Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 3 Discord Secret Realm

"Evolution, choose 2."

Lu Cheng polished it carefully, sawdust flying, and the spear gradually began to take shape.


The tip of the spear broke from too much force.

Evolution failed, you got the card [Spirit Firewood (3)]!

It doesn't matter, I just came into contact with the willow of the soul, and the material is not yet familiar, so I just need another one. It is estimated that the success rate this time should be above 70%!

After Lu Cheng sat quietly for a while, his energy recovered almost.

Naihe looked a little stunned, but this time Lan's speed was really fast, almost twice that of the outside world!

This shows that exercising the energy level here can also obtain the effect of speeding up, which is a surprise!

Another piece of [Spirit Willow] was used.

Start sanding.

Similar to what Lu Cheng estimated, the success rate this time has increased to 78.1%.

You got the card [Wooden Spear (Spirit Willow)]!

【Wooden Spear (Willow Willow)

Expansion Pack: Eastern Mythology - Youdu

equipment card

Level: Normal 3

Description: A handmade rough spear made of willow willow.

Card Skill 1: Toughness (This spear is more durable than ordinary wooden spears.)

Card Skill 2: Soul Kill (This wooden spear will add weak soul damage when it deals damage.)

Evolution method: unknown]

This special effect is what I want!

Whether it is a spirit body or a ghost type, as long as it is a pure soul body, physical attacks are almost useless, and special expansion cards such as [Sterling Silver Bullet-Engraved Pattern] [Holy Water-Spiritual Body β] are needed to deal with it.

The spear in the hand also has a similar effect. Although the effect is weak, it is definitely more than enough to kill fish.

Using these ordinary level 3 cards was almost approaching the limit of his current ability. Lu Cheng fiddled with it twice, the spear was indeed quite strong, and then cast his sinful eyes on the river.

It took a whole night to make the spear, and the blood of the Nai River has disappeared, and the clear water has been restored.

Well done, little fishes, brother is coming~!

[Ghost carp (11.8kg) (upper Nai River)

Expansion Pack: Eastern Mythology - Youdu

summon card

Level: Normal 3

Introduction: Ghost carps have the effect of nourishing the soul. The water ghosts with broken souls flock to them. In order to avoid hunting, they usually appear in the waters of Youdu where there are few water ghosts. So far, the largest individual is the king of Chujiang fishing in Huangquan. When it arrived, it weighed 342kg.

Card Skill 1: Ghosting (uncontrollable, they will become ghosts when they encounter danger, immune to physical damage.)

Evolution method 1: Steaming (it is recommended to combine this card with cards [Scallion], [Salt], etc., and then steam for 20 minutes and then combine to evolve)

Evolution method 2: Braised ()

Evolution method 3: boiled ()

Evolution method 4:.]

Emma, ​​introduce this card to Lu Cheng, I'm hungry.

Although there is no seasoning, but using spirit wood to light a fire and grill fish, at least for the time being, survival is not a problem.

Lu Cheng didn't catch too much. The brain domain card group has a capacity limit just like the backpack. His current strength is low, and the capacity of the card group is almost full.

The most urgent task now is to find out the rules of this secret realm.

He has experienced many secret realms, and knows that each secret realm is different, and the opening and closing time of the secret realm and the acquisition of cards have their own rules.

He still doesn't know anything about the rules of the secret realm in front of him.

I bowed my head and thought for a while.

There are currently 4 cards that can be found, and I have found 3 cards, so there is one left.

For this last card, Lu Cheng already had an idea.

Expansion pack cards are generally strange, and the environment in front of you can be called strange

No matter how you look at it, the water in this river is not normal, right?

Fortunately, it is relatively easy to obtain the water of the Nai River. Lu Cheng held a little with his hands and got the card.

I heard that if you want to get [holy water], you have to take a sip. If it is the same with the water of the Nai River, if you take a sip, you don’t know if the ferryman will come to save you again.

[Nai River water (a handful)

Expansion Pack: Eastern Mythology - Youdu

consumption card

Level: Normal 3

Introduction: Nai River, where daytime is water and night is blood, the souls of the prisoners are trapped in Hanoi, and they cannot escape for a long time.

Card skill 1: Underworld water source (this card is regarded as "water" during the day, and no longer has the characteristics of water at night. This card can provide the necessary ecology for water creatures and ghost cards in Youdu.)

Evolution method 1: Unknown]

Qi is alive.

[You have discovered all the current expansion pack cards, survive to advance the progress bar, when the progress bar is full, you will randomly encounter an anecdote, rumor or myth related to Youdu! 】

Lu Cheng's heart shuddered.

Discord Rift

Most of the rules of secret realms in this world are orderly. The most common one is that secret realms are closed and opened regularly, and specific cards are obtained by doing tasks.

The rules of the secret realm in front of him are obviously typical disordered secret realms.

How vast is the land of China, advance the myth stage with a progress bar, and randomly encounter an anecdote, rumor or myth

Discord Rifts are usually very profitable, and there is nothing wrong with them except that they will die.

This is Youdu, don't talk about myths, if you are a little bit unlucky, you can meet a hell thing in anecdotes, can you live?

But thinking about these things doesn't help the status quo, let's live first.

The progress bar is slowly advancing.

Lu Cheng counted silently in his heart.

It takes about a day and a half to reach the top.

But since there are no clocks, this is not very accurate.

Now the question is, do you want to grill the fish?

I have been hungry for a day, and if I go hungry for another day and a half, something may go wrong.

But what about water?

Eating fish inevitably accelerates thirst, making thirst even more of a problem.

[Nai River Water] It is regarded as water during the day, so can it be drunk during the day?

not necessarily.

The water in the human body will not be completely excreted in a day, so at night, the water in the body will change, which will be miserable.

Thinking about it this way, the willow leaves didn't dare to chew casually.

Lu Cheng sat down to save energy, and closed his eyes to re-exercise his energy use.

Water system, fire system, etc. Most of the energy can be converted into a unified energy through absorption, which is called "universal energy", and is also called the cost of the card by the card master.

Although cards such as [Energy Potion] can be used to replenish the cost, they are usually expensive, the amount of recovery is small, and the recovery is slow. In tense battles, most of them rely on the energy possessed by the card master himself.

There are many ways for card masters to exercise their energy levels. The most common method is to expand the "energy container" through continuous absorption and use, which means the same thing as breathing.

In this way, more cards can be used in battle or cards with higher costs can be used, but in addition to "breathing", there are also some "blood-sucking" and the like.

Lu Cheng exercised for a while, and soon, the feeling of hunger slowly crawled out of his stomach, but his thirst became even more unbearable.

But he didn't dare to take the risk, so he could only endure it.

As time passed by, Lu Cheng suddenly opened his eyes.

[In order to keep the weather in the village smooth for a year, the girl in the wedding gown was sunk into the bottom of the river. Now she is floating on the Nai River, and ghosts and gods will not accept her. She is looking for you, and she is coming towards you. 】

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