Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 1 The person is gone, but Goldfinger is here.

"Unbelievable! Lu Cheng cut open the artery of [Harpy Floating Nest] like a scalpel! The duel domain collapsed! The opponent has no cards left!"

"Admit defeat! The opponent has surrendered! Lu Cheng won! This battle will definitely be recorded in the annals of history! I declare that he will be the youngest in the kingdom's history --- the hall-level card duel master!"

Three years later, at the border of the Winter Lion Kingdom.

The raging wind and snow crushed the remaining trace of temperature.

Wooden cabins are precarious in the blizzard.

Lu Cheng, who was curled up on the wooden bed in the house, couldn't help shaking.

The main reason is not the biting cold, but the severe pain in the depths of my mind that really kills me.

One after another, like a wave, it swept through the limbs and bones.

It's been three years, and I still haven't fully gotten used to the severe pain, and it hurts even more today.

The trembling of the body could not be stopped, and the forehead was covered with fine sweat.

He blew up the whole deck, and lost the brain deck, the card master is basically dead, the severe pain and emptiness in the brain domain will soon kill the card master

It all stemmed from the match three years ago. He tried his best to defeat a dueling master, but he was slandered for a match-fixing match, and was shamelessly attacked by the dealer. In an extremely critical situation, he overloaded all his cards and exploded. The card group killed all the chasing card masters and fled to the border of the Winter Lion Kingdom.

Lu Cheng lasted for three full years, but it's a pity that the brain domain card group exploded and the gods couldn't be saved, and now his consciousness is gradually blurred.

Although the other party had already paid a heavy price back then, he was not reconciled after all.

The past is like a fleeting moment.

He came from time travel, and suddenly wore it when he was working.

This is a card world, and cards are integrated into every aspect of life.

The basic cards that people contact, use and make in their daily life are called basic cards.

The chef card master can cook [noodles], and the clothes card master can weave [black stockings].

The card continent is huge, much larger than the earth that Lu Cheng was on before, and human beings are not the only protagonists in this vast land, and the continent is full of deadly dangers.

With the help of the power of cards, people expand their territories, gain a foothold and develop in this world.

Card masters are respected here, duels are popular, and people are extremely martial

As for the source of the card.

Cards are divided into basic cards and expansion pack cards.

Everyone can learn to make and use basic cards, which are divided into five levels: common, rare, epic, legendary, and mythical, with 10 stars for each level.

They are white, blue, purple, gold and red.

The expansion pack card is of the same level as the basic card, the difference is that the card back of the normal card is empty, while the back of the expansion pack card has a different pattern.

According to the research of scientists, the card continent and another virtual plane overlap, which leads to some singular points randomly appearing on the land from time to time, which are called the card expansion pack secret realm, and this is the only source of the expansion pack cards.

Every card secret realm is a different kind of adventure!

Goblin Dungeon, Edge of Dark Forest, Lighthouse No. 13 in Sea of ​​Grudge.

The cards produced in the secret realm include weapon cards, summon cards, skill cards, transformation cards, etc., and they are basically complete sets.

A small secret realm is like a small card pack, which may contain several ordinary-level cards. If you are lucky, you may encounter rare cards for adventurers to obtain, while large secret realms are mostly controlled by families, and the inside is extremely twisted and dangerous. Produce more high-quality expansion pack cards, which usually cannot be fully explored by all the efforts of the whole family for thousands of years.

In fact, it can also be said that a large secret realm makes a family. For example, the famous Long Family relies on the secret realm "Dragon's Back Mountain Range" to cultivate generations of elite children who are responsible for the dragon deck.

A basic rare equipment card [Precise Forging Spear (Ruby)], usually can't beat the expansion pack card [Thebes Spear] of the same level.

Expansion pack cards are very precious. Ordinary expansion pack cards are expensive. Rare ones are priceless. The higher levels are not a matter of money.

And there is a very small chance that the card master can harvest the secret realm as a domain card by chance and coincidence, this is the duel domain!

The duel domain is different from the scene card. It can be understood as the domain owner's own space or a large-scale copy that can be cultivated independently. It not only has the home field advantage, but also can give huge bonuses to cards of the same series. The domain card master can be said to be invincible at the same level

Lu Cheng thought that he didn't embarrass the traversers, and soon became a card master after coming here, and obtained several epic cards.

In the most popular game in the Card Continent, "Duel of Card Masters", Lu Cheng quickly made his mark.

The last battle was on the duel stage of the Echo Bay of the Heavenly Saint Empire. The opponent was a duel master, and a real domain card master!

This was an extremely unequal duel, and no one thought Lu Cheng would win.

Teens vs. Masters of Fame?

An ordinary card master defeating a domain card master?

Arabian Nights

The odds offered outside the court were naturally predictable. No one would buy the bet that Lu Chengneng insisted on for 10 seconds, let alone the winning bet.

When Lu Cheng cut off the floating nest, the audience erupted

Afterwards, after the off-site inventory, a huge sum of money really bought Lu Cheng to win!

The dealer can't afford the money

Echo Bay's masterminds could only do everything they could to smear this match as a fake match!

Originally, it was not so easy to slander a card master, let alone a dueling master, but Lu Cheng's rise was too fast, and he was very low-key on weekdays. In addition, this game was very unpopular, and the result was too unimaginable. If it was fake Sai, people will be able to believe and accept it.

What's more, in order to preserve his own strength and reputation, the opponent's dueling master admitted to the match-fixing and never entered the arena.

Then there is only one problem, that is, if Lu Cheng himself is alive, he only needs to have one more match, and the rumors of the match-fixing will be self-defeating. At that time, he will attract much attention, and he will never be touched again. So, never let him live!

Thoughts gradually returned.

Lu Cheng knew that it was an unheard-of miracle to survive for three years without a card group. He worked hard, but the world is like this, and it is not enough to work hard enough to survive.

Vision is blurred, and consciousness gradually leaves the body.

Pain and cold are almost gone.

God, it's getting dark.

"The soul is back! Go to the king's constant work."

what sound?

In the haze, Lu Cheng seemed to hear an old voice humming softly.

The rhythm seems to be. Chuci!

Lu Cheng suddenly woke up, and the pain attached to his bones disappeared, and he hurriedly looked around!

The whole sky was gray and lifeless, and there was a rushing river in front of him, and he was thrown on the bank like a broken sack.

What kind of underworld is this? Where are you?

"The soul is back! You have no place in this secluded city."

The sound continued, and Lu Cheng hurriedly searched for the source of the sound.

Soon, he found a dilapidated boat floating by the river, as if it would be crushed by huge waves at any time.

A boatman sat in the bow, and it seemed that he was the master of the voice.

Although the other party was wearing a bamboo hat, his face could not be seen clearly.

But Lu Cheng could see the extraordinaryness of the other party at a glance, the boat did not touch any water, and the huge waves beside the boat seemed to be dancing with the rhythm.

There are people here?

Lu Cheng hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Mister, where is this place?"

Hearing Lu Cheng's question, the old man didn't look up, but just smiled.

"Day is water, night is blood, Nai River, Nai River, Nai Ruo? This place is called Nai River!"

Nai River?

Lu Cheng stood there in a daze when he heard the words, and the memory flowed in his mind. When he realized it, he was shocked

In his previous life in China, he was naturally familiar with the legend of the Naihe Bridge, but when he traveled to the Card Continent, Lu Cheng saw all kinds of strange cards, but he didn't have any oriental myths!

Unexpectedly, after his death, he saw Nai He.

It seems that I am hiccupping, and the one in front of me is the ferryman, right?

After being shocked, Lu Cheng sighed, found a rock on the shore, and sat down.

"You always come to ferry me, right? I'm a little seasick, please slow down later"

Either way, it would be better to die in my own hell than to die in hell, but it's a pity that the man behind the frame who framed me couldn't finish killing him.

"Good idea!" The old man's voice was like a bell.

"I ferry the dead, but I earn the money of the living! I just brought you over there, and I vomited the whole boat. Do you want to die again? Do you want to go whoring for nothing?"


Lu Cheng didn't react for a while, but the information in front of him suddenly appeared.

【Yin and Yang Ferryman

Expansion Pack: Eastern Tales

summon card

Level: Legend 1

Card Skill 1: Ghost of Youdu (Immune to physical damage, has the characteristics of soul body);

Card Skill 2: Yang Ferry (limited skill, revives the dead with a complete soul, can restore the card, all energy is consumed to activate it, and the target strength cannot exceed half of itself, the card will disappear for three years after activation, and be downgraded to "Looking for the Hell" to get new cards and abilities.);

Card Skill 3: ? ? ? 】

legend! ! Golden legend! !

Although it is only the first level of legend, if it is taken out, it will definitely cause a huge sensation and all forces will loot it.

"Mister. Saved me?!"

"Hey, you saved yourself, and your soul basically dissipated after death, but your soul is extremely strong, so this old man can make a fortune from you."

The old man stretched and stood up from the bow of the boat. He looked shorter than Lu Cheng.

"The time has come. I have violated the regulations of Youdu. I will be dismissed and imprisoned for three years. I have taken away all your strength, and I still owe you a sum of money. When the old man comes out, you have to return me a big boat, otherwise hehehe .”

The old man on the bow suddenly raised his head, and under the bamboo hat was an extremely ferocious and distorted face, his eyes were bloodshot, and the red light shot fiercely at Lu Cheng's face.

Seeing the old man's face, Lu Cheng was shocked. When he looked again, the river was empty, and there was no trace of the old man.

After being surprised, Lu Cheng was completely awake.


It's not a dream, is it?

Lu Cheng shook his head fiercely, ran to the river, and washed his face with the Nai River water.

[Discover the secret: West Bank of the Nai River, Nameless Beach]

[Expansion Pack: Eastern Mythology]

[Discoverable cards: 4 cards]

[The extremely irresponsible ferryman threw you here like trash. I'm afraid even the Empress Dowager couldn't name this place. Now, it's up to you. 】


I'm still alive!

The key is, I can feel the brain domain card group again!

Lu Cheng was ecstatic! !

Isn't it just losing energy and retraining?

From the East Expansion Pack, but the West Bank!

Lu Cheng looked up to the sky and screamed:

"Thirty years of labor and capital in Hedong is now in Hexi!!!"

Dear Yan Zu, now the starting point recommends to watch the follow-up, remember to bookmark, follow-up, thank you, big brothers!

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