After a while.

"let's go!"

The staff led a group of people around the medium card of the secret realm.

From a distance, it looks like a card, but when you get closer, you will feel that it is a colorful door of light.

When Lu Cheng saw it, it was much more colorful than his own ghost gate.

After reiterating the notice of the secret realm, the staff put this group of tourists in line into the secret realm.

A peaceful secret realm usually does not exclude foreign cards and card masters. One after another, special fairy-tale style [sightseeing car (conch)] and [sightseeing car (cradle)] are parked at the entrance of the secret realm.

Lu Cheng and his party quickly found their own car.


The shape of this car looks like a leaf, and it looks like the perspective of Princess and the Pea when sitting on it.

When Tang Wenyao saw the car, the excited Tang Wenyao was like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Sister, take the car again."

"It's okay, it's a convertible"

Lu Cheng was carefully reading the instructions to the secret realm.

"The tourist facility card is the private property of Andy's consortium."

It is a pity that I confirmed three times that the vehicle in front of me cannot be packed and taken away.

It's better to go to a secret place in the wild, because you can leave after taking a card.

"Passenger friends, please check your tickets and get on the bus in order, let's start the fairy tale journey!"

Lu Cheng and the others were also in the queue.

Passengers in front are swiping their cards to check in one by one.

Suddenly, Lu Cheng discovered something.

A group of passengers in front of him. A man got on the bus first, moving quickly, and the three men and a woman below formed a faint circle, with a faint blue light circulating in his hands.

Military card division?

Although they are wearing casual clothes.

But Lu Cheng knew that when the army card masters boarded the vehicle card and the mount card as a whole team, they boarded the vehicle very quickly, and the other people would be responsible for guarding against attacks when boarding the vehicle.

Just a 5-member law enforcement team, with skilled and standard positions.

However, Lu Cheng didn't think too much about it. He and his group of 5 people also came out to play, and it was very normal for military card masters to come out to play during the holidays.

The rated occupant of a sightseeing car is 24 people.

After getting on the bus, Lu Cheng and the others sat in the middle, and noticed for a while that the army card masters were all sitting in the last row.

"Brother Lu, let's go to the mermaid beach, it's almost noon, the sun is just right, and we have a meal on the beach. Didn't you say invite us to eat that pot?"

"Hot pot." Lu Cheng said helplessly.

"Roommate, can your pot really cook anything? Online reviews say that the seafood over there is okay!" Tang Wenyao had already taken out snacks.

"Don't worry, I can burn you."

"You pervert!"

"Oh, no, you can't fit in."


Friendly communication, social +1.

This is worthy of being a 3A-level secret place, and you can feel the charm of the fairy tale world under the glare of the sights on the sightseeing car.

Although the cards are gone, Andy's company has done a lot of construction by using the Phantom Secret Realm.

When the sightseeing car passed the Rainbow Bridge and the magnificent castle, the passengers stood up and exclaimed.

However, the army card masters in the back row have been sitting vigilantly, even a little uneasy.

"Captain, the team communication has been connected."

"Xu Zhi, how's it going?" A man asked in a low voice.

"We have released the Perception Beast Card [Firehound], but so far we have found nothing."

"Do you want to evacuate the passengers?" Xu Zhi worriedly looked at the excited passengers.

"No, Fairy Tale Town under the name of Andy's consortium just received a security inspection last month, and its business is now in full compliance. If the passengers are evacuated rashly, how can we afford the loss? And don't forget, Andy The consortium is also very closely connected with our military system.”

"Captain, who is the news, you will risk taking us on this private operation."

"You don't need to worry about it. Anyway, I'm at least half sure that Fairy Tale Town has started to deteriorate three years ago, but the Andy Consortium has been hiding it for profit. Now it is estimated that it is almost at stage 1."

The secret has deteriorated.

It's a word people are afraid to say.

All kinds of strange energies are intertwined in the Card Master Continent, so it's strange that there are no problems.

The deterioration of the secret realm may be the most complicated and terrible problem that humans have encountered so far.

Due to the interaction and infection of various energies, some secret realms that could be freely explored by people gradually become distorted and restless.

A quiet secret place may turn into a man-eating beast in an instant.

Usually the deterioration of a secret realm means that a large number of card masters lose their lives.

And because the secret realms are infected and out of order, they will absorb all kinds of energy expansion almost infinitely, and affect the real world.

More and more distorted, bigger and bigger, and the creation is getting more and more evil and weird.

It's easy to think of a word.


Of course, Creation of Deterioration is also an expansion pack card.

But such cards usually contain complex and distorted energy, which will actually affect the mind of the card master. Almost every country and region on the card master continent defines the use and dissemination of such cards as illegal behavior.

For tens of thousands of years, countless card masters have put in effort to curb the spread of deteriorating secret realms, but they only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Deterioration can be suppressed, but as a domain, it cannot be eliminated by ordinary card masters.

Except for domain card masters with powerful fighting domains in the brain domain card group, there is hope to completely smash the deteriorating secret realm.

But how can there be so many domain card masters?

Withdrawing his thoughts, the captain glanced at the beautiful scenery around him.

The sightseeing car was moving forward, and just passed by Mihe, which caused cheers from the passengers.

Such a quiet and peaceful secret realm is already about to progress to stage 1?

It may be because the fairy tale town is too gentle and dreamy, covering up the turbulent undercurrent.

But the calmer it is, the more dangerous it is. Once it breaks out, what will happen?

The captain was in a daze for a moment.

His daughter likes Fairy Tale Town very much. Maybe after investigating the clues today, this 8-year-old girl may lose Fairy Tale forever.

"Captain, today's passenger flow data has been released. Since it is the peak season of the holiday, today's passenger flow has exceeded 30,000."

"I'm stupid!"

The captain's scolding became a little louder, and the yellow-haired people who were showing their girlfriends in front of them turned their heads and were a little dazed.

"It's okay, my feet are numb," the captain explained.

Huang Mao nodded with a smile, and continued to explain the special effects of [Sleeping Beauty] to his girlfriend.

"Captain, what to do? We haven't had any evidence so far"

"If evidence is found, the head of Andy's consortium will die! I don't believe they don't know. Last month, they joined forces with the Liu family, a mining family, to conduct a geological inspection of Fairy Tale Town."

"Captain, we didn't find any evidence, so how did your informant find out?"

"All he saw was that his identity was sensitive"

"What? Have you been able to witness it?"

"Yes, that's why I think it's almost reached stage 1, and it may even have reached stage 1, and it's getting worse to stage 2. Wait!" The captain took out the tourist map issued by the scenic spot.

"Half a month ago, here, here, and the rice field attractions were open from 8 am to 8 pm. Look, now, the attractions are closed at around 5 o'clock. This group of businessmen must know something. !"

"Then captain, where is the earliest scenic spot closed in time?"

The captain took a deep breath, slowly checked the timetable, and finally focused on a place name.

"The destination of our train is Mermaid Beach."

Yanzus, in testing the waters, it's up to you whether you can advance or not!

I will perform for everyone, crushing boulders in my chest!

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