Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 967


Chapter 967 Violent Blood Pill (please subscribe)

Lin Moxue's beautiful eyes stare Looking at Xu Sheng on the duel area, the lovable body couldn't help trembling...

he swallowed, and secretly said, "This... is really Xu Sheng?? He didn't expect normally, and he still has Such a brutal side"

But it's just too domineering! !

In an instant, her cheeks lit up.

Besides Lingyue, after noticing her strangeness, she blinked and extended the hand to stroke her cheeks. On her cheeks, she said in surprise, "Moxue? What's wrong with you? Your face is so hot!"

Lin Moxue hurriedly waved her hands and said, "'s nothing, maybe my chest is tight!"

Suddenly, Ling Yue's eyes became sharper, "I understand!"

Lin Moxue's heart skipped a beat, and her face flushed even more, "What do you understand?"

Could it be that Lingyue, who has always been a little silly, has become witty now?

And Lingyue sternly crossed her hips, as if looking through her...

Immediately afterwards, she opened the mouth and said, "You must be sure. I was frightened by Xu Sheng's appearance just now, didn't expect Mo Xue, your courage is so small!"

Lin Moxue couldn't help but covered her forehead when she heard the words, how did she hug Lingyue's IQ There is something to look forward to...

Lingyue patted her bulging chest and said proudly, "How is it, did I guess it right? It's okay, if someone bullies you in the future! I..."

"Shut up, I'll kill you if you talk again!"


Xu Sheng's eyes were fixed on the calm and somewhat excessive ground...

He always feels that this Ye Peng is not dead yet!

Sure enough...

From below the ground, heart-pounding cries were continuously heard...

“hahaha hahaha!!!hahaha haha ~~”

I saw the gust of wind in the entire space began to whistle continuously, and the sound also diffused continuously...

And hearing this familiar voice, Star Meteor Sect The Disciples are excited again...

"Hahaha! This is Ye Peng Senior Brother's voice! He hasn't lost yet! This time, it will definitely be easy"

"Yes , after taking such a terrifying blow, Brother Ye Peng Senior can still make such a full cry!"

"Brother Ye Peng!! Senior Brother Ye Peng!!"

"peng!", a huge force erupted under the ground, directly causing the buried dust and gravel to explode...

Then, slowly crawling from the ground A embarrassed silhouette appeared, and after standing up, one could vaguely feel the huge spiritual power exuding from his whole body...

It was Ye Peng whose expression was almost distorted!

At this moment, his cultivation base has reached the terrifying Earth Immortal Realm 7th Layer! !

Seeing that Ye Peng was still alive, Xu Sheng's eyes became more sullen, "This he a cockroach?"

But next moment, he realized When something went wrong, this Ye Peng's cultivation base was even stronger than himself!

What the hell is going on?

Ye Peng licked his dry, blood-stained lips, his eyes filled with madness...

"didn't expect I'm not dead yet? You, you made me eat the Violent Blood Pill, hahaha ha!!”

Xu Sheng, who heard this sentence, immediately understood, and secretly said, “Violent Blood Pill? Rely on the foreign object to increase the cultivation base, right? ?"

Ye Peng's bloodshot eyes stared at Xu Sheng, and said in a sullen tone, "Now it's your turn! Are you ready to be cut into pieces by me??"

I dared to insult me like this before, only by smashing his body into ten thousand pieces can I relieve the hatred in my heart!

Xu Sheng lightly said with a smile "You who have reached the Earth Immortal Realm 7th Layer in the cultivation base are still garbage..."

The words were full of contempt. ......

Ye Peng heard the words and roared "you are courting death!!!"

After he finished speaking, his body full of power suddenly burst out, at a very terrifying speed I rushed towards Xu Sheng...

punched towards the latter's chest...

And Xu Sheng was naturally impossible to meet force with force, and immediately avoided this fist and moved away , clenched the saber and stabbed at his arm...


The saber stabbed his skin, but it was as if it had touched steel, it was just Poke a layer of skin!

His pupils shrank suddenly, "Has the defensive power been enhanced?"

Ye Peng, who had reacted, sneered and kicked him again. ...

Unable to avoid Xu Sheng, he had to subconsciously stretch out his arms to resist. When the two collided, his face suddenly changed...

The whole person was straight. After retreating for a few meters, he stabilized his figure...

After wiping the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, Xu Sheng looked at Ye Peng with serious eyes...

And Ye Peng taunted coldly, "Is your attack tickling me?"

Immediately, not wanting to give Xu Sheng a chance to delay time, he swooped away again...

As for the Disciples of Tianlongzong, who were eagerly watching this scene, everyone's faces were a bit ugly...

It seems that they don't understand why Ye Peng's strength is so much stronger. !

"Damn it, what did this guy do? After being beaten by Xu Sheng, why has his strength improved so much!"

"Something is wrong, this Ye Peng His cultivation base must have reached above the fifth layer of Earth Immortal Realm! It's not the same as before!"

"Yes, I also felt it, before he obviously only had a second layer of Earth Immortal Realm. Could it be that he used a medicine pill?"


The atmosphere on the other side was even more depressing...

I saw the Sect Master of Shui Lianzong His eyes looked towards Star Meteor Sect Sect Master, his tone was very ice-cold saying "Should I explain why this Ye Peng's strength has reached Earth Immortal Realm 7th Layer from Earth Immortal Realm Layer?"

The faces of the other Sect Masters were also a little unsightly, and they all looked towards the Star Meteor Sect Sect Master, waiting for his answer...

I saw the latter shout the head, and grim said, " I don't know about this either..."

He scolded inwardly, "What did this Ye Peng do, did he take that kind of medicine pill?"

Hearing This pale and feeble explanation, the Mountain Sect Sect Master sneered, and asked, "I don't know?? This Ye Peng's body clearly has the breath of Violent Blood Pill, which is only possessed by the demon cultivator!"

"I see, isn't your Star Meteor Sect colluding with the demon cultivator?"

The Star Meteor Sect Sect Master angrily said, "Don't spit your blood! My Star Meteor Sect does things. It has always been just and honorable! How could it be possible to collude with the demon cultivator!"

The Sect Master of Shui Lianzong asked coldly, "Really? Then you look at the other Sect Masters and ask them if they believe your explanation? ”

St ar Meteor Sect Sect Master that hopeful gaze moved towards Luo Yun and Fallen Cloud Sect Sect Master looking...

Luo Yun pursed his lips, calmly said "Although we believe you will not do this things, however, this thing must have an answer"

Fallen Cloud Sect Sect Master also nodded echoed "en! The fact that Ye Peng can own the Violent Blood Pill is definitely not that simple! "

Under his anxiety, Star Meteor Sect Sect Master's mind turned rapidly...

After a few seconds, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he said in a hurried tone, "Wait... it possible that the goal of the demon cultivator is..."

As soon as these words came out, the bodies of the other four Sect Masters were all shocked, obviously thinking of something terrifying!



(end of this chapter)

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