Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 1161 Big Explosion Pit

Time is a parameter used by humans to describe the movement of mass objects or the occurrence of events.

For most cosmic civilizations that are not under human rules, this parameter does not exist.

Machines do not use time to describe movement, so there is naturally no concept of time.

However, they are as polite as usual and use human temporal rules such as "too late" to describe the progress of this event.

Humans cannot know what happened.

Thirty-seven years ago, it was the fourth year of the human expeditionary force entering the enemy's territory.

A drug that amplifies the mental power of life forms has been successfully developed.

Mechanical civilization does not understand life forms, so the drug will be jointly discussed by other countries and mechanical civilization will not participate.

This drug can extremely expand the brain area, but its fatal addiction is worrying. At first, the alliance decided to ban it.

This thing circulates in a small range underground, and one piece can be sold for a very high value of shell currency.

Soon, their users began to promote the legalization of drugs in order to reduce costs.

"I use it every day and I'm not addicted!"

"We want free thoughts, not animalistic constraints!"

Such remarks are prevalent, and some countries are unable to stop its underground circulation, so they began to gradually relax control.

What's more, some countries and organizations are jealous of the economic benefits it brings and began to allow the cultivation of this economic crop.

Traditional crops are gradually removed, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger, spreading faster than the virus.

The virus is highly contagious, and everyone knows not to take the initiative to contact it.

So, you must not have heard of "legalization of colds" and "legalization of AIDS".

But this thing is about to be legalized throughout the alliance.

The impact it brings has completely transformed the ecology of a large number of countries, and once triggered a great economic boom.

Good news comes one after another.

During the great prosperity of the alliance, the swarm and virus troops suddenly stopped all attacks.

For several years, the entire North and South Star Region has been strangely silent, with only large-scale greening and planetary pharmacization in the life body country.

Sudden, unannounced truce, is this good news?

The mechanical civilization feels that everything around it is evolving horribly!

The mechanical civilization was extremely uneasy about the current situation. They quietly used their resources to assemble a machine king for the purpose of governing.

Every time a civilization crisis occurs, a machine king is assembled and appointed in times of crisis.

After the current machine king came to power, he used his huge computing power to simulate the direction of events.

Finally, an amazing result was obtained.

The north and the south are using the same card deck. In the end, all individuals with a spiritual world will become the same race because of the powerful side effects of these cards!

The alliance disintegrated, regardless of the north and the south, and the central world was unified.

A behemoth with unified thoughts, controlled by drugs, and controlling 90% of the resources of the central world!

Of course, there will be no mechanical civilization in this plan!

The machine king's computing power is endless, and it simulates tens of millions of battles in the future.

It must. Deal with everything.

The deepest part of the macro world, the Big Bang Pit.

The Big Bang formed the entire world, and the Big Bang Pit, as the name suggests, is the starting point of the Big Bang.

The space here is magnificent, majestic, bizarre, and breathtaking.

For any civilization, this natural wonder will bring extremely terrifying bonuses, but the huge energy released by the Big Bang will not dissipate for trillions of years, so you have to survive first.

In this place where absolutely no one has set foot, there is a plant growing.

Its greed makes it take root here, absorb the energy and power of the origin debris, and thrive.

However, it really underestimates the ability of the origin.

After the Big Bang, this universe created a card world. Only the cosmic origin is left with debris, and most of the primordial consciousness has also spread out, becoming the creation consciousness in the myth of the ancestors of all races.

But only most of it.

The remaining primordial consciousness felt this greedy life form, and knew that it would never be satisfied, and sooner or later it would destroy the world created by the Big Bang when it grew up, so it used the remaining power to imprison it in the Big Bang pit.

Now the king is in trouble!

It is surrounded by the primordial consciousness, and every branch is being melted by huge energy every minute and every second.

However, it is rooted in the origin, and its inner vitality is endless, and it cannot be completely destroyed.

In the endless destruction and rebirth of billions of years, it found an opportunity and nurtured a terrifying seed of civilization.

And found an opportunity to spread this seed of destruction, which became a disaster for the world.

It will grow into a unique producer civilization, lurking among the myriad races to participate in the "succession".

The final producers were born from this, and they regarded the original life form rooted in the deep pit of the big bang as the monarch.

Hiding in the dark, instigating endless high-intensity wars in all walks of life to ensure their own comfortable life, the ultimate goal is to rescue the king, destroy all civilizations in other worlds, and take the world for themselves.

Using the myriad races as nutrients, taking root in the heavens, and connecting billions of stars with branches.

What a magnificent ambition!

In the ancient s1 season, they almost achieved the destruction of the world as contestants.

In the s2 season, the final producers planned the first Civil War, with fruitful results.

But in the last season, the supreme rules created by the extremely rare creation consciousness contributed by various races produced a left and right.

On the eve of the Second Civil War, the version balance mechanism was encountered.

The tabletop rules of the Ice Age formed a large number of glacier areas and storm areas, which greatly limited the explosive expansion of the deck.

This version will last for a long time, and end the current season, rest and recuperate until the next season is re-dealt and everything grows.

The extremely low temperature rules mean extremely low intensity wars, which is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the offshore balance strategy of the end-producers.

In the next season, they have to re-arrange, and there are many variables.

They have no choice but to seek help from the original king.

Every time they explore the deep pit and communicate with the king, it is not easy, and a large number of tribesmen and gardeners need to be sacrificed.

But every time they can get a king card that is enough to bypass the rules!

This time is no exception.

Although seeking help from the trapped king consumes almost all the energy, the super plant weapon with the body of the spirit tribe and the end-producer tribe was synthesized and delivered to the "gardeners".

Let them play this game around this card.

This is obviously a cheat card, extremely powerful.

After sending the card, the Big Bang Pit closed again. The violent energy made it impossible for people to get involved, and naturally no one would hear the conversation between the two powerful consciousnesses in the pit.

"Why, aren't you quite confident in your seeds?" Taichu's powerful mental power echoed in the pit, and every word turned into a card, bombarding the king's branches with explosive energy.

Although the king drew a card to help his people, he was still not afraid.

The two powerful beings have been playing against each other for billions of years. Without the help of external forces, no one can do anything to the other.

"Taichu, be quiet for a while. You and I have been imprisoned for a long time. I can't go out. You can't go out if you want to deal with me. Why don't you sit down and watch a game of Tianxia cards."

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