Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 1083 A Thousand Miles of Country

In the autumn of the fourteenth year of the Northern Song Dynasty, Wang Wushan of Taihang arrived at Dragon Boat.

The first large-scale supply of dragon boats was carried out.

After the official departure, the Dragon Boat Festival will become farther and farther away from Xuanwu Gate, and it will become more and more difficult to carry out large-scale supplies, thus becoming a true nomadic trading fleet.

The Taihang Mountain brought a Shanhai light brigade (10,000 hp, no heavy machinery and equipment). This force was led by Su Dingfang, with deputy corps commander Nezha and special units: Liu Er and Black and White Wuchang.

Yulin Qingqi (1000hp, no heavy dragons and phoenixes, mount Fei Yuan), coach Huo Qubing, Chinese general Dian Wei, partial general Lu Bu.

With a population of 40 million to digest, Lu Cheng could not provide any more security forces, so he could only recruit and train troops from the population carried by the dragon boats.

Because it has passed through the Xuanwu Gate and is connected to the natural insect swarm.

Although I was doing business, I was calling the Queen Bee and the Queen Ant Lady.

But we have to defend against such a super alien civilization, and we must defend it with all our strength.

Lu Cheng needed to deploy heavy troops to the Xuanwu Gate.

Bai Qi and Meng Tian's mountain division headquarters will expand to 100,000 troops within a hundred years, and the main giant beasts will be able to suppress the formation in a moment to protect the gate.

As for why the people transferred here are all lightly armed, it's not because they lack heavy machinery.

Because the weight needed to be reduced, Taihang Mountain was asked to drag the fortress Shanhaiguan over.

The core components of the previous generation battleship, the Yunxiao class, were dismantled into Lu Cheng's aircraft Jingwei.

After the war, the Xuanwu Gate was crumbling, and it was difficult for a heavy biological fighting unit like Princess Xuzhen to pass through.

To ensure security, we can only find a way to recruit Shanhaiguan escort.

The surface of the dragon boat cannot carry [Shanhaiguan] (it requires a super-density surface of at least 9 stars).

Then this fortress needs to transform into a fortress ship to accompany it.

As we all know, Shanhaiguan cannot fly. The power provided by its steam core is not enough to allow it to fly, but Lu Cheng now has a way.

With the help of Tiansi silk and the creation of Huntian Ling as a sail, there is no doubt that Taiyi Zhenren can use Tian Ling sails, and the steam power is enough to make Shanhaiguan "crawl".

This speed is enough, after all, the dragon boat's old power is not fast either.

The Wangwu was fully loaded with energy and materials that Yunmeng had recently produced, allowing the dragon boat to set off with a full load.

These include a large amount of Beiming water, glaciers, purple fairy grass and fairy beast products, providing survival guarantee for at least 20 million people.

The remaining 20 million people will return with Taihang Wangwu.

Of course, Nanyuan cannot be accommodated, and Bai Yujing can only accommodate the millions of human units of the highest star to work and live.

Others will temporarily live in the South China Sea near the whirling celestial body of the whale family.

This is only temporary.

Lu Cheng planned to use some of the high-star honey in his hands to trade a habitable planet to the sandy area.

Then, two-dimensional pressing technology is used to turn the planet into a two-dimensional plane.

Then use the conceptual celestial body [Taibai Venus] to spread cultural concepts, write, and paint the culture of the Tang and Song Dynasties on it.

Build a two-dimensional river and mountain to accommodate the population of 100 million high stars.

It can be said that these humans will live in a painting.

This is the creation process of the Super Realm Card, the Northern Song Dynasty's "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains".

This is not a two-dimensional prison

Using livable stars as rice paper, conceptual celestial bodies as pen and ink, and painstaking efforts in painting handed down from generation to generation. Although the living conditions inside are not as good as those in Baiyujing in the sky, which has entered the era of spiritual steaming, this human world is better than crowded dragon boats and backward sandy areas. Or maybe the South China Sea is a hundred times better.

It's not that Lu Cheng doesn't want to arrange them directly in a livable star, but after Yushi, the star rating of the units under his control is generally not what the ordinary livable environment can satisfy.

It’s not that it’s impossible to live in. It’s just that mismatched domain cards and units will cause a huge waste of labor and lower morale.

This is what Lu Cheng doesn't want to see.

Drawing thousands of miles of mountains and rivers behind, let’s talk about the front.

The first time most people in the Song Dynasty saw the power of the Yujing Navy was when they saw the fiery red Shanhaiguan appear in the starry sky.

The main force of the Sunset War, the largest Winged Dragon in the Third Dynasty, had a neck length that was not even comparable to the body diameter of the Dragon Fortress Cannon, let alone the terrifying energy fluctuations around it.

After Yunxiao rested, the actual human super weapon had been replaced by Xu Yuhe's flying [Tianling Shanhaiguan].

The airport handles the Yulin light cavalry. Although the Feiyuan is old, it is just used to reduce weight. The Yulin army cavalry are the real thing. I am not kidding you.

The Shanhai Light Infantry Brigade just doesn't have heavy equipment. Su Dingfang's troops have accumulated a lot of experience in the last battle, and they are more than enough to guard the wall.

After all, with the crushing blow from Mount Tai and the roaring killing blows of the ten vertical sword arrays in the north and south, there were not many enemies who could reach the pass.

Shanhaiguan will provide a red 1-star barrier for dragon boats to protect the dragon boat merchant fleet.

Lu Cheng originally planned to mobilize the Beluga-class large sea beast cruiser, but it couldn't be filled. If it comes again, the Xuanwu Gate will collapse.

The future era can actually be expected.

The background of the Song and Yuan Dynasties was mercantile and the rise of foreign races.

Under Lu Cheng's intentional guidance, the background seemed to fit the status quo.

It's a risk and an opportunity.

Although this is not a desktop background for two super battles, it is only suitable for small-scale duels.

But it is perfect for opening maps and trading, developing violent troops, and recruiting foreign races.

Dragon boat + mountain and sea fortress ship, 10,000 infantry, 1,000 elite air force, fully loaded with supplies, ready to draw a map.

There is a star compass to guide good luck and avoid bad luck, I believe you will be safe.

When it reaches an era suitable for a super war, the Sixteen Stars of Yanyun in hand declare that none of the black hands in the Sunset War can escape.

If you have a good attitude towards admitting your mistakes, get up and pay the New Year coins!

If you have a bad attitude, then

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