Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 1080 Private transaction?

Jingwei's library is all-encompassing, including the Extraordinary Book of Mountains and Seas, Ancient Dead Sea Documents, Ancient Taoist Canons, Tiangong Kaiwu, Daxizhou Natural History, Marco Polo's Travels in Zhongdu, Third Dynasty Decorative Plates, etc., etc.

But salty stars are uncommon in human records.

In the end, Lu Cheng got the information about the scale claw from the ancient songs of the whale tribe.

The ancient whale songs were brought to the Jingwei by Lu Cheng as a song to listen to when he was bored. One of the lines mentioned the liquid sea planet.

Pure liquid celestial bodies are extremely rare. They either have strong gravitational vortices that pull the oceans, or they have extremely high atmospheric pressure to ensure that the liquid does not spread out.

The former can be maintained for a slightly longer time, but the latter is more difficult.

Because extremely high atmospheric pressure usually results in extremely low temperatures, it quickly becomes an extremely cold planet. Only extremely rare high-pressure and high-temperature planets can have large oceans.

And such a planet will become a salty body after all the ocean surface evaporates.

The mass of the salty body that hit the Star Beast's leg was very large, which shows that the amount of astral sea water before evaporation was astonishing!

This formed a huge ham.

Lu Cheng conservatively estimated that multiple deep drilling mines could be established in the legs of the relic beasts to continuously mine edible meat.

Such a huge stock of meat products is enough to feed 40 million people for more than 130 years.

This discovery caused the dragon boat's morale to skyrocket. After the failure of the Sunset Battle, it was common sense for the human race to be full and hungry, and it was commonplace to cultivate edible Gu to satisfy hunger.

Never had so much meat in stock

However, Lu Zheng thought that everyone had opened the champagne early.

There is a high probability that the meat of the relic beast cannot be directly absorbed by humans.

Sure enough, the first batch of relic beast hams mined through the weathered cuticle were proven to be rich in energy, but had too many harmful substances.

It is indeed possible to purify using micro-processing, but micro-processing is handicraft!

He is good at rubbing the blueprint for the new magic weapon of the Song Dynasty, but Lu Cheng cannot cook ham for 40 million people on his own.

Entering Baoshan is an empty joy?

Is humanity in trouble again?

Lu Cheng didn't think so.

The ham in front of me cannot be eaten by humans, but it can be sold at an unimaginably high value in the high-end card trading market provided by the Supreme Treaty.

Why is he so sure?

Reminiscent of the transactions during the South China Sea War.

Although the two parties involved in the card exchange provided by the Supreme Treaty will not meet each other and only need to pay a "transaction tax" to obtain the protection of super-level two rules, he can vaguely analyze part of the information.

Created by the Dominator, extremely poisonous.

The boss buys this stuff at a high price to eat.

There is a high probability that there is a decomposer race.

Lu Cheng is not an ignorant person.

The relic beast in front of me had a star rating of at least 2 red stars when it was alive.

[Relic Beast Ham (Poisonous)] Such a rich energy can at least drive a red 1-star card. What kind of high price can this be sold for?

Lu Cheng pulled a card from the table, placed it in the rules trading area, and waited quietly.

This was how it was done in the past. There would always be some trading cards to choose from in the trading area. Although they were all from the star area, as long as you agreed to the exchange, they would all be available to your account in seconds.

A glimpse of the leopard can give you a little idea of ​​how powerful the supreme tabletop rules created by all races back then were.

The question is, who is it that can circumvent such a powerful rule and have other agendas? ?

Lu Cheng was distracted for a moment. Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound in his ears, and then it turned into a clear human voice.

"We knew it was you who sold this card, and we were very interested in it, but through rules trading, both of us would have to pay a lot. Can we exchange it privately?"


Lu Cheng suddenly became alert.

This is the highest level brain desktop.

On this level of starry sky desktop, I have always been alone.

How many years.

While he was talking, a burst of soft footsteps came out of the darkness, and Lu Cheng saw a tall man walking slowly.

Judging from his attire, he looks very much like the high priest described on the plaques of the Third Dynasty.

Third dynasty card master? ?



If the Third Dynasty had a red card master of this level, they really wouldn't have been beaten like this in the Sunset War.

Lu Cheng looked at the man approaching slowly. Everything was normal, but looking at his movements, he felt indescribably uncomfortable, as if...

"You are not human."

"Your human race's cards are full of the unpleasant smell of iron and oil. Our race will not use them." The man said calmly.

Suddenly, the man lost control of his expression and rushed forward with a look of astonishment.

"You're not going to taint my delicious taste with your copper-smelling stuff!"

He jumped on the table next to Lu Cheng in excitement, sniffing and sniffing like a dog, and then there was an unpleasant buzzing and wailing.

Lu Cheng frowned.


This distance can definitely lead to a duel.

As long as this man sits down, he can play cards and directly attack his own table.

In a fight, [Jingwei's Immortal Mechanism] can preserve the body's health.

But the fragile [Dragon Boat] on the table is absolutely unable to withstand an opponent of the same level.

What does this mean?

There is a civilization that is watching Dragon Boat and Bai Yujing, but it has never noticed it.

"Don't be nervous." Seeing Lu Cheng's defense, the man stopped wailing: "Although your human cards are delicious, you are not easy to mess with. We don't want to fight you now."

"Who are you? Since you want to trade privately, you can always tell yourself your family background, right?" Lu Chengke didn't let down his guard.

Looking from here, there is a card on the table, but actually there are 40 million people on that card!

The man's eyes turned from the table to Lu Cheng, he straightened his sacrificial robe-like clothes, and said seriously: "In your words, a Zerg card user, a Zerg card master?"

Lu Cheng stared at the man without blinking.


The "man" in front of me, who looks extremely normal but makes people feel uncomfortable in every way, is actually a Zerg!

Three words came to his mind, and then he blurted them out.


"Error! [Parasite] must specify a creature as the target of the card." After speaking, the man took out a card.

Lu Cheng could see the card name on it - [Insect Swarm Saprophysis].

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