Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 1104 Repeated Peaks

I read the executive records and was deeply troubled.

Having reached this point, I finally know what kind of opponents the ancestors faced in the last few games.

Looking back on the military life, there are both wins and losses.

The civil war of the human race is extremely cruel and tragic. Faced with strange and dangerous spiritual phenomena, they are all worthy of being rivals.

One card difference, one move difference in chess, brought us to where we are now.

But next, I can only use the word "natural enemy" to describe the Shimmer Plague card masters!

If our ancestors had not chosen a barren and barren place to live, at this moment, I should be the first to face this thing.

The consequences could be disastrous.

If I survive the war, I will definitely activate a large-scale time card to worship the extraordinary wisdom of my ancestors!

But even so, it is impossible to completely defeat the disease.

The wisdom of the ancestors has never been achieved. Although the descendant Lu Cheng is an immortal, he must be a human first before becoming an immortal.

All their cards are created precisely for the word "killing".

From the perspective of card restraint, no matter what, I have no chance of winning alone.


Ancestor, don’t worry.

Thanks to your wisdom, I did not directly match them!

Now I am in the game, in the back support position.

Although there are few resources, I still found a teammate in the front row who is not too restrained.

Hope it.

Uh, let’s call him “she/him”

I'll add more blood and beg her not to die——

Lu Cheng, the envoy of the Yujing Festival and the leader of dragon boat merchants in the Northern Song Dynasty, wrote on the eve of the second wave.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as Lu Cheng opened his eyes, the card table in front of him seemed much wider than before.

After identifying the owner of the voice just now, 01 was sitting next to him.

"No. You should play your cards first."

Lu Cheng shook his head and said it was nothing.

Then he touched the Pisces pendant on his neck.

This whale jade pendant is moist with the body's body. It is worn with red thread. Lu Cheng can feel the abundant power in it just by holding it in his hand.

The jade pendant naturally represents the whale clan, while the red line represents the previous marriage strategy.

(You have obtained the card relic, Pisces Pendant. When you own this relic, all whale cards will now be added to your deck and regarded as Chinese cards.)


The singer whale king is dead.

An old injury recurred when pumping sandstone to the Xuanwu Gate.

The emperor whale was traumatized by the battle in the South China Sea and died during this episode.

Its deck basically has too many Nightmare cards, and Su Wen can't sort them out.

This old brother passed away in Bai Yujing, which can be considered peaceful.

The whale tribe is not a particularly emotional race. It doesn't matter who they follow, as long as they can hunt.

They will naturally continue to fight with humans.

It’s just that most of Lu Cheng’s mental energy was spent attending Whale Song’s burial at sea.

This led to the sudden loss of consciousness just now.

Obtained a powerful jade pendant, a relic of the game, which seems to have no impact on his strength.

But after losing a poker friend, the mental pressure on the rear increased sharply.

Lu Cheng glanced at 01.

This new "AI poker assistant" must not die!

"What's going on ahead now?" Lu Cheng came back to his senses and asked.

"[Cybertron]" 01 pointed to the front, a contested planet card in the fog of war.

"Currently, 30% of it is under our actual control, but we are no longer able to produce resources. According to my investigation, there are at least three legion-level cards in the North Council that are splitting nearby. Once a war starts, I will find it difficult to resist."


"Yes." 01 explained: "The machine clan army is to create entries, and your life forms are to cultivate/recruit/train. The main army of the North Council has split and copy entries. Once they cannot quickly destroy their legions, Cards, two soon~"

"Those three legions soon became six?"

"Wrong, with guaranteed energy and unlimited proliferation, we can even see sixty cards. However, Commander Organic, you don't have to worry. The infinite replication of viruses is of little use to our mechanical cards. They can only The use of carrier legions poses threats to our cards, such as [Infected Life Forms] and [Infected Insect Swarms], so I do not recommend that your Life Form Legion cards rush directly to the front line."


I can’t fight even if you suggest it!

Three legions confronting the mechanical army on Cybertron.

[Springling Nest Swarm] and [Infected Mummy Zombie] look like they have high stars.

That's because the blood is thick.

But with the blessing of magic, technology and industry, they are all younger brothers.

As long as the heavily equipped Shanhai Division and Yulin Army have suitable equipment and defense lines, there will definitely be no problem in defeating them.

But that one is left.

【Acne Legion】.

This is scary.

As long as the card touches a "person", it will be completely defeated!

This is no ordinary rash!

The super virus card is so terrifying! ! !

Without any understanding of the enemy, humans are killing insects and zombies despite spreading viruses?

Rely on herd immunity?

We need a thousand times more troops to fill in!

Imagine that General Huo defeats the enemy and predicts the enemy's opportunity first. Does he think he has a good way to cure diseases and save lives?

This sentence refers to Huo Qubing, what is his expression? ? ?

"Have all the life forms cultivated by the Machine Tribe been annihilated by the Pox Legion on Cybertron?"

"This has caused our cards to lose strong logic entries, and all attributes have declined. Currently, biological machines can only exist as masters and commanders, such as me." 01 replied: "And the biological machines in the alliance Most of the races have moved to the southern territory of the rear, engaged in production and supplying the front line. Your race is the same. However, your [Currency] rules are very interesting. If it can ensure smooth operation, it may bring about higher card exchange efficiency. We have hope of holding onto Cybertron during the second wave."

Lu Cheng nodded.

This law card is temporarily allowed to exist on a small scale on the alliance table, and the machine race will not compete for rule ownership.

It is enough to show that his front row teammates in this game are rational enough.

It's a good start.

"When do you estimate that the second wave will officially arrive?" Lu Cheng knew that a large army from the north was approaching, approaching 80 star sectors at the same time. Now it was just a matter of ignition and friction, and a full-scale showdown would begin soon.

He needs to know how to distribute these six hundred rounds.

"No one knows." 01 shook his head humanely: "On the table, there are not many thinking races like you and me. They happen to not be so, so if you think about it, it will come."

"Okay." Lu Cheng nodded, stopped asking questions, and just checked his cards.

The Whale King died, and his spirit was overloaded.

A large number of desktop work cards are idle and resources are consumed quickly.

But these issues are not critical.

To prove to 01 that the currency is beneficial and harmless, and for her to submit the report to the alliance, she needs to ensure that the currency is not a useless card.

There must be goods and production capacity, and freight must be connected.

Bai Yujing - Xuanwu Gate - Wormhole - Grizzly Triangle - Alliance South - Alliance North - Cybertron Front.

Lu Cheng looked carefully at the card drawing route.

There is currently [Whale Shipping] from Bai Yujing to Xuanwumen, with huge traffic and very smooth flow.

Lu Cheng slapped (√)

Next, the gate was in disrepair and must have been blocked.

Lu Cheng marked an (×) here.

Looking further back, the wormhole still has a lease period of one hundred years. Under the restrictions of the rules, the natural insect swarm will not rebel at present. Lu Cheng marked (√),

Draw cards out of the wormhole.

From the Grizzly Triangle to the southern border of Iwakuni, the two red draw cards on hand are enough, and the "earth" and small stones have a good relationship with me, so I can build a card library (freight transfer station), which is definitely a win (√).

Further on, from the southern border of the alliance to the northern border of the alliance.

This distance is very, very far. The infrastructure of the Void Spirit Clan is very problematic. There are not enough void passages in the territory. Drawing cards from the north will take at least a hundred rounds to start, and the loss is still very large.

How big is it?

In ancient times, when transporting military rations, it was considered strong to deliver a bag of rice with twenty dans.

Lu Cheng conservatively estimated that the cost of energy and materials from Bai Yujing Logistics to the Northern Territory of the Alliance was much higher than fifty times the card itself.

But there was nothing we could do.

Because the northern territory of the alliance suffers from diseases all year round, most races have moved south. Even habitable stars have no biological production capacity at all.

What's more, there is a mixture of dragons and snakes in the alliance, and everyone is still arguing.

The previous financing method was barter.

This is another (×).

There are so many mountains and mountains.

It is not easy to make money and "food" available on the northern frontline.

This first × is difficult to solve

Xuanwu Gate. How to repair it?

You must be able to repair and repair.

Lu Cheng couldn’t even understand the gate of the four ancient saints

While thinking.

"Senior brother! Senior brother! Senior brother!"


Lu Cheng's mind moved slightly.

"Hey, senior brother, it's me!!! It's really boring to build the heavenly gate. I, Sun, took advantage of that old man's nap, and his spiritual thoughts sneaked out to find you! But there are colorful stones to help me refining the indestructible golden body. , Lao Sun is here to help senior brother kill enemies and eliminate demons!"

(Your materials and skills have met the conditions, and the construction blueprint of [Monkey King’s Indestructible Golden Body] is unlocked.

Colorful sacred stone*30

Kunlun Purple Qi*120

Yunmeng Fengling*46

Lüka - entering the subtle realm, Lüka - the fourth heaven, Lüka - immortality

Time unit*6461 years




Very good.

Are you bored with Xiu Tianmen?

It doesn't matter!

Senior brother, I will find a new cultivator for you right now!

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