered Heaven's Chosen, the former is the son of Heaven and Earth, right?

The Earth Oceans Sect Sect Master Sect turned away and looked to the other side, "You must be right! I think the Profound Heavenciple should have been strangled... eh??"

He seemed to have seen something unbelievable, rubbed his eyes sharply, and said in a somewhat bewildered tone, "Our Disciple of Three Great Sects... turned out to be completely destroyed?"

In front of him, almost all the Disciples of their Three Great Sects fell, and the only ones who survived were the Profound Heaven Sect! !

Hearing this voice, Sect Master of Lie Qiongzong cry out in surprise "What did you say??"

But when he saw the situation on the scene with his own eyes, the whole person couldn't help being sucked in a cold breath...

Here are the elites of their Three Great Sects! There are ten-twenty thousand Disciples! !

It was actually given to the little Profound Heaven Sect...the whole army was wiped out! !

Lie Qiongzong Sect Master staggered back a step or two, and said "Impossible! How could this happen, how could the Profound Heaven Sect wipe out the Disciple of our Three Great Sects!"


Even if this duel is won, what if the losses of their Three Great Sects are completely general without an army!

The Oceans Sect Sect Master, on the other hand, dyed his eyes with a strong murderous intention, stared at Xu Sheng who was in the Profound Heaven Sect Disciple, narrowed his eyes and said, "That's that one. The guy did it!!!"


Yun Cong wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, after a few breaths, he moved towards Xu Sheng next to him with a complicated face and said, " Junior Brother Xu, didn't expect you to reach the legendary Void Refinement Stage..."

This terrifying cultivation base far exceeds anyone here, and he should have found out sooner Yes, when Junior Brother Xu said that the Profound Heaven Sect was going to be attacked by the Three Great Sects, there was no trace of fear on his face!

Mu Yun sighed, "Yeah! To be able to kill hundreds of Disciples with a single sword energy is simply too terrifying! Originally thought that Junior Brother Xu, you are Nascent Soul Realm is the limit, now It seems that I still underestimate you!"

Mo Qingyue extended the hand and grabbed Xu Sheng's arm fiercely, complaining "Junior Brother Xu, you didn't tell us in advance! "

Xu Sheng smiled indifferently, "Isn't this a chance?"

Gu Linruo, who was beside him, showed a gentle smile, in those amber beautiful eyes The strange color is even more!

As expected of the man that Gu Linruo liked! This innate talent is Heaven's Chosen Child even in the Top Rank sect!

Immediately, Xu Sheng, who had exhausted his spiritual power, gradually shattered into particles and dissipated...

Everyone fell into this strange scene for a long time. Silence...

After a while, these Profound Heaven Sect Disciples began to cry out in surprise "Damn it! It's just a doppelganger???"

"So terrifying? The doppelganger is so powerful! How strong is Junior Brother Xu's true strength??"

"Mother, I don't want to cultivate! This Junior Brother Xu is so shocking!"

“Long live Junior Brother Xu!! Junior Brother Xu mighty!!”

“Long live Junior Brother Xu!! Junior Brother Xu mighty!!”


Xu Sheng, who felt the disappearance of the doppelganger, secretly asked, "Has the Disciple of the Three Great Sects been completely resolved?"

After saying this, his cold eyes looked down on his knees on the ground. The last Nascent Soul Realm Elder...

The latter's face was full of fear and said "Please, let me go..."

They at first thought they could Procrastinating for time will make the Profound Heaven Sect Disciple using the foreign object increasing cultivation base in front of me fall into weakness...

But this is not the case at all! The cultivation base of the Profound Heaven Sect Disciple in front of you is the real Void Refinement Stage, not obtained by using a foreign object!

But no matter how much he regrets it, it's useless...

In the next moment, the only answer to him is a sharp cold glow...

passed by After his neck, he lost all vitality and fell on the cold ground...

At this time, the main peak Peak Masters who had recovered a little spiritual power suddenly opened their eyes, cross-legged on the ground. , want to help Xu Sheng as soon as possible...

But when their sights clearly saw the dozens Nascent Soul Realm Elder of other sectors lying on the ground, they couldn't help sucked in a breath of cold air...


This Xu Sheng actually killed the dozens Nascent Soul Realm Elder with the strength of oneself!

And looking at the former, it is completely relaxed...

This makes their look of shock even more!

Suddenly, Yao Yufeng Peak Master cry out in surprise "That's right! Senior Brother! How is he!" Came back to his senses, all eagerly looked towards the other side, as if, clearly saw the three Tianli Sect Sect Masters who were constantly rubbing Mu Qingge!

has always been calm and downcast. Seeing this extremely insulting scene, he clenched his hands tightly and said angrily, "Damn!! How dare you treat Master Mu Sect like this!"


Mu Huan forced himself to calm down, and grim said, "Brother Luo, don't get excited, Brother Brother, although his breath is very weak, but it has not stopped!"

Ling Luoyan is also nodded, soothing Said, "If it irritates them, I'm afraid it will kill Brother Senior!"

Seeing that Mu Qingge was not killed, Xu Sheng's eyes flickered a few times, obviously a little surprised...


It stands to reason that the other party should quickly end the life of the former...

But now although he is constantly kneading, he always saves his life, unless...

The opposite Tianli Sect Sect Master and the others also seemed to have noticed that Xu Sheng and the others were observing them, only to see that the Tianli Sect Sect Master grabbed Mu Qingge by the neck, dragged it to the ground, and was with the beside him. The other two Sect Masters walked slowly!

After stopping, the Oceans Sect Sect Master coldly said "didn't expect that with your Profound Heaven Sect's battle strength, the elite of our Three Great Sects will be wiped out! "

The Sect Master of Lieqiongzong next to him pointed at Xu Sheng angrily, "And, is it all the means of this little beast?"

Xu Sheng smelled Yan, the black eyes became a little cold, but she didn't act immediately...

Ling Luoyan narrowed her eyes and said, "What do you guys think?"

Sect Master of Tianli Sect His eyes showed a cold look, and he said in a threatening tone, "How is it? This Mu Qingge's life is in my hands, what do you think, what should I do?"

With this Mu Qingge With Qingge in hand, you have to play next!


(end of this chapter)

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