Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 1127 Heavenly Sensation

Three years later, Penglai.

"Brother, give it to me again"

"Great Sage, your senior brother is busy. Otherwise, let's go again." Taibai Jinxing patted Monkey on the shoulder.

"Old Taibai, it's very boring to play chess with you!"

Li Bai stroked his beard.

"Great Sage, before this game, we agreed that whoever loses will go to Yunmeng to screw the Pegasus Construct, but we have to count~"

The monkey stopped and lay down on the ground, rolling around.

"Then I, Li Taibai, can only take charge of the 100,000-level assembly line and the mythical breeding farm."

"The fire is really burning." Jia Xu said firmly: "Don't leave any records."

"You can't defend even if you know the direction of the attack?" Taibai was a little unbelievable.

They will draw away almost all water resources to sustain life, and wherever they go must be arid. Unlike singers who are good at space technology, they are the true children of the star sea, controlling the most abundant water star field in the Purifier. , with the most advanced water extraction technology.

After finally coaxing the monkey away, Taibai put away his smile and started recording the scriptures.

"Hey, Yunmeng Bimawen is a high-ranking official. If the Great Sage doesn't want to..."

No light can pass through the heavy water barrier, and certainly no sound.

But I was murmuring in my heart, this guy wants to come to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. He is not in military affairs, so he comes here when he has time. He must be looking up something?

"A few days ago, the heavenly beings on Mount Dushuo had a message. Did Taibai and the heavenly scribes record it?"

"Remember, of course I remember."

It does not mean that there must be a king in the crawling kingdom, and that the fish in the star sea must be fish.

It has been determined that the real feeling coming from Dushuo Mountain is the feeling of heaven and man.

These two issues are quite difficult. The second Purifier Federation is expected to be held in the capital star of the mechanical tribe in sixteen years. At that time, it will be necessary to vote on the permanent director civilization for the next three thousand years and the resolution of the above two issues. Initial response plan.

"It's obviously you who cheated!"

"It can be said that" Jia Xu nodded: "We have obtained a large number of advanced technological ideas for the future, a total of forty-nine times, and nearly ten million battles. Although the description is quite vague, I am sure that with our capabilities, in the In terms of grand strategy, we cannot win because we cannot withstand the Northern Army’s attack.”

"Isn't it true that there is a unique path for everyone?" Taibai's face became solemn.

"In the past three years, we have conducted a total of forty-nine rounds of military discussions and decisions around these vague connections between heaven and man, and we finally reached a conclusion today," Jia Xu explained.

Fully utilizing the power of the planet is a minimum for a red star civilization, but the star is absolutely untouchable.

Taibai is recording everything about the fish in the Star Sea and transforming it into cultural concepts that humans can understand.

"They are like us now, like a toddling child in front of the blazing stars. However, the sages of the fish school are like moths flying to the flame, one after another. They have never given up using various methods to appease the most irritable and the most violent in the sea of ​​stars. The unruly celestial body”

For example, the Xinghai Fish School and the Whale Clan are not close relatives. They are the first races to fly to the stars to fight against viruses.

Jia Xu thought for a while and then said: "We have analyzed the battles through forty-nine rounds of military discussions. There is no chance of victory. All the decisions are in vain."

Human beings cannot understand their existence under normal circumstances, because under human physical rules, water is composed of water molecules and is a limited resource.

"Huh?" Li Bai said in surprise: "It is a precious information that is sent by heaven and man. It is kept safe with me. Why should it be burned?"

But where fish in the stars live, the universe is made up of turbulence and oceans.

The energy turbulence in the universe is also restricted by the weighted water molecules in the space, making it appear docile.

This real sea area is quiet and solemn

The planets are fixed by mass, like sand and stones embedded in the ocean, while the shining stars that cannot be wrapped by water are as bright as pearls.

Of course, these are alien races that anthropologists have tried to deconstruct through heavenly laws and put them into categories that humans can understand.

The voice faded away, and Taibai chuckled. This monkey is getting more interesting day by day.

On the other hand, the machine race has initially sent the war situation on Cybertron and humanity's proposals to various countries. If the referee really doesn't work, they need to be prepared for a decisive battle with the Northern Army in extreme circumstances three thousand years later.

Water can at most form planets under the influence of gravity, but if it is widely spread into the universe, it can be said to be a drop in the bucket relative to the mass of the universe.

But Nantianmen was indeed in Dushuo Mountain, and with the help of heroic spirits, they gave everyone a collection of wrong questions.

Li Bai invited Jia Xu into the library.

Nantianmen controls part of the way of heaven. It is not human and has no human emotions at all. It is impossible to guess what it wants to do.

After the prison company came back, they used almost all the counselors and generals, and spent three years writing down all the situations for discussion. Now the results are finally there?

"Appreciate further details."

"Brother Jia, please continue." Taibai found a chair and motioned for Jia Xu to sit down.

Jia Xu waved his hand and continued: "During the Battle of Wuchao, we had top-notch technologies such as Golden Crow technology, the Great Wall and Tushita Palace, and we set a sand table. Even if we knew the direction of the invasion of the Northern Army, the result was still a disastrous defeat!"

Whether these inductions are simulated by Heaven or occur in parallel is unknown.

They flatten water molecules and stack them layer by layer to make weighted water molecules, making their quality extremely high, and then use these weighted water to form a body of water.

The central world has officially entered an extraordinary era, and the alliance has decided to run two plans in parallel. On the one hand, it must properly deal with the coming extreme climate and preserve the fire of civilization during the ice age.

In human cognition, there is no ocean in the universe.

When scholars set foot in the Mercury Domain for the first time, they were shocked by the real sea of ​​stars.

When Taibai heard this, he was happy.

And after getting the wrong problem set, is there still no solution?

After the last human dynasty fell, they took off from their home planet and took away all the water resources.

"Brother Jia? Please come inside."

"Taibai, are you done?" A voice came from somewhere, "I'm ready to come in after you're done!".

Li Bai followed the sound.

"No, if you are willing to admit defeat, I, grandson, can just go!"

The permanent council seat of the Purifier represents the right to speak in more than a dozen major countries and thousands of small countries. Currently, there are only mechanical tribes, crawling countries, underground kingdoms and star sea fish schools with high intelligence or logical thinking ability.

He paced back and forth in the library: "This time's telepathy is very strange. The technology trees, combat power, allies, and layout of both sides are different every time, but the results are similar. Take yesterday's analysis Let’s analyze the Battle of Wuchao.”


After all, Jiedushi has thousands of famous generals under his command, as well as several immortals and gods.

"Of course, evil viruses are pervasive and mutate in thousands of ways. Naturally, they are difficult to guard against." Jia Xu nodded.

"Brother Jia means that we are destined to lose?"

"I'm just saying that it's impossible to guard against it." Jia Xu suddenly smiled mysteriously: "The Tianmen is open, and the voice of Hedao is probably just telling us that it's impossible to guard against it."

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