Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 940


Chapter 940 Misunderstanding (Subscribe)

After their words fell, the entire Formation suddenly burst into a dazzling white radiance, when it shone on the old man...

His face gradually became contorted, and he shouted loudly "Ahhhh!!"

This severe pain started from Everywhere on the body came, so that his nerves were on the verge of collapse in an instant!

Xu Sheng raised his eyes and observed the scene in front of him. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Is this...Formation? Besides, it will backlash itself!"

I saw that while the old man was suffering great pain, the pain would also be divided into three parts, and they would all be endured by the Disciple who released Formation...

But even the pain of one third made their faces grim. It reached the extreme, but it did not stop the Formation...

The beautiful eyes of the female disciple looked at the old man in the middle, gritted his teeth and said, "Add...increase the injection of spiritual power!! "

This level alone is not enough to break this guy's mind, so he must increase the pain he bears! !

The other two Disciples took a deep breath, nodded and said "Okay!!"

They have already reached this point, if they stop, they will lose what they lose in order to cast Formation. life force can't be taken back! !

Next moment, I saw the terrifying spiritual power erupted again on the three of them. The intense pain caused every vein on their body to burst, as if it might explode at any time...

They couldn't bear the pain, they all cried out...

"ahhhh Ahhhh!!!"

"Ahhh!! Hold on!! Everyone must hold on to aaahhhh!"

"Must...must make...Ahhh! He pays the price!!"

As for the old man in the middle, the pain is even greater A geometric increase! Even the facial expressions are almost distorted, and it is completely impossible to see that this is a human face! !

I couldn't even make a roar of pain...

Such severe pain lasted for a quarter of an hour...

The old man at this time, His eyes have begun to wander...

And his spirit has collapsed under this severe pain...

Now he is completely a puppet without a soul, only a soulless puppet. There is only one body left!

And the three Disciples who released Formation could no longer bear the pain of Formation. The corner of the mouth flow blood, the vitality in the body has begun to gradually disappear...

And it seems to know this, and invariably exhausted the last trace of spiritual power, controlling his own wear The sword rushed straight to the old man in front...

Three sharp swords pierced through his head, heart, and abdomen respectively!

With a "pu tong" sound, the old man with his eyes widened, his body covered with swords, collapsed to the ground weakly...

And seeing this scene, this The eyes of the three sect disciples were a little relieved...

They have already killed this guy...


Also... in peace!

The next moment, all fell to the ground, and the vitality of the body dissipated...

Seeing this scene, Xu Sheng moved towards the old man with a shaky pace. Beside him...

Before he could speak, he felt a violent dizziness, and the whole person even fell down...


The unconscious Xu Sheng coughed a few times, "cough cough..."

Immediately, he slowly opened his dark eyes, and subconsciously glanced at the extremely unfamiliar all around … …

With a bit of doubt on his face, he said, "This is?"

At this moment, a solemn voice sounded...

" Are you awake?"

Xu Sheng heard the words, cautiously moved towards the direction where the voice came from, and saw that it was a middle-aged man in sect clothing, looking very dignified ...

Then he frowned and said, "Who are you??"

The middle-aged man tried his best to be as kind as possible, and explained, "Don't worry, it's safe here. , As for my identity, it is the Sect Master of Tianlongzong, Luo Yun!"

Xu Sheng thought about "Tianlongzong?"

Could this be related to the old man? Those Disciple sects of perish together, right?

What exactly is going on? !

Luo Yun nodded succinctly, "Yes, this time many thanks, you assisted our Disciple of scult to kill the demon cultator on the ninth floor of the Profound Immortal Realm!"

Although his cultivation base It's only the ninth floor of the True Immortal Realm, but being able to choose the Disciple to help your Tianlong Sect resolutely is already rare!

If it were someone else, I'm afraid that I would have fled far away...

Xu Sheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and secretly said "Assist in beheading?"

Could it be that...

He suddenly realized that before he was about to fall into a coma, he seemed to have walked to the old man's side. Could it be that the Sect Master of Longzong thought he had assisted those Disciples to kill the former... ...

However, the truth is as bloody as he imagined...

But that's fine, otherwise he would have been executed by the Disciple of Tianlongzong long ago!

Luo Yun, neither fast nor slow, stroked his beard, calmly said, "Your injury is very serious, so you can cultivate in my Tianlongzong for a while in the past few days"

Immediately changed his tone and asked, "Also, what is your name?"

Xu Sheng whispered, "Master Luo, my name is Xu Sheng!"

Luo Yun looked thoughtful Said "Xu Sheng? Well then, you can rest here, I'll leave first..."

After saying this, he turned around and walked away from here...

Seeing this, Xu Sheng's heart was relaxed...

Before he could think for a while, there was another knock on the door, "da da da"

A very pleasant voice came, "Excuse me...are you awake?"

Xu Sheng whispered "Please come in!" after hearing the ethereal voice from outside the door.

After the words fell, a pretty female disciple in a light blue robe walked in from the door!

After seeing Xu Sheng's handsome cheeks in her eyes, her ears turned a little rosy, and then she buried her head cowardly...

In a soft voice "That... Sect Master... Sect Master asked me to take care of you these few days..."

Xu Sheng was stunned, then said softly, "Yes, then I will trouble you these few days... "

Seeing his incomparably friendly atmosphere, this female disciple finally felt relaxed...

He asked softly, "Then, shall I change your clothes now?" ”

At this moment, Xu Sheng realized that the wound on his body was only bandaged, and there was no ferocious wound, obviously it was specially treated...

Also The unpretentious "en!" sounded...

After being hit by the Profound Immortal Realm Disciple, it was really not that simple for him to act...

Immediately, this A female disciple walked to Xu Sheng's side, and very carefully and gently put on the Tianlongzong Disciple costume for Xu Sheng...

This is to avoid unnecessary disputes!

Xu Sheng stretched his body, and then lightly said with a smile “many thanks, but can you tell me the situation of Longzong in this day?”

female disciple was stunned. I was stunned, and then I explained, "Okay...Okay, our Tianlong Sect is..."


(End of this chapter)


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