Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 857


Chapter 857 Heavenly Rank martial skill (please subscribe)

Shangguanlin’s face became gloomy, and Brace Oneself asked. "Meili Elder! You... how come you are back!"

Didn't she leave with Xu Sheng, why is the former alone?

And looking at it like this, I'm afraid I came to find myself on purpose!

Thinking of this, I can't help but be vigilant again...

Mei Li's beautiful eyes seem to see through Shangguan Lin's thoughts, showing a charming said with a slight smile "Why? Are you worried about my Disciple?"

Shangguanlin's pupils condensed and her throat swallowed, "Meili Elder, what do you mean by Disciple?"

Mei Li pretended to cry out in surprise "Oh, I forgot to tell you, that Xu Sheng just now, right? He has promised to be my Disciple"

As expected, that Xu Sheng and This woman's relationship is not ordinary, as long as she is controlled...

Let that Xu Sheng have any means, there is no way to escape his palm, after all, she is a person who never likes to do Grasp things!

Shangguan Lin pursed her thin lips, and hesitantly said, " that so? Then...congratulations to Meili Elder, but why did you come to me?"

Mei Li's cheeks gradually showed a gentle look, "In addition to telling you about this, I am also very interested in you, maybe our cultural skills are similar."

After speaking, he walked to Shangguanlin's body, stretched out a finger and gently touched the corner of the latter's lips...

Then, he moved to his own mouth and licked it. ...

Faced with this bold move, Shangguan Lin subconsciously took a few steps back and euphemistically vetoed, "Charming Elder, I don't want to be a teacher for the time being"

This charming Compared to Niuben and the others, it is much more terrifying!

Mei Li indifferently said "This is not an apprenticeship, I just want to invite you to stay in my room for a while, and by the way, give me some pointers on your cultivation problems. The harassment of Lingzong Disciple?"

If the previous words were polite, then the current words are completely blatant threats!

Shangguanlin's lovable body was shocked and she chose silence...


On the other side, in the Martial Skill Pavilion...

Xu Sheng sensed that there were no other people's spiritual power fluctuations around him, and then walked forward...

Looking at the martial skills hiding the sky and covering the earth, he casually Picked up a copy, patted the dust on it, glanced at it and threw it aside...

"Mysterious Grade middle grade martial skill, bone killing!"

Like this A low-level martial skill has no effect on him, at least

So, he began to look for it again...

“Mysterious Grade high grade, Tian disabled. Legs!"


"Earth Middle Grade!"


"Earth Low Grade, go crazy!"

"I don't need this stuff for now, kill one thousand enemies and self-destruct eight hundred series"

After searching carefully for a while, , Xu Sheng stopped, most of the martial skills he has selected are Earth Grade martial skills!

But I have never seen a Heavenly Rank!

He was extremely unwilling, and after scanning the surroundings quickly, his entire attention was suddenly attracted by the ripples of spiritual power exuding in front of him!

His brows frowned, "This is?"

After putting down these Earth Grade martial skills in his hands, he slowly moved towards the deepest part of the front, the more he went The more you walk in front of you, the more you can feel the fluctuation of spiritual power...

After a while, Xu Sheng stopped and looked at the scene in front of him...

I saw that it wasn't him. I want to stop voluntarily, but in front of this, there is a barrier constructed by a huge spiritual power, which completely wraps the inside and isolates the connection with the outside world...

Through the gap in the barrier Looking at it, I can barely see that the martial skill is also stored inside!

The corners of Xu Sheng's mouth raised an arc, and indifferently said, "It turns out that the most precious martial skill is stored here."

The strength of the barrier in front of him is enough to resist Integration Realm's attack, and the entire Evil Spirit Sect has no Disciple of Integration Realm!

Needless to say, its function is obviously to avoid other Evil Spirit Sect Disciple cultivation Heavenly Rank martial skill, thus affecting the complete domination of Evil Spirit Sect Elders over sect!

However, unfortunately, what they encountered was not an ordinary Evil Spirit Sect Disciple!

Xu Sheng coldly shouted "Fourth Layer seal, open!"

After the words fell, the spiritual power in his body began to gather, followed by a burst of terrifying The throbbing of the space erupted, directly filling the entire Martial Skill Pavilion with terrifying coercion! !

And his cultivation base is skyrocketing at a speed visible to naked eyes...

Void Refinement Stage!

Void Refinement Stage Three!

Void Refinement Stage 7th Layer!


Integration Realm Sixth Floor!

Integration Realm Eighth Floor!

Integration Realm Nine floors!

Finally, another terrifying shock wave erupted, directly breaking through the Integration Realm and reaching the Great Ascension Realm, which can destroy the world with a flip! !

However, Xu Sheng's brows could not help but wrinkle, "Great Ascension Realm floor? I'm afraid it is much weaker than the Sect Master of the Evil Spirit Sect!"

His original plan was to destroy the entire Evil Spirit Sect after cultivating these Heavenly Rank martial skills. Now it seems that this goal cannot be achieved in the short term!

After all, I don't know the depth of this Evil Spirit Sect Sect Master, and the fifth seal in the body has not been unsealed, so rashly shooting is courting death!

shook the head and forgot about these thoughts, his inky eyes looked towards the barrier exuding huge spiritual power fluctuations in front of him...

Immediately, he gently stretched out. He put out a hand and gathered enough spiritual power into it, and slammed his middle finger at the barrier...

After the middle finger touched the barrier, there was a loud "peng!" , if this barrier was hit hard, it cracked open at a speed visible to naked eyes, and continued to spread all around...

In just a few seconds, it was disappeared, and Xu Sheng didn't face it. 't change's walking into it...

When you step into it, you feel completely new!

He quickly picked up the nearest martial skill and glanced at the words on it...

It was...

Heavenly Rank low grade martial skill! Shadow hide!

And outside the Martial Skill Pavilion!

The two Evil Spirit Sect Disciples who heard the loud noise looked at each other, and one of the Disciples whispered, "What do you think that guy is doing? Make such a loud noise, what should I do? Wouldn't it be a cultivation deviation?"

The martial skill of the cultivation demonic cultivator, and the Disciples that lead to the cultivation deviation are no longer rare!

next to another Disciple heard the words, and nodded agreed and said, "It's possible! Maybe it's greedy, and cultivated a lot of martial skills at one time!"

"Then we Would you like to go in and take a look? If this kid kills himself with cultivation martial skill, will Elder Charming trouble us?"

"What about him! We just need to be responsible for guarding it. Okay! And didn't the Elder Charming tell him not to disturb him?"

"It seems like that is the case, then let him ask for more blessings!"

… …

(end of this chapter)

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