Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 22 Academy Cup Upgrade

A day later, Lu Cheng returned to class

After defeating Liu Jun, all the girls in the class surrounded him and asked him about the [Smoke] card.

It was hard to climb back to the seat from the flowers.

"You didn't come that day, Teacher Lu invited us to eat grilled mackerel with soy sauce and orange juice." Tang Wenyao poked Lu Cheng.

Upon hearing "fish", Lu Cheng felt a little queasy.

[Fish Tofu Hot Pot] in the morning, [Potato Fish Hot Pot] at noon, and [Fish Head Hot Pot] in the afternoon.

People are numb, all numb.

But in order to open the black card, there is no other way.

What's more, with this food supplement, the energy absorption and release are fast, just like ordinary card masters exercising under the blessing of energy cards, and the speed is not the same.

"By the way, I haven't come these two days. Did Teacher Lu tell you the arrangement after signing up?" Lu Cheng slapped his forehead when he saw the girl at the same table.

Indulging in shabu-shabu these days, I forgot to ask about the game arrangement.

Hearing the arrangement, Tang Wenyao suddenly looked strange.

"Uh, tell us"

"What's wrong with you?" Feeling that something was wrong with the tablemate, Lu Cheng asked with concern.

"Ms. Lu did not suggest that we participate"

"What's going on?" Lu Cheng frowned. What happened? Teacher Lu was very enthusiastic and generous in sponsoring him. Why did he suddenly turn his attitude 180 degrees?

"Look at this first." Tang Wenyao forwarded a piece of news on the Internet to Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng glanced at it.

"Winter Lion Palace signed an administrative order to allow domestic academies to conduct official duels. This year's Academy Cup will be given additional rewards by the royal family."

Lu Cheng knows that duels are divided into online duels, entertainment matches, informal duels, main matches, unlimited duels and deathmatch.

There are various regulations for online duels and entertainment games, and there is no danger. The Academy Cup has always been an off-season format, and injuries may occur, but they are also relatively safe.

However, formal duels have certain risks, and casualties are allowed in duels.

Lu Cheng didn't think it mattered, but he was very surprised, why did the royal family sign such an order?

"Isn't it weird? And, let me tell you, all domestic competitions have been raised by one level."

"How could this be?" Lu Cheng asked curiously.

"The history teacher said that if the relationship between Dongshi and Shengyue is bad, it will be like this. The royal family needs to cultivate the atmosphere and select talents from the competition."

"Is the relationship between the two countries better? Is it going to fight?" Lu Cheng whispered.

Since ancient times, Shengyue and Dongshi have been sworn enemies. The two sides don't even communicate with, so there is no need for Lu Cheng to hide his identity here.

"The teacher said that we can't fight. Now both sides have super card masters. The one from our country has also appeared this year."

After all, this world is the world of the strong.

A card master who has a gold star of 5 or more and actually controls a legendary card with a star of 5 or more is called a super rank.

This level, Lu Cheng understands, strategic nuclear weapons.

Above the purple card, each star level is a gap, and the legendary card is even more outrageous.

A legendary 1-star [Ferryman] can reverse life and death within the rules, so what kind of combat power is a legendary 5-star?

Lu Cheng made a rough estimate, and it is said that the 5 stars may have reached the level of the ten temples of Yama!

Ordinary card masters are completely meaningless in front of this level of combat power.

The old monsters of the township level on both sides still exist, so how can they fight?

And how could such an old monster die so easily? impossible.

"Ms. Lu said that the main competition may be dangerous. We are freshmen, so it is best to participate next year. She will also sponsor us next year." Tang Wenyao's expression became even more strange after speaking.

"I'm going to participate in the main competition." Lu Cheng didn't think much about it.

Just kidding, 1 million!

And the royal bonus, can it be less?

"But the teacher is right. The main match is a bit dangerous for you and Fat Brother. I'll go and tell the teacher. It's best for you not to participate."

"Aren't you afraid of getting hurt? The competition is very intense." Tang Wenyao asked.

Lu Cheng looked at Tang Wenyao.

"If I don't go, will it be difficult for your sister to reject Senior Liu Jun? We can wait a year, but she will graduate this year."

Tang Wenyao's beautiful eyes showed a hint of surprise, and then his expression turned into joy.

"Actually, when you were not here, we discussed it. If you don't go, we will go ourselves. I didn't expect you to not be cowardly!"

Hear the word cowardly.

Lu Cheng was a little emotional.

Looking around, the girls are in groups of three or five, Yingying Yanyan, and the window is quiet and peaceful.

It really is school

Playing an official duel match is too much to talk about.

He used to play no limit all the time, okay?

The competition system was temporarily changed, and the Academy Cup was postponed for three months, giving each team sufficient time.

However, the Winter Lions Academy is still dominated by salted fish. Most of the high-spirited teams disbanded after hearing the main match, and there are not many remaining teams.

Although there is still plenty of time, it should be prepared early.

This sentence was said by Lu Jianhong.

She heard that the team was not disbanded, and she was a little worried.

Apart from being rich and showing off, Lu Jianhong is actually a pretty good teacher.

Winter Lions Academy's teams participating in the Academy Cup are generally free to form teams, and after passing the preliminary selection, the school will assign a team leader teacher and provide special training for this team.

Before the qualifiers, the teams could only train on their own.

Now there are three freshmen in the team, and we can't even talk about team training. Before the qualifiers, everyone needs to improve their personal strength first.

Tang Wenyao's training has been completed.

In addition to sponsorship, Teacher Lu decided to personally train Tang Wenyao.

Both Lu Cheng and Tang Wuyao agreed, Teacher Lu is a healing support, she is willing to end, it must be the best.

Fatty is also fine. They have their own teacher in the shield department, who will definitely teach him. Moreover, although his family has fallen, he must have his own things. He said that he doesn't need to worry about it for the time being.

Lu Cheng had never met the fifth teammate. Tang Wuyao said that the shield card master named Liu Hongying had some trouble at home recently and asked for leave for two days, but the senior sister patted her chest to confirm that she was fine.

And when the time comes, Liu Hongying can join Fatty in special training.

Lu Cheng is of course fine.

Although Brother Lu is a rare breed.

Amplification support can be said to be a profession that has withdrawn from the stage of history, and the entire Winter Lions cannot find a teacher who is particularly proficient in amplification assistance.

Teacher Lu said that apart from teaching him to assist GM, there is nothing else he can do.

But Lu Cheng wants to improve his personal strength


Eat fish, suck red clothes, and open secret realms!

Then there is one problem left.

Senior sister Tang Wuyao.

Although she has good talent and high energy level, she doesn't have good cards.

Insufficient funds, the card group should be more cautious

She should have found a teacher in her department.

But the magic class teacher is Liu Chaoming.

Tang Wuyao was a little embarrassed.

In the recent incident, she obviously felt that something was wrong with Liu Chaoming, and she seemed to deliberately favor Liu Jun.

"I always feel that Mr. Liu is... Hey, I don't want to look for him. Forget it, I'll go to the teacher, but he is guiding Liu Jun during this time. If we meet, I" Tang Wuyao lowered her head.

"Sister, why don't you avoid the edge first, so why don't you help your roommate train first? I think he has nothing to do, right?"

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