Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 892


Chapter 892 Abandoned Peak Falls (Subscribe)

After doing this, Xu Sheng The current task is to search the entire Profound Heaven Sect and try to sense the place with the atmosphere of the cultivation world...

The first target is naturally the Book Collection Pavilion, which has accumulated a lot of martial skills!

When he came out of the Book Collection Pavilion, several Disciples in charge of the Book Collection Pavilion Guardian recognized him at a glance...

There was joy on their cheeks Then he quietly buried his head and said, "Junior Brother Xu!"

Although the other party is Junior Brother, it does not affect their awe...

This is The cultivation base is higher than the powerhouse of the Sect Master who has reached the Divine Transformation Realm! !

No matter what the world is, it can't leave the words "strength is respected"!

Xu Sheng just gave a soft "um" to express his response...

And one of the guards' Disciple asked with a puzzled face, "Junior Brother Xu, reached the Your cultivation base, the Martial Skill of the Profound Heaven Sect, shouldn't have any effect?"

Several other Disciples also echoed, "Yeah, Junior Brother Xu, the Martial Skill of the Book Collection Pavilion. It may disappoint you!"

"Hmmmm! Although there are some Earth Grade martial skills, they are too rare!"

Faced with the reminders of these guards Disciple , Xu Sheng couldn't say anything, lightly said with a smile "It's okay, I just walk around"

Seeing what he said, the guards of Disciple stopped talking, and they all moved out of the way. , in a very respectful tone, "In that case, please, Junior Brother Xu, don't worry about someone entering and disturbing"

Xu Sheng was also rude, nodded and stepped over them, pushed open the door and walked in In the Book Collection Pavilion...

In an instant, a bunch of quiet light shone into the Book Collection Pavilion...

The first thing that catches the eye is the simple texture of the room The walls are not turbid and dirty. Obviously, Disciple often cleans them...

Apart from this, there are several bookcases with a size of two meters. On it, the martial skill is neatly placed!

However, if you scan it, you will find that most of them are just Mysterious Grade and Yellow Grade martial skills, and Earth Grade has only a few dozen copies!

Xu Sheng's dark eyes ignored these martial skills, moved towards the depths and walked in...

Immediately, his spiritual power fluctuations began to sense...

After more than ten seconds, I didn't find anything unique...

It was just a very ordinary Book Collection Pavilion...

His brows frowned slightly. Getting up, he secretly said, "Isn't it here?"

Immediately, in order not to waste time, he decided to leave...

And after that, he carefully placed the Profound Heaven Sect I have observed all the places in , and even the major main peaks have not been missed. I hope to find out a few clues!

However, the result is still nothing!

Every place is as ordinary as the Book Collection Pavilion...

Wearing a white robe, Xu Sheng hovering in the clouds, looking down at Profound below Heaven Sect...

After a long while, he couldn't help frowned, and secretly said, "Is it simply wrong that the Evil Spirit Sect Elder said?"

If it wasn't for this reason...

That can only show that what Mu Qingge said is false, Profound Heaven Sect simply is not the so-called Celestial Grotto...

Not to mention finding the atmosphere of the cultivation world, it is completely Looking for a needle in a haystack...

At this time, Shangguan Lin, who sensed the fluctuation of his spiritual power, stepped on the saber and swooped forward. Those beautiful eyes saw the former's slightly gloomy cheek at a glance, He asked as softly as possible, "Xu Sheng, what's wrong with you? Still haven't found it?"

Xu Sheng pursed his thin lips, glanced at Shangguan Lin and said, "en! Put Profound Heaven Sect everywhere. I've searched them all, but I can't sense the atmosphere of the cultivation world at all..."

Shangguanlin didn't know what to comfort Xu Sheng, so she gently put her arms around his arm, opened the mouth and said "Maybe It's the Evil Spirit Sect Elder who said everything is false, why don't you..."

She didn't want Xu Sheng to leave her, so when she heard that the latter hadn't been found, there was no reason in her heart. Excited mood...

Who knows that the words haven't fallen yet, Xu Sheng will look at the head, "If it doesn't exist in the Profound Heaven Sect, I will go to other sects to look for it until I find it!"

After getting Xu Sheng's answer, Shangguan Lin knew that she could not change his obsession...

She couldn't help but sighed, those beautiful eyes silently looking down at the Profound Heaven Sect below...

But a few minutes later, her pupils suddenly lit up, as if thinking of something...

cry out in surprise "Wait...Xu Sheng, maybe there is a place for you. never been”

Xu Sheng, who was a little dazed on the other side, heard the words, looked sideways towards Shangguan Lin, and said suspiciously, "Shangguan, what did you mean just now..."

Shangguan Lin said with a serious face "It's those abandoned peaks, since they are abandoned, they should have been used or have a long history! You said it is possible..."

This is just her guess...

Xu Sheng fell into deep thought after hearing this...

A familiar phrase came to mind...

"Profound Heaven Sect used to be a Top Rank sect..."

Yes, why didn't expect!


These distant and abandoned peaks are indeed the most likely places to contain the atmosphere of the culture world!

He actually forgot such an obvious thing!

Thinking of this, Xu Sheng turned his head to Shangguanlin and said with a slight smile "Shangguan, many thanks, you go back to Tianlan Peak first, I'll be there in a while"

Shangguan Lin, who spoke, immediately showed an appearance that she had already seen through Xu Sheng's thoughts, and pouted, "I don't! If you do find it, you will definitely leave without a word, so I will follow you! "

Xu Sheng said with a smile "didn't expect, you are actually getting smarter!" "

He really thinks so, if there is a real atmosphere of cultivation world, he will leave decisively!

Shangguan Lin snorted and retorted, "I originally That's smart, right? If it weren't for you... forget it, I'd be too lazy to talk about it."

Halfway through, he seemed to think of the scene where he was heartbroken by Xu Sheng...

Xu Sheng indifferently smiled , "Then let's go and have a look! "

After saying this, she reached out and grabbed Shangguan Lin's wrist...

After the latter was pulled by her wrist, her cheeks flushed very sensitively, said while playfully. pouting "Xu Sheng, slow down... slow down! "


When the two of them landed steadily on one of the deserted peaks...

Xu Sheng's inky eyes quickly swept away Glancing at the withered environment around him, he said indifferently, "Is this the deserted Fengluo? There is indeed a different feeling! "

Shangguan Lin, whose cheeks became extremely hot, bit her thin lip and whispered, "Xu Sheng...all...all tell you to slow down!" ”

She cultivated the martial skill of harvesting yang and nourishing yin...

No, it was done like this.

However, Xu Sheng was like a As if I didn't hear her words, I stretched out my hand and waved at the dry tree in front of me...

The huge spiritual power that came out of it shattered and cut it down...

Without the cover of trees, he could clearly see the faint particles overflowing in front of him...

He said, "I found it! ”


(End of this chapter)

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