Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 875


Chapter 875 Assassination (Subscribe)

After several hours of choked crying, inside the room It was quiet...

Xu Sheng's dark eyes suddenly opened, he slowly opened the door and walked in...

Looking at Shangguan Lin curled up in the corner, he I couldn't help but pursed my thin lips...

I couldn't be softer, this would only hurt the former!

Shangguan Lin raised her head, her beautiful bloodshot eyes stared at Xu Sheng, taunted "What are you doing here? Do you want to break my heart again?"

In the words, you can hear the grief and despair contained in it...

Xu Sheng stepped in front of her, reached out and stroked the latter's head gently...

When Shangguan Lin saw this, she pushed it away, and then shouted in a very hoarse voice "Don't touch me with your hand!"

Xu Sheng, who was pushed away, said softly without any irritation. "Shangguan, in fact, I know very well your feelings for me..."

The lovable body of Shangguan Lin, who was curled up on the ground, was shocked, and she stared at "then why are you..."

Xu Sheng sighed, "Because you want to be with me, it's impossible, I won't stay in any place for too long..."

I have failed in this world A Gu Linruo, he doesn't want to let other women down...

Shangguanlin's tone gradually became hot, and she asked, "Just like this, I can leave with you! Why did you reject me... …”

Xu Sheng shook the head without further explanation…

indifferently said “It’s getting late, hurry up and go to bed, tomorrow I will send you out of the Evil Spirit Sect !"

Looking at Xu Sheng who didn't intend to explain any further, Shangguan Lin bit her tender thin lips unwillingly...

Helpless, she closed her mouth as if resigned. With beautiful eyes, the room fell into a long-lost peace...

One night, speechless...


The next day, it was just dawn, when When the first rays of sunlight entered the room...

Xu Sheng and Shangguan Lin opened their eyes almost at the same time...

The former's dark eyes turned towards Shangguan Lin on the other side whispered, "Shangguan, are you awake?"

It would be safer to be able to send her away from the Evil Spirit Sect earlier!

After all, the Evil Spirit Sect Elder and Sect Master are not good guys, and it is not impossible to send someone to do it secretly!

Shangguan Lin blinked her beautiful eyes that had completely lost her spirit, and said in a very flat tone, "en! I'm awake"

Xu Sheng got up slowly, said without thinking "Then I'll send you out of the Evil Spirit Sect right now"

Shangguan Lin glanced at him coldly and refused, "No need, you and I are not related, besides, I have legs myself. , I can go by myself!"

She doesn't want to have anything to do with this man anymore, even if she was robbed and killed after she created the Evil Spirit Sect, she didn't want him to save her...

Xu Sheng replied as gently as possible "Shangguan, don't act like this little child..."

Before he finished speaking, Shangguan Lin coldly shouted "I don't want to hear your voice, Yes, don't follow me anymore!"

After saying this, he ignored Xu Sheng, pushed the room away and left indifferently...

Xu Sheng shook the head, naturally hiding She lost her breath and quietly followed the former...


When Shangguan Lin walked to the gate of the Evil Spirit Sect, she suddenly stopped and turned slowly. After passing the body, beautiful eyes looked at the bloody scene ahead, as if looking for a silhouette...

However, found nothing!

secretly said with a bitter smile "Are you really not coming to see me? That's all... that's fine!" The Elder and the digital Disciple opened the door...

Shangguanlin indifferently said "Thank you Elder"

After saying that, she walked out without any nostalgia and disappeared into the crowd In front of her eyes...

And watching her silhouette leave the Evil Spirit Sect Elder, those cold eyes showed a strange color...

Secretly thought, "Xu Elder Why didn't you send her away? This is a good opportunity!"

If Xu Sheng was there, it might have taken some trouble, but now that he's gone, there's nothing to worry about...

Thinking of this, I decisively gave a wink to several Evil Spirit Sect Disciples next to me...

These Disciples understood each other and walked into the forest on the other side to stealth away...

The Evil Spirit Sect Elder reluctantly shook the head and said with emotion, "Xu Elder, it's not my fault, it's an order from the Sect Master, eh!"

He didn't intend to. It is hands-on, but it is not easy to disobey the orders of the Sect Master of the Evil Spirit Sect!

As everyone knows, everything that happened here was exposed to Xu Sheng's eyes...

Hiding in the dark, his tone gradually became cold, "It really isn't that much. Be safe..."


Shangguan Lin, who had already walked a short distance in the forest, suddenly felt the rushing steps behind her, and several strong streaks. killing intent...

Her eyes suddenly turned cold, "Who?"

But she had already guessed the identity of the person in her heart...

Under cover, all the Disciples of the Evil Spirit Sect walked out with bad expressions, staring at Shangguan Lin in front of them!

They coldly said "Since it has been discovered! Then we don't need to hide!"

"We are here to kill you, so there is no need to say more?"

"But you look pretty good, but it can make you and us happy when you die"

"Do you want to die? This woman cultivates the yang and replenishes the yin. martial skill, it can squeeze you into a man in minutes!"

"It's okay, it's the same after killing her and tasting it!"

Hearing these people Undisguised evil words, Shangguanlin's beautiful eyes flashed with strong killing intent, coldly shouted "It depends on whether you have this ability!"

It seems that she has no chance to get out of here today. !

The Evil Spirit Sect Disciples on the opposite side licked their thin lips and said, "tsk tsk tsk, we are the Void Refinement Stage! Leave you alone

"Go! Stop talking nonsense! I can't wait to taste this woman! "

After the words fell, these Evil Spirit Sect Disciples burst out with terrifying speed and rushed towards Shangguan Lin!

Seeing them attacking, Shangguan Lin secretly said "Earth Grade martial skill, charm! ”

In an instant, her eyes exuded a strange halo, and they looked at each other...

This kind of unexpected evil spirits Disciples, the eyes are full of It was a faint rays of light, but in a blink of an eye, it returned to normal, and continued to dive towards Shangguanlin...

He said with disdain "such insignificant ability! Don't look at your own cultivation base either! ”

“Earth High Grade martial skill, the scorching sun and the sun! ”

“Earth Low Grade martial skill , split muscles and bones! ”

“Earth High Grade martial skill, the claws! ”

The terrifying power continued to radiate from them, and in the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of Shangguanlin...

Intensive attacks headed towards its strikes, once it was hit , I'm afraid that even the body will be smashed into minced meat!!

Under the crisis, Shangguan Lin hurriedly said, "Black fog! ”

The whole person quietly turned into a black mist, avoiding these terrifying attacks...

For a while, she fell into a passive...


(End of this chapter)

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