Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 1158 Weishui Camp

At the same time, the Weishui Camp of the Heavenly Court.

The surrounding celestial phenomena have completely changed.

200 immortal soldiers squatted on the high ground and shot at the landing point.

The immortal treasure in his hand absorbed the power of the heavenly tribulation from the thunder pool in the sky.

When it was full, the lightning striker in the magic weapon made a muffled sound, and then there was thunder.

The mosquito and fly storm has been completely covered by the heavenly tribulation thunderstorm.

In order to save costs, the weapons have not been replaced since the Jin Dynasty.

In the electrical age, the previous batch of weapons were all retired, and the casting level of the new generation of weapons and armor was 10,000 years behind the previous generation.

Any human country has the most stringent restrictions on armor, even more than weapons.

Because humans are a creative but physically weak race, and whether it is bulletproof vests or treasure armor, they can give humans the power to fight demons and monsters.

Every set of armor has been tempered in the thunder pool and tempered in various mythological stories that exist in the Heavenly Court.

Ensure that the soldiers of the Heavenly Court can adapt to every era background.

Because this war was described in the superior rules as a transition from the ancient tribal era to the dark period of Xia, when the Kuafu people pursued light for mankind, and Quebo and Prometheus stole fire for mankind.

Therefore, the appearance of the fairy armor that landed in the background of the Xia Dynasty resembled the bronze warriors, which allowed them to better blend into the background.

The battlefield on the eastern front was far more intense than the western front.

In front of the soldiers of the Weishui Camp, the spiritual beads in the form of the law of heaven and earth restricted the six limbs of a giant insect.

And this evil beast had eight legs, and it was still moving forward.

The terrifying shock caused by the fight between the two giants caused the land that had been burned for hundreds of millions of years to begin to crack, and there were large rift valleys everywhere.

The lightning of the heavenly tribulation bombarded the armor of the giant insect from time to time.

This was the heavenly warriors supporting the fairy general Nezha while suppressing the enemy at the landing point.

Three soldiers of the Weishui Camp flew out of a gap hundreds of meters long.

"Calling the dragon boat, the enemy Titan's individual fulcrum is found on the left, target limb No. 7, prepare the electric magic weapon!"

This is the name used since the mainland era, and the largest group of enemy land combat units is uniformly called Titan individuals.

The size and strength of the Zerg Titan are very exaggerated. They usually parasitize more than a million insects and have extraordinary energy capabilities.

Generally, they are only used to charge into battle.

The Titan in front of us is obviously from the mountain planet. It seems to have gnawed the rocks and metals of the entire planet, resulting in its outer shell containing a lot of hard materials, and in its long life, it has evolved a lot of earth element laws that are integrated into its armor layers.

Perhaps there are also gravity rules, which make this thing extremely heavy.

Nezha restricted its six limbs.

The Weishui Dragon King took the opportunity to go around to the left side of the Zerg Titan's armor and opened all the dragon scale gun ports on the same side.

"Evil obstacle, listen to the thunder!"

In an instant, dozens of lightning flashes shot out of the dragon's body.

Thunder Tribulation, in mythology, is generally used for punishment or ascension, and can ignore many first-level physical, elemental, and time laws to cause damage.

Even if the giant insect has physical spell protection and rule protection, it is not very effective.

When the dragon boat approached and shot, the heavy firepower magic weapon carried by the bronze fairy armor easily penetrated the armor of the giant insect.


The terrifying roar shook the sky and the earth.

Its leg hooked on the rock on the left was injured by lightning, and the whole body lost balance.

Fa Tian Xiang Di is ten thousand feet tall, Nezha is about twenty-two thousand feet tall, and the Monkey King is even taller.

The collapse of the Titan, which is a head taller than him, can be said to be a mountain-shaking earthquake!

However, all the immortal army war machines are equipped with seismometers, and it is impossible to be affected by this thing.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Titan's collapse, the giant armor of the Weishui Camp finally found the angle. They immediately entered the shooting position and prepared to start hanging the enemy and the airport on the back of the Titan.

That's right

There is an airport on the back of the Titan.

According to the name of the Zerg, it should be called a mounted flying insect nest, but under unknown rules, it can be called an airport.

Just like the Heavenly Court Air Cavalry needs to take off and land, flying insects will not be rootless duckweed.

All the flying insects at the landing point take off and land from the Army Titan.

The goal of the Giant Spirit God is to paralyze the Titan Airport in one wave before the Titan gets up!

The Heavenly Court Light Battalion will not have Giant Spirit God armor, and a brigade may be equipped with one for transporting military equipment.

But it is quite common in the heavy armored troops.

Unlike ordinary fairy armor, the Giant Spirit God armor is not equipped with a Tianjie electromagnetic gun.

The fully armed and powerful Giant Spirit God armor can carry more powerful fairy energy.

This allows them to equip heavier magic weapons, Tianjie electromagnetic array cannons.

"Taishan, enter the array!"

The Giant Spirit God armor is not small in size, and the huge mountain is loaded into the electromagnetic gun array as a projectile.

Of course, the Taishan here is not unique.

This is a peak-shaped shell made by Penglai production line through two-dimensional materialization and planetary mass according to the original appearance of Mount Tai, 1:1.

The background of Mount Tai can obtain extremely high projectile quality bonus.

The principle of the Heavenly Tribulation Electromagnetic Array Cannon is very simple, that is, to tear open the atmosphere and time and space through the Heavenly Tribulation, and throw the huge mass shells and the huge power of lightning to the enemy.

The mountain entered the array, and the powerful Heavenly Tribulation array began to exert its power.


The electromagnetic cannon broke through the air with an exaggerated whistling sound.


Continuous roar.

The contemporary individual Tianjia electromagnetic gun is even more exaggerated than the 1400m earth-shaped dragon main gun in Shanhaiguan.

The powerful tribulation tore open the shell of the airport, and the high-quality Taishan got into it and exploded.

At the Weishui camp, the spiritual communication was delivered.

"Join the army, enemy Titan instances are retreating."

"No, the demon will not retreat." Sima Yi shook his head and continued to write rapidly.

Jiang Shang on the side heard this and stroked his beard.

"Old thief, you seem to have other opinions?"

"Haha." Sima Yi laughed and said, "You always call me an old thief. When will you teach me the supreme method of ascending to immortality so that I can truly become an old man?"

"Are you going to die soon?" Jiang Shang asked.

When Sima Yi heard this, his face suddenly changed, from a pale old man to a ghost like a wolf and tiger with teeth and claws.

The camp suddenly became filled with ghostly energy.

There was no human voice at all when the ghost spoke, replaced by a hoarse and unpleasant voice.

"The ghost of Wolf Gu, the tiger in the deep grave, has long ceased to be human, so why should we live without it?"

Perhaps because he had seen too much, Jiang Shang was not afraid of ghosts at all, and did not even look at them: "That's right, you, Sima Yi, have already been buried in the ground with withered bones."

"I don't want existence to disappear, I definitely want the method of immortality." Sima Yi changed back and continued to write something.

"Then there is great merit in the three realms." Jiang Shang said, as if he suddenly thought of something: "Oh! No wonder you insist on coming. You are very similar to Shen Gongbao and Su Daji."

Sima Yi stood up and looked at the sky in Shaling. Although it was almost dawn, Kuafu's eyes were still bright.

Then he shook his head and said:

"I am different from Shen Gongbao, Su Daji and others. I can live longer than them.

If I were Shen Gongbao, who determined the spirit of King Mu back then, instead of claiming to be a national teacher, then Su Daji would be even more useless. "

"How to say?" Jiang Shang asked.

"After my death, the world was in chaos. The conspirator used his body to enter the chess game and concocted the death of the Undead King. Was Daji a share in the charm he borrowed back then?"

"Yes." Jiang Shang counted with his fingers: "With this skill, she was saved from a certain death disaster, but..."

"But she has a lot of fatal disasters, right?" Sima Yi turned around and smiled: "If you can charm the King of Chang'an, borrowing his achievements can definitely solve a lot of problems. If you are more radical, if you directly hide the charm in your body, In the battle of Yin and Yang, she took advantage of the chaos to kill the King of Yama in Chang'an and surrendered to the amorous seed King of the Dead. She must be more favored than the goddess of love, Venus."

"Ha, old thief."

"Smiling so much, the King of Hell and I also said the same thing."

"Then what did Commander Lu say?" Jiang Shang asked with interest.

"You didn't say anything. I'm allowed to come to Weishui Camp and join the army."

The two old men looked at each other as they spoke. Jiang Shang stroked his beard and shook his head.

"They are all ruthless people."

"Don't be cruel, we'll talk about it later, fisherman, come and take a look." Sima Yi looked at the sky, turned back and licked two strokes on the paper, and then made room for Jiang Ziya.

"Oh?" Jiang Shang sat over and said, "Did you finish the painting?"

"It's almost done. Just take a look." Sima Yi nodded with a solemn expression.

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