Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 134 Tiger Prison! (one)

Lu Cheng walked past the military tent. The soldiers all cast admiring glances.

After all, Hua Xiong is very powerful, and many of the generals he fought just now did not dare to take the lead.

A cook went up with the pot on his back and sprayed Huaxiong on the phone for 30 minutes, and then knocked him down with a spear. It seemed that the effect was really good!

Lu Cheng walked into the big tent.

The prestige of the coalition must be accepted. It will be of great use in taking Hulaoguan in the future. By the way, listen to how the princes of the eighteen towns boasted about themselves.

The generals had already been informed by the scouts that Hua Xiong had been beheaded, and they were overjoyed to see Lu Cheng at this moment.

Zhang Fei slapped the table and shouted.

"This strong man beheaded Hua Xiong, if I don't take the opportunity to enter the pass, when will I wait to capture that Dong thief alive?"

But Yuan Shao looked unhappy.

"There is no place for you to speak here!"

"Duke Yuan, don't worry!"

With a smile on his face, Cao Cao walked up to Lu Cheng with the wine.

"A strong man shows his bravery in front of the battle, and kills Hua Xiong when the wine is still warm!"

Although the wine may have been reheated twice!


Lu Cheng returned to Wang Iceland Hotel and had a simple meal.

The Three Kingdoms has to go again, Hulao Pass has not yet been taken.

It is still very easy to take the Hulao off.

After all, you don't have to tough Lv Bu by yourself.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and the others will be there, and it will be enough for me to rub my reputation when the time comes.

Who wouldn't?

Lu Cheng is confident that he can also enter and exit seven times in Changbanpo with Zhao Yun.

However, I can't go back to the Three Kingdoms for the time being. The consumption in the Three Kingdoms scene is a bit high. I paid the inquiry fee and bought a general soul card.

Money is a little short.

I have to go back to the bank to exchange some paper money.

Lu Cheng was full of energy for the black card.

It is not easy to go to the bank this time, and it will consume 1000 energy, so this time Lu Cheng simply exchanged half of the energy cards he owns for paper money.

There are a full 1215, and this is the case in every world, energy is always a valuable thing.

These should be enough for this day's expenses!

He kept half of it, because he had to go in and out of the black card frequently, which required a lot of energy. If he left the energy card, it would be a bit slow to rely on natural recovery. After all, time is also money.

After returning from the Qianzhuang, Lu Cheng made a detailed plan to take Hulao Pass.

I just prepared for a day or two before returning to the Three Kingdoms.

The black card is the fantasy projection of Huaxia in the Myriad Realms. When it returns to reality, all the time in it remains unchanged.

But after Lu Cheng came out, he entered Youdu again to exchange paper money. When the timeline of Youdu moves forward, the timeline of the Three Kingdoms will also advance, and the speed of time loss in each plane is different.

When Lu Cheng reappeared in the camp of the coalition forces, the coalition forces of the 18th Route princes had already broken through Sishui Pass and were about to enter Hulao Pass.

Lu Cheng knew the plot, after the Sanying battle against Lv Bu, Lv Bu retreated, the coalition forces took the opportunity to attack Guanzhong, and after that, Fen Jin Que and Dong Zhuo committed the crime.

Luoyang was burned.

The eighteen princes also began to have their own ghosts.

After Cao Cao pursued Lu Bu and returned in a big defeat, the princes of the eighteen towns disbanded and disbanded.

There is still quite a lot of room for maneuvering in the middle.

The soldiers in the battalion are busy loading and unloading food and grass, and the first batch of supplies has arrived today.

In the Three Kingdoms period, no matter which version it is, money, food, soldiers and horses are hard currency. In this era of low productivity, supplies are particularly important.

After the allied forces broke through Sishui Pass, Meteor Probe came to report, and Dong Zhuo stationed troops at Hulao Pass.

After Yuan Shao heard the news, he decided to divide his troops to attack immediately.

Restoring in place at this moment is to wait for supplies, and then break through Hulao Pass in one fell swoop.

After all the supplies are in place today, the coalition forces will launch an attack on Hulao Pass.

Lu Cheng waited in the army, chatting with the generals.

Since Hua Xiong was beheaded a few days ago, most of the people in the coalition knew him.

The generals also greeted themselves with smiles.

After all, in this era, powerful people will be fully respected.

The second batch of supplies arrived soon, and the battle drums in the military tents were beating.

Yuan Shao ordered the eight princes to raise troops immediately.

The coalition forces finally launched a general attack on Hulao Pass.


Hulao Pass is named after King Mu of Zhou who locked the tiger.

It is the gateway and important pass to the east of Luoyang.

The mountains are intertwined, and the Xiongguan is a natural danger.

There is quite a tendency that one man should be in charge of the gate and ten thousand men should not be opened.

After occupying Hulao Pass, heading west can threaten Luoyang.

It is a battleground for military strategists.

When the door is closed, the arrows are raining down, and the rolling stones and woods are splashed down as if they don't want money.

But the ladder of the coalition forces still climbed up the wall tenaciously.

Huaxiong is newly defeated. The morale of Dong Zhuo's army was low, while the morale of the coalition of princes was extremely high.

But Hulao Pass is a natural danger, and it won't be able to take it for a while.

Lu Cheng summoned out the wedding dress.

Thousands of arrows landed on the coffin shield, clanging, and under the cover of the coffin shield, long-range bows and arrows could not hurt him.

He's busy with something.

This is not an ordinary Three Kingdoms. The generals have superb abilities, and the quality of the soldiers is also ridiculously high.

Lu Cheng was talking with the fallen soldiers about re-enlisting to serve Youdu.

The soldiers killed here will directly become [ghost pawns], and the quality is very high.

Almost all of them have caught up with the serious pawns of Youdu, black and white are impermanent, and they have to receive 10 paper money each.

Under the rain of arrows, Lu Chenghe shuttled among the former elite of the coalition army, looking for those soldiers who looked brave and brave, and then went up to talk with them after they were killed.

The fight on the battlefield was in full swing.

He also had a good chat with the [Ghost Soldiers], in the Three Kingdoms era, soldiers' lives were like nothing, and finally 40 of them agreed to join the army card.

Lu Cheng didn't have much money. He spent 400 paper money and had to keep more than 800.

In addition to general Hua Xiong, the legion card has been expanded to 50 people.

But this card still didn't break through to the purple rank.

Lu Cheng felt that this should be the reason why he didn't complete the training, after all, Hua Xiong was almost at the purple level.

Plus a full 50 pawns, the potential is very high.

Let the legion card hunt in Youdu Mountain, practice more, and it is estimated that it will break through to the purple card level soon.

Hei Wuchang was working while Lu Cheng and Bai Wuchang were chatting, and they were talking about the proprietress of [Ecstasy Pavilion] when they were suddenly interrupted by a noise.!

The huge explosion even overshadowed the shouts of tens of thousands of people.

A nearly solid shock wave swept across the battlefield, leaving a 100-meter gap in front of Hulao Pass.

Hundreds of soldiers of the coalition army could not avoid it, and were scattered by the shock wave, and there was a moment of mourning.

With such a long distance, Lu Cheng was affected.

Bai Wuchang had already disappeared, Lu Cheng covered his face with his hands, and the flying sand and stones hit his arms with pain.

Holding Qin in her wedding dress, she hurriedly stood in front of Lu Cheng.

"Lu Bu, it's Lu Bu who is here!"

Shouts of panic erupted among the coalition troops.

The girl in front of him looked back at Cheng Lu. Cheng took a deep breath and nodded. This was his plan.

The girl's resentment erupted like a torrent!

Her figure is gradually illusory, the zither shield is deforming, and the nine black coffin swords are floating in the real resentment.

The wedding dress coffin shield borrowed arrows on the battlefield just now, and now the owner is under attack again.

The red clothes with 1469 levels of resentment marks in front of me are taking shape!

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