Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 937


Chapter 937 skipping grades to battle! (Please subscribe)

The Disciple opposite heard the words, as if watching a joke, "This is stupid! The gap between Profound Immortal Realm and True Immortal Realm is not something you can understand"

The words fell behind , he clenched his sword and waved it a few times at will, and a few sword energy with a tearing feeling suddenly rushed out, beheading Xu Sheng...

Xu Sheng's eyes narrowed and secretly said "Mysterious Grade middle grade martial skill, Return to Origin step!"

In this brief moment, his breathing was almost in line with the stagnation of spiritual power, and his body coordination reached Extreme...

After predicting the trajectory of these incoming sword energy, Xu Sheng kicked his legs and jumped to the in midair under the action of tremendous force, almost clinging to the sword energy. Crossed...

Immediately, he landed firmly on the ground. He also swung a few times quickly, and the continuous sharp sword energy slashed forward with a violent breaking wind...

The Disciple on the opposite side saw Xu Sheng imitating himself to release sword energy, and sneered and slashed at him with the sword in his hand...

With a sound of "peng", when the sword energy collided with him After the sword, like throwing an egg at a rock, it shattered in an instant...

He disdainfully said "Tsk, such insignificant ability!"

And at this moment , Xu Sheng indifferently said "Mysterious Grade low grade martial skill, Fierce Yang God arrow!"

After his words fell, a burst of fire appeared in front of Xu Sheng, and it gradually condensed into a handful of arrows. A bow and arrow with scorching rays of light...

Next moment, he waved his hand, and under the control of its spiritual power, the saber moved towards the Disciple in front of him sprinting away...


Immediately, both hands held this The bow and arrow, the spirit power of the whole body condensed into a flaming arrow, quickly pulled the string and aimed at the former...

And kept swinging the saber, easily resisting the constant piercing After attacking, after seeing Xu Sheng's appearance, "hmph! Why don't you give up? "

No matter what attack Xu Sheng launches, it is ineffective for him! The realm gap is here!

At this moment, Xu Sheng The inky eyes suddenly flashed with strange rays of light...

Yellow Grade martial skill, the magic painting of Tianhua!

The Disciple that was staring at Xu Sheng secretly cry out in surprise "Crap! "

That's not right!

This guy is just the ninth floor of True Immortal Realm!

Use pupil technique compared to a powerhouse with a higher cultivation base, then Isn't it courting death?

It can be backlash at light, or vomit blood and die!!

But when he felt a sense of dizziness in his mind, it was already too late! !

His eyes gradually got a bit of a strange halo, and he fell into a sluggishness...

Taking advantage of the fact that Xu Sheng's fingers were loosened, it was dangerous. The arrow of flame rushed out at an extremely fast speed and hit the Disciple's chest with precision...

With a "pu 呲" sound, it penetrated the latter's chest with no difficulty, and the scarlet's Blood kept dripping down from it...

The severe pain also made him come back to his senses from the sluggishness, hurriedly covered the injured chest, and said with an ugly face, "Damn! ! How is this possible! Your cultivation base is obviously a realm weaker than mine, why is the pupil technique still useful to me! ”

This Xu Sheng is simply outrageous!

Even though they are a great realm apart, they are able to use the pupil technique to control themselves!

Xu Sheng 隼He glanced at him, didn't speak, and then shot an arrow...

Seeing him repeating his old tricks, this Disciple angrily shouted "hmph, without the pupil technique, you thought you could hit..."

Just as he was about to dodge, he suddenly found that dizziness struck again, and the eyes of both him and Xu Sheng were once again filled with eerie rays of light...

Again It was the sound of "pu 呲" that the arrow directly penetrated his arm...

Severe pain continued to enter his nerves, and the whole person was shouted "Ahhh! ! ”

Immediately, the eyes looking towards Xu Sheng gradually became fearful...

This guy used the pupil technique twice in a row, and he managed to control himself!


If things go on like this, even if there is a huge gap in the cultivation base, as long as he hits the pupil technique, he will have no power to fight back at all!

This painful cry also attracts the attention of beings The old man on the other side and the other three Disciples...

When the three Disciples saw the injury on his body, they cried out in surprise in disbelief, "What! ! Senior Brother Li was injured! ! And there are two! "

"How is this possible!" Senior Brother Li has reached the Profound Immortal Realm 7th Layer no matter what, how could he be injured like this by a True Immortal Realm guy! "

"Maybe Senior Brother Li was careless and didn't dodge, otherwise how could this guy hurt him!" "

And the old man's turbid eyes are also staring at Xu Sheng, the look of surprise is even more, and he is surprised in the bottom of his heart, "This kid, it is not so simple to be able to deal with the opponent of Profound Immortal Realm by leaps and bounds." ! "

It seems that there is no need to collect the body for him...


The Disciple stared at Xu Sheng, coldly said "Boy." , I was careless just now, didn't expect you to be able to use the pupil technique twice in a row, but do you really think you can beat me with these little tricks? "

Immediately, shouted "Mysterious Grade middle grade martial skill, Chen Xin!" Look carefully, this is the absolute strength! ”

After the words fell, he closed his eyes decisively...

And spiritual power continued to pour out of the body, and began to quickly perceive the surrounding situation, and after forming a pattern It was conveyed to my mind...

Xu Sheng frowned a little and thought, "Like the sword heart I used before, does it rely on the fluctuation of spiritual power to perceive the surroundings? ”

Although this move can be observed without using eyes, its weakness is also extremely obvious!

He knows this very well!

Thinking of this , he has found a way to deal with it in his mind!

said silently in his heart, "Mysterious Grade middle grade martial skill, Lingqing doppelganger! "

In an instant, he suddenly exploded with a huge spiritual power, transformed into dozens of doppelgangers...

These doppelgangers do not have any battle strength, but because they are powered by spiritual Power composition, so it is enough to interfere with this kind of martial skill used by the opponent...

Immediately, Xu Sheng moved his mind and decisively controlled dozens of doppelgangers and began to move towards different directions to run...

The Disciple, who sensed the fluctuations in spiritual power, raised an arc at the corners of his mouth, "hmph, I found you..."

Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly solidified...


With his eyes closed, he was extremely confused and said, "What is the situation, why are there so many fluctuations in spiritual power? ? ? "

Moreover, it is impossible to tell that it is Xu Sheng's body!

Just when he wanted to open his eyes to observe, he suddenly remembered Xu Sheng's pupil technique, and he still endured it. When he got down to it...

In desperation, he clenched his long sword and rushed towards these doppelgangers, not forgetting the gnashing teeth said "what about the doppelganger, as long as you destroy them all, you can be found The avatar is up! "

This is the stupidest way, but it's the only way!

Once you open your eyes, you will be controlled by Xu Sheng's pupil technique!

And Xu Sheng's body just stared at this Disciple, which was ramming like a headless fly...


(end of this chapter)

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