Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 997


Chapter 997, Chapter 959, Abandon (Subscribe)

And these bats perceive this Disciple and Before falling into the lava, the frequency of flapping its wings is even higher...

Immediately, these black bats hiding the sky and covering the earth moved towards the Disciple who stepped on the gravel Coming in...

I saw the latter's eyes shrank suddenly, and he secretly said, "We can only fight for one!"

Next moment, his whole person pulled out cold glow's sword, and began to jump at a very fast speed...

He knew it!

If you are entangled by these bat swarms, what awaits you is a mortal ending!

And after the scalp-tingling bat swarm was empty, it re-locked the former's position and began to chase after it...

For a while, it was unexpectedly. Evolved into a battle of deer!


And Xu Sheng in the back, saw this Disciple took out his saber, his eyes suddenly gleamed, "By the way, you can use treasure! ”

While most treasures require the use of spiritual power to activate, there are also treasures that can be used without activating spiritual power! !

In this way, the sonic strikes of these bats can be blocked, even to the point of ignoring them!

I'm afraid that the Senior Brothers who survived here in the mouth of Wei Family Disciples probably used the treasure they carried to successfully pass here!

As for those dead Disciples, they don't have treasure body protection, but they want to force their way through this place!

The rest of the Wei Family Disciple were dumbfounded, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the numb bat colony, only to feel a deep chill in their hearts... …

One of the Disciples said with an ugly face, "Are we breaking into the bat nest? There are so many bats, and they can use sonic attacks, I'm afraid no one can stand it! "

Another Disciple said in a regretful tone, "I think this guy is finished! Without spiritual power blessing, it is simply impossible to pass here!"

"Don't say these ominous If so, do you really want to stay here for the rest of your life? I don't want to!"

"What if you don't want to, there is not only no spiritual power here, but also a lava with terrifying temperature, countless will only release Bats attacked by sonic waves, plus they don't know what they will encounter later, it is completely slow death!"

"That's right! The time is right and the place is right, but we don't have the same, it's simply impossible to survive from here. !"

Before they could talk for a while, they heard a scream from the front...

I saw the Disciple being overtaken by the bat swarm. Under the hasty defense, his footsteps suddenly staggered, and he fell straight onto the gravel...

His left hand just touched the gray and black lava, vaguely visible, the whole arm began to gradually gradually It was dark...

In desperation, he gritted his teeth decisively in order to survive, clenched the saber with his right hand, and swung it directly at his left arm...

The knife fell from the hand, and a pool of blood was sprayed from the completely blackened left arm. It was forcibly chopped off, and it flew into the midair and burned violently...

Although this act of breaking the arm to protect itself is very courageous, due to the obstacles of these dense bat groups, and the loss of an arm just now...

This Disciple did not last long, the whole The man fell into the lava below, his body suddenly burst into black flame, and turned into a gray fly in the terrifying cry...

And the bat group sensed that his vitality had disappeared. , flapped his wings again and returned to the dark place at the top to hide...

Xu Sheng pursed his thin lips, but his face didn't change...

Although he died , but at least provide some reference for myself...

And the other W When ei Family Disciples saw his ending, they were all sighed and said, "Sure enough, I still couldn't make it through, these bat swarms are too much of a hindrance! Otherwise, maybe it's really possible to pass"

"It won't work like this, why don't we all find a way to kill all those bats? ! "

"How? Right now, we don't have any spiritual power in our bodies, so it's not bad to be bitten by these bats in an instant! "

"That's right, and these bats hid again when they sensed that the breath of the person they wanted to pass through disappeared. They must have spiritual wisdom!" ! "

So, he looked towards Xu Sheng on the other side, and said with a strong plea in his tone, "Big Brother Xu, do you have a solution?" Now we can only rely on you! ”

While speaking, they seem to not remember how they were angry at Xu Sheng before...

Who knows, Xu Sheng just gave them a cold look, and coldly said "I also There is no way! You can do it for yourself."

It's at this time that you must abandon these Wei Family Disciples...

Thinking of this, he neither fast nor slow from his own storage. I picked out several treasures from the Universe Bag...

These things were specially given to me by Ling Qingruo the day before I entered Secret Realm!

It can be said , in order to get the Wannian Xuanbingguo, she also paid a great price!

and Wei Family Disciples' eyes were instantly attracted, their faces were extremely shocked and joyfully said " That is, the treasure of various body protection! ! How can there be so many Big Brother Xu? "

"Big Brother Xu, give us these treasures, and maybe we can get through this place!" "

"But doesn't the treasure need spiritual power to activate it? It doesn't work here either! "

"See clearly! Those treasures in Big Brother Xu's hands didn't give off a trace of spiritual power fluctuations, and they didn't need to be motivated at all! ! "

"Hurry up!" Big Brother Xu, as long as you share these treasures with us, you will definitely be able to get through this place! "

A greedy look gradually appeared in their eyes. In this case, having a body protection treasure is equivalent to an extra life!

If you can If you get all of them, you will have a chance to leave here!!

Xu Sheng felt a little amused when he heard the words, calmly said "Give the treasure to you? Why? "

Hearing this rhetorical remark, Wei Family Disciples was stunned...

Immediately, displeased expressions appeared on their cheeks, "Big Brother Xu, Aren't you sent by patriarch to help us? Then these treasures are definitely prepared for all of us! "

"Yes!" And this kind of treasure I have never seen before, it is absolutely very precious! didn't expect patriarch to be willing to give so much treasure"

"Big Brother Xu, stop talking nonsense, give us the treasure quickly, and leave this ghost place quickly! "

Xu Sheng glanced at them, still face doesn't change and said "I'm sorry, these treasures were not given to me by Wei Family patriarch, so I can't give them to you"

As soon as these words came out, the displeased color on Wei Family Disciples' cheeks became even more...

One of the Disciple coldly said "Big Brother Xu, what do you mean? Are you trying to find an excuse to take these treasures for yourself? ? "

In an instant, their gazes looking towards Xu Sheng became extremely wrong...


(End of this chapter)

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