Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 978


Chapter 978 Killing the Speakers (Subscribe!)

As far as immortality is concerned, the elders behind the immortal have all faces It was tense, and his eyes were fixed on Zhou Qingruo, for fear that the latter would suddenly make a move!

Yan Immortal saw Zhou Qingruo's face didn't seem to be fake, and the look of dreading in his tone was a bit more...

He opened the mouth and said "Your Excellency, with an embarrassing smile. We Yanjia really have no intention of being your enemy, so how about this? We are willing to give something as compensation!"

Whether it was Yanjia who provoked her or her If you take the initiative to destroy the Yan family, the first thing you must do is to apologize, and then try to appease the other party's emotions as much as possible!

Zhou Qingruo's cheeks showed some impatience, glanced at the headless corpse lying in a pool of blood, and coldly said, "That guy has so many problems, and in the end, he is already dead. ..."

Next moment, the terrifying killing intent brewed all over her body suddenly erupted, almost condensed into substance, and even caused a natural phenomenon to appear in the surrounding environment ...

When Immortal and the digital Elders saw this, their faces became serious, and they did not dare to be careless at all, and quickly released their spiritual power fluctuations to resist this strong killing intent

Yan Immortal's face was ugly At the extreme, there is also a bit of threat in his tone, "Does your Excellency really want to make trouble to this level? Although our Yan family is not your opponent, but if you want to destroy us easily, you have to pay some price!

as the saying goes Rabbits bite people when they are anxious, even more how they say goodbye!

If you really want to destroy them, you must pay a heavy price!

Zhou Qingruo pursed her tender lips, coldly shouted "Noisy! "

Next moment, the whole person burst out with a terrifying power, moved towards Yan Immortal and rushed towards the front...

Facing the attacking Zhou Qingruo, Yan Immortal I only feel that my body and mind are trembling unconsciously...

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he secretly said, "What a terrifying strength! The rumors are not false! ! "

And seeing Yan Immortal stunned, another Elder hurriedly cry out in surprise "patriarch! Get out of the way! ! Her strength is not something we can resist! "

Yan Immortal came back to his senses in an instant, but found that he had been locked by Zhou Qingruo, and a feeling rose in his heart that he would be hit no matter how he avoided...

In desperation, his cloudy eyes narrowed, and he secretly shouted "Earth High Grade martial skill, Tianqiong slays the dragon!" ! "

After the words fell, a dragon-shaped phantom with a size of dozens of meters appeared strangely behind him!

I saw it raised its head and protruded out. After a dragon cry, after completely covering Yan Immortal, Qi Qi moved towards Zhou Qingruo in front of him and rushed...

Zhou Qingruo rushed over to see Yan Immortal, with an ice-cold saying "hmph, bring about one's own destruction! "

Seeing that the two were about to collide, the elders panicked and said, "Damn! ! patriarch is a bit reckless! Everyone go together, otherwise it will be dangerous! "

"This guy's strength is more terrifying than rumors, and I don't know if he can resist it!" "

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up! ! "

Although they were talking, these Elders did not hesitate at all, almost immediately moved towards Zhou Qingruo and rushed...

Immediately afterwards, they used the Your own martial skill!

“Earth Middle Grade martial skill, Five Elements Heaven yang palm! ! ”

“Earth High Grade martial skill, annihilate a finger”

“Earth Middle Grade martial skill, Wan Huang Sha Gu Po!” "

When the two terrifying forces collided, an Armageddon sound of "peng!" sounded...

The entire space suddenly released black and white chaotic rays of light , and even forced Xu Sheng, who was standing on the side, to retreat dozens of steps before he could barely stabilize his body!

Xu Sheng calmed down as much as possible, stared at the scene in front of him, and said secretly. "really strong! "

Immediately, he opened the mouth and said in his heart, "I'm just wanted, Zhou Qingruo actually intends to destroy the whole family of others"

But he doesn't hate this kind of thing. Personality, the cultivation world is the law of the jungle, and cut weeds and eliminate the roots are very common...

The only question is what realm Zhou Qingruo's strength has reached...

After a few seconds, these dazzling rays of light scattered around, revealing the situation inside...

I saw Zhou Qingruo, who was alone, even formed an evenly matched trend with Yan Immortal. Time does not decide the winner!

Yan Immortal, who felt the pressure on the opposite side, gritted his teeth and said, "Sir, stop, you want to defeat us, it must not be an easy thing! "

The elders of the speaker also said, "That's right! While we can't beat you, holding you back is not a problem! "

"As long as your Excellency stops, we will treat it as nothing has happened, and you are still a friend of the entire Yanjia!" "

"You alone, it is impossible to beat us!" "

As for Zhou Qingruo, she pursed her cold thin lips, with a look of disdain in her beautiful eyes, looking at the immortal words in front of her and the others coldly said "Is this your strength?" Weak! "

The entire Yan Family's most powerhouses add up to barely block less than 30% of their own strength!

Yan Immortal, who had a bad premonition, frowned and said, "What do you mean?" "

It's already a tie, why is she still so confident?

Next moment, the answer to this question will come out!

I see Zhou Qingruo coldly shouted "Heavenly Rank low grade martial skill, bloody slash! "

Next moment, the blood energy scattered all around her vibrated violently...

Then, all of them penetrated into her lovable body from the faint pores Among them, the imposing manner exuding from the whole body is rising again and again...

The most important thing is that her beautiful eyes have also changed...

Bit by bit, the scarlet color is infested, and the whole person is fierce!

Just looking at it will make you feel like you are in an ice cellar!

Immortal and digital elders only felt that their bodies trembled unconsciously, which was an omen of imminent death!

Especially the surging blood energy in the opponent's body, how many people had to be slaughtered to become like this Rich!

At this moment, there is only one thought in their hearts!

If they are hit by this move, they will definitely die!!

Immediately, decisively Abandoning the resistance, he quickly fled to the rear...

Zhou Qingruo watched everything, and the scarlet eyes suddenly narrowed, "Want to escape? ”

I saw her voice fall, and the whole person disappeared in place, turned into the afterimage of one after another scarlet and rushed out...

And with naked eyes, she couldn't. The speed of seeing clearly launched thousands of terrifying blood-colored slashes against the entire space!

After a few seconds, the horrific mourning sounded one after another...

“ Ah Ahhhh!!!"

"Save me! ! Help me Ahhhh!!!"

"I don't want to die! ! I don't want to die! ! "


After a while, Zhou Qingruo licked off the blood stains from the corners of her mouth, and the scarlet color in her beautiful eyes gradually faded......

In front of her, there are no complete corpses, all of which are foul-smelling minced meat and blood...


(end of this chapter)

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