Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 927


Chapter 927 Farewell (please subscribe)

Within a few days, the White House feathers were as tight as glue. Following Xu Sheng's footsteps, as long as there is Xu Sheng, she can always be found by her side...

At this moment, Bai Baiyu had already taken off his white robes and changed into a long light blue dress. She perfectly outlines her exquisite lovable body. At first glance, she has several points of Immortal Qi...

However, her beautiful eyes are full of resentment, staring at Xu Sheng whispered "Xu Sheng, didn't you agree to teach me cultivation martial skill?"

Xu Sheng, who heard this, covered his mouth and coughed, "Yu'er, the martial skill you asked about last time. It's just this, then that, and that's it at the end!"

He wanted to teach Bai Baiyu cultivation, but can Bai Baiyu's cultivation be called cultivation?

Not necessarily?

I thought it was the martial skill of the cultivation White House Yu, but it turned out to be the cultivation's own temperament!

If one can't control it, maybe it will really eat Baigongyu...

Baigongyu pouted, said with displeasure "Xu Sheng! How dare you Are you being perfunctory? How can I possibly learn like this?

Immediately, her beautiful eyes flickered a few times, and she suggested, "Why don't we go into the room first! It's quieter there, and it must be much easier for me to cultivate! "

Xu Sheng's inky eyes squinted at her, and refused, " are too smart, I can't teach you!" "

He was afraid of Bai Baiyu, the latter's personality changed so much that he was completely different!

I don't know how it happened within a few days. Crooked...

In the eyes of Disciples of the White House family, their actions are more like flirting between lovers!

Especially that rumor made They believed it even more!

One of the Disciples smacked his lips and exclaimed, "tsk tsk tsk! didn't expect Xu Sheng and Junior Sister Yu started flirting just after they confirmed their relationship. I'm envious! ”

If he could have such a beautiful partner as Junior Sister Yu, he would like to be locked in the room every day!

After all, as the saying goes well, there is a beautiful wife at home , Goji berries are difficult to cure!

Another Disciple complained, "Why do you envy you, Junior Sister Yu is what you can think of? Wait... When did Junior Sister Yu get involved with Xu Sheng? ? I do not know how! ! "

"Just a few days ago, I heard that the patriarch and the Elders saw with their own eyes Junior Sister Yu lay down in Xu Sheng's arms and slept so peacefully and sweetly that it was said that they couldn't bear to leave." ! "

"That's right, I've heard it too. It seems that Junior Sister Yu also promises not to marry Xu Sheng in this life. It seems to be very emotional."

"That's it." Is it the situation? What I heard is that Junior Sister Yu and Xu Sheng are about to officially become partners, and leave Tianfeng City to go to a wider continent..." His face suddenly darkened, moved towards them and scolded them angrily, "Shut up! What are you talking about! ! "

Being yelled at, did not bluff these Disciples, but said solemnly, "Look, what am I saying, Junior Sister Yu is definitely very affectionate, and even the whole person's temper has changed. Oh, Junior Sister Yu sacrificed too much! "

"My Junior Sister Yu, my Goddess, that's all... I can only bless them!" "

"Come on, let's go, staying here will affect the relationship between Junior Sister Yu and Xu Sheng!" "

"Hmmmm! let's go! "

After the words fell, these Disciples left in a hurry...

Only Bai Baiyu looked angrily at the back of their leaving, and whispered, "Damn! These guys know nonsense! What promises for a lifetime, what goes around the world..."

When did she say these messy things, although she did have a good impression of Xu Sheng, but it was not so exaggerated!

After all, only After only a few days of contact, how can it be achieved?

Looking at her absent-minded appearance, Xu Sheng pursed his thin lips, and after thinking about it, he softly opened the mouth and said "Yu'er, I Going tomorrow! "

Bai Baiyu's face suddenly froze, and some Muna said, "Huh? This... so soon..."

In her mind, the time spent with Xu Sheng was like yesterday...

Xu Sheng shook the head, With a very complicated tone, he said, "It's getting late, I've been in the Bai Gong Family for three days..."

Baigong Yu shook the head, trying to make himself look as natural as possible, lightly said with a smile "Xu Sheng, let's not talk about this, please accompany me to visit Tianfeng City, we still have a lot of shops that we haven't been to! "

Xu Sheng took a deep breath, "Okay, let's go for a walk today..."

White House Yu said in a slightly hasty tone, "Then let's go quickly, if it's late It's closed! "

After saying this, he grabbed Xu Sheng's palm and started to trot...

Xu Sheng didn't break free, so hurriedly followed her and trot...

Perhaps this will make up for the regrets in her heart...


Bai Baiyu picked up a bowl of hot sauce with a faint fragrance. The wine, approached Xu Sheng's mouth and said, "Xu Sheng, please try this, it's a special feature of our Tianfeng City! "

Xu Sheng took a sip, his inky eyes flickered a few times, "Not bad!" "

"Let me just say it, I am familiar with the shops in Tianfeng City!" "


Putting on a delicate dress, Bai Baiyu, beautiful eyes moved towards Xu Sheng in front, blinked, and waved, "Xu Sheng, look here, this piece Are the clothes nice? ”

Xu Sheng carefully looked at the new white feather in front of his eyes, pursed his thin lips slightly, and said seriously, "It's very beautiful, and it suits you very well, with a little more temperament of a pretty daughter in a humble family... "

White House Feather akimbo proudly said, "That's right, I look good in anything I wear!" "

Xu Sheng shook his head helplessly and said, "Yes, yes, a few compliments on you are going to float to the sky!" "


"Xu Sheng, come here, here!" ! "

"Xu Sheng, hurry up, the door will be closed soon!" "

"Hurry up, there seems to be a shop selling robes over there, you can't keep wearing this monotonous all the time, right?" "

"Xu Sheng..."

"Xu Sheng..."

These crisp and pleasant shouts fill Xu Sheng's mind almost all the time ………

As night came, the faint moonlight shone through the dark clouds, casting layers of silver light into the mortal world, making Xu Sheng and Bai Baiyu’s bodies glowing. There were a few rays of light...

Xu Sheng raised an arc at the corner of his mouth, indifferently said "Yu'er, how are you, are you satisfied with your shopping today? ! "

White House Yu's delicate cheeks exuded a strong sense of satisfaction, and after nodding, she hooked the head and whispered, "Not satisfied, not satisfied at all!" If only I could visit for a lifetime! "

Xu Sheng echoed, "Yeah, it would be nice if I could spend a lifetime..."

Bai Baiyu lightly said with a smile "How is it, Xu Sheng, get along After so many days, still don't like me? "

Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows, "Then you have to wait!" It's barely a good impression..."

Bai Baiyu's tone immediately changed, and he said very seriously, "Hey...Xu Sheng, will you come back after you leave? "

Xu Sheng's head looked up towards the bright moon above, said with a slight smile "No! will never be back! "

There were tears in the corners of Baigongyu's eyes, and he choked up, "Really...don't wake me up tomorrow, I'm afraid I...will not let you leave..."

After saying this, he tightly embraced Xu Sheng in his arms...

"Well, have a good night's sleep, after waking up, you will forget everything..."

(end of this chapter)

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