Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 373 Ancient Witchcraft (4)

Ah Qing stabbed out with a sword.

But it landed in an empty place, and there was no one around, and in the blink of an eye, the hanging coffin next to it gave off a huge attraction!

Before Lu Cheng could react, he fell into the coffin and the lid was closed.

There was a creaking sound all around, which was the sound of nails being nailed down in the coffin.

Sure enough, the zongzi I met in the land of the gods was not easy to get along with at all

Lu Chenghe tried to break out of the coffin with Ah Qing, but the coffin, which looked precarious from the outside, was quite strong, and the Youtan coffin sword, which was endowed with 18 times of aura, could not break through.

Moreover, Lu Cheng discovered that with the nails nailed down, the entire hanging coffin was cut off from all external spiritual energy.

"Son, don't waste your energy and sleep peacefully."

When entering the coffin for the first time, all surrounding sounds were blocked, including the sound of the rushing river, but strange sounds could float in through the coffin.

"I'm not sleepy, brother!" Lu Cheng hit the coffin board hard.

It's a pity that it didn't move.

The surroundings fell into a deathly silence, and there was no more sound.

It's dangerous now, Lu Cheng made a little judgment on the situation in front of him.

Is the other party the owner of the hanging coffin?

Now I have no way to deal with this coffin owner, I have to find a way to escape.

Spiritual energy, there is a way, there are still a lot in the domain card, but this coffin can't be opened at all.

Unexpectedly, the famous [Hanging Coffins] were discovered in [Divine Corpse Miasma]. Unexpectedly, these coffins were soaked in water, and now I am also locked up. What should I do?

Ah Qing couldn't blast it.

Then forcibly summoning the domain card may not be able to open the hanging coffin, and may cause irreversible damage to the domain card.

Even if it breaks open and makes too much noise, the mysterious coffin owner will definitely find out again.

Lu Cheng is not particularly anxious, after the [Yao Ji's Wear] energy disappears, the law of time will dissipate, and this ancient Wushan will become Wushan again.

But he is not reconciled, isn't this the same as entering Baoshan and returning empty-handed?

You know, in order to hunt for treasure, he didn't even have time to pick Lingzhi.

Xianquan plus five years of charging time, using the law of time and jade pendant to return to ancient Wushan, was locked in the coffin with only a sack of spiritual energy?

Thinking about it later makes me thump my chest.

No, you can’t do it yourself, so you have to “ask” someone for help.

"Sister, Ah Qing and I were locked in a coffin!" Lu Cheng rushed into the wine shop.

In recent years, in order to save aura and energy, the domain card has been left untouched in the deck. Now it can't be helped, so I have to ask the guests outside the venue for help.

"You..." Granny Meng looked at Lu Cheng, her brows slightly frowned: "Aren't you fine?"

"No. It's not in the realm, it's outside." Lu Cheng explained, and by the way described the miasma of corpses and the hanging coffin.

Granny Meng shook her head after listening.

Also, what can Po Meng, the house girl of ten thousand years, know?

For this kind of thing, turn left [Ecstasy Pavilion].

[Ecstasy Pavilion] is not the same anymore.

It is transformed from [Ecstasy Painting Boat], which belongs to the mechanism technique of the public loser. It uses the "civilian" design of the mirage, so that this ship can use the cloud mechanism to create a dreamlike feeling.

And after Lu Cheng reached an agreement with Master Lu, Lu Cheng was close to owning the third-level card of the public loser [Organ Cloud Platform].

In fact, Master Lu is not simply fighting against the Mohists.

Lu Cheng, the mechanism master, worked with him to successfully create the [Original Mechanism Golden Elixir]. As a master of thousands of years, he has a keen sense that this may make the mechanism technique truly a divine technique.

Therefore, he has paid a lot of money.

The Ecstasy Pavilion is an old customer of the public loser, and the old version of [Ecstasy Painting Boat] is naturally being upgraded.

Now [Ecstasy Pavilion] is not open during the day, and the cards are being upgraded together.

This was agreed by Lu Cheng, and he believed that this would not have any impact on the turnover.

After all, no decent person would stay in the Misery Pavilion during the day, right?

"Qi Ye, you're here too." Lu Cheng greeted.

Bai Wuchang opened the folding fan: "After work, relax and relax, but Lu Shuai, a rare visitor, why did you think of it and came here?"

The ghost girl floated up and served Lu Chengbing a pot of [Ghost Flower Wine (Flower of Truth)].

"Girl, please change the bottle to a cheaper one." Lu Cheng smiled and said, "By the way, is Miss Ruyue free?"

Right now, energy and aura are in short supply, and the Misery Pavilion has not been opened for a long time, so save as much as you can.

For the business here, Lu Cheng and Ecstasy Pavilion are 55 open. Of course, Lu Cheng will also provide some raw materials to obtain higher profits. When I was crazy about taking things in the Field of Truth, I took the Flower of Truth.

This thing is said to be wine from the Western Regions, and it is expensive.

If you drink this stuff in the store by yourself, isn't it still your own money in the final analysis? I am a domain owner, spending like crazy in the store, where is the GDP?

"Okay, my lord~ I'll go and tell the girl right away." Guiling girl bowed gently, and floated away with the bottle in her arms.

"Qiye, I'm locked in a coffin!!!" Lu Cheng got straight to the point, Bai Wuchang traveled in two realms, he has learned a lot, and it may be very useful.

"Oh?" Bai Wuchang became interested: "How many sets? How's the lighting? Is the bathroom complete?"

"." Lu Cheng said speechlessly: "I was really locked up!"

Miss Ruyue floated down quickly, and Lu Cheng happened to explain to the two how he and Ah Qing ate hot pot and sang songs, and was kicked from the cliff into the water into a coffin by a jio

"The two of you have seen a lot in this Youdu. You must know about the dead. Do you know the rumor about the hanging coffin in Wushan [Divine Corpse Miasma]?"

Bai Wuchang frowned, Ruyue thoughtfully.

"Dead people may not all go to Youdu." Kisaragi said seriously.

"Huh?" Lu Cheng looked at her puzzled: "The dead are always reincarnated, where else can they go?"

"Shuai Lu, this hanging coffin can't go up to the sky or down to the ground. The sky doesn't matter, let alone the ground." Bai Wuchang closed his folding fan, picked up a jug of wine and took a sip.

Lu Cheng was shocked.

What a way to go to the world and not to land.!

"This hanging coffin in Wu Gorge was probably built on the cliff back then, but over the years, the water level has changed, and it just sank to the bottom." Ru Yue said slowly: "But there is something strange."

"Girl please enlighten me."

"This water level" Ruyue just wanted to say something.

"Shhh." Bai Wuchang put down his wine glass, made a gesture of silence, with a rare serious expression: "Shuai Lu, according to your description, he looks like a witch, this matter is not trivial, but you'd better keep quiet and get out. "

Ruyue was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood: "Young master Lu, you'd better get back as Xie Bi'an said."

"No. I'm locked up here! I can't get back even if I want to!" Lu Cheng said helplessly.

"I've been on the wrong side for many years, so I shouldn't have any problem dealing with a coffin." Bai Wuchang reopened the fan.

Blocked, the nucleic acid system is broken, and the update will be late after waiting for three hours, everyone forgive me!

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