Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 434 Can't take advantage of him

"Mt. Dushuo is naturally a good place, but I've already asked Master Qi, it's useless." Lu Cheng shook his head.

It seems that the City God has no plans to give this place to the guardian envoys.

Kisaragi thought for a moment.

"The City God won't release the land, so of course there is no way out."

There is no way for the Misery Pavilion to help with this matter.

"No, no, no!" Lu Cheng waved his hand, but he just didn't have the usual means: "Xiaohun Pavilion has a lot of contacts, I want Miss Ruyue to do me a favor this time."

"What's busy?" Kisaragi asked suspiciously.

Could it be possible to get access to this place where the City God was not released?

"Girl, you can use the power of the Misunderstanding Pavilion to go to the Temple of the City God and sue me!!!"

In the Town God's Temple in Youdu

The stone sculpture stared at the female ghost in the temple.

"Excuse me, who is the girl going to sue?"

The stone carvings in the Town God's Temple are all in charge of the judge's ghost book, but it is rare to receive complaints from the Rapture Pavilion.

In the temple, the female ghost stood up gracefully, it was Kisaragi.

"My lord, my little girl wants to sue Na Dushuo Mountain guard ghost general for leaving his post without authorization."


Ghost Book was taken aback.

I quickly investigated it.

This Dushuo Mountain has always been peaceful and unguarded.

And the guard at Dushuo's Ghost Gate should be Lu Bu, the ghost general.

After a little research, because Lu Bu has some skills and is willing to guard the gate to offset his own murder, he was arranged to go to Dushuo Mountain to guard the east gate until he can be reincarnated.

"Tell me in detail." Ghost Book asked.

"My lord, I am running a business in the Misty Soul Pavilion, and I have always wanted to open a semicolon near the Dushuo Mountain, but recently I found out that there is no ghost guarding the East Ghost Gate. I am really worried." Ruyue said softly.

"Wait a minute, let's check."

Ghost Book left the stone sculpture.

After asking the City God, everyone checked and found out.

This Lu Bu was indeed missing.

A few days ago, due to business, I was borrowed by the ecstasy, and I have not returned yet!

It's not a big deal. Youdu, it's all ghosts, let's just pass it by. If you really want to say that leaving your post without authorization is actually not a big deal, just call it back.

The ghost book has returned to the stone carving.

"Girl, we have already understood the situation. You can go back."

"Wait a minute, my lord." Ruyue said with a light smile, "Dongguimenguan ghost general Lu Bu was borrowed by Bai Wuchang, why don't you listen to what he said?"

"Oh? The ecstasy master has also come here?" Ghost Bo was surprised.

"Yes, I'm here too." Bai Wuchang walked into the Town God's Temple, waving his folding fan, and looked at the stone carvings: "To make a long story short, I can't really blame Lu Bu, the guardian envoy, but General Lu Cheng, the commander-in-chief of Youdu Mountain." Qiqiang stayed on, and, according to Lu Shuai, Lu Bu is unable to return to his post recently."

"Ah, this." Guibo was dumbfounded.

It's not uncommon to sue Guishuai, but Lu Cheng is very famous recently.

It is said that it was proclaimed by the King of Hades, and that the master who really acts outside is the one who fought tough battles for Youdu.

What can I do?

"Go and work elsewhere first." Suddenly, the stone sculpture next to him said.

"Okay. City God!" Ghost Book was silent again.

"Little girl Ruyue sees Lord Chenghuang." Ruyue possessed herself and bowed.

"Hello City God!" Bai Wuchang also saluted.

"I heard what you said." The stone carving of the city god said: "It's really unreasonable! This ghost gate is the most important place in Youdu, and Lu Bu still owes Youdu a debt to reincarnate!"

"Yeah, Shuai Lu is too unruly." Bai Wuchang also echoed.

"Did he pay the judge last time?" City God asked, everyone knew about Lu Cheng borrowing the life and death talisman.

"That's paid off." Bai Wuchang affirmed.

"That's fine. This time, we will follow the rules and let him pay for it. As for the gatekeeper of the ghost gate, it is not suitable for a while. I will solve it as soon as possible. The Rapture Pavilion can wait for a while." The tone of the stone carving was immediate. eased down.

If you have the money, don't you?

Guishuai was able to take ghosts under his command.

Ghosts from other departments will join voluntarily, and jumping from one department to another in Youdu is also a matter of your will, and you will be released if you give them money.

"Master Chenghuang, I don't think Lu Shuai can be taken advantage of this time." Bai Wuchang shook his head.

"What's the matter?" Chenghuang was a little puzzled. According to the rules of the underworld, it's actually not a big deal. Could it be that he has to go online.

The problem is that even if it’s online, it’s still money.

"Last time, Shuai Lu asked Hua Xiong to leave from our Soul Soul Division, and this time he invited Lu Bu from your subordinates. This is almost a business!" Bai Wuchang opened the folding fan: "He is short of people, but the City God can't do it either." No one is available!"

The above "make money at first sight" is vivid.

"Indeed." Chenghuang thought for a moment.

"Think about it, he persuaded Hua Xiong with eloquent words yesterday, and today he can persuade Lu Bu to leave with eloquent words, what about tomorrow??? What if he tricks Mrs. Meng away with his eloquence? Naihe Bridge is yours Do you want to cook the soup or should I go?" Bai Wuchang said.

"Then, Lao Bai, what do you mean???" Cheng Huang thought.

"Let him come!" Bai Wuchang paced back and forth: "He can ask for people, but money is not enough. He has to do the work himself!"



Chenghuang thought for a while.

This Lu Cheng is also capable, guarding the gate ghost is about to leave, he will guard it!

This also solves the manpower problem.

"But does Lu Cheng have time?" Chenghuang asked doubtfully.

"That's his business. If he wants to leave the ghost general Lu Bu, he has to do Lu Bu's work. It's only right and proper. We shouldn't leave the burden to us." Bai Wuchang said.

"Old Bai, you are right. I don't have any good candidates for now. Your suggestion is great, but" Cheng Huang hesitated.

"Master Chenghuang, why hesitate." Ruyue added a little fire and said, "I heard that Lu Shuai dealt with the ghost and beast tide in Youdu Mountain when he was still the guardian envoy. The Ecstasy Pavilion can also pass, so we can pay taxes to the Lord's City God Temple as soon as possible."

"No." The city god said slowly: "little girl, I am not hesitating, but my city god's department in Dushuo Mountain is only responsible for guarding. If the ghost commander passes by, the meaning will be different. This place has always been a place in the past. The imperial palace is directly under the jurisdiction, and this official has no power to delegate."

"The emperor's palace has disappeared for a long time. How about we jointly sign a letter to the Hall of the King of Hell and let the King of Hell make a decision?" Bai Wuchang thought for a while and said.

"Very good!"

King Chujiang looked at the letter in front of him.

It said that Lu Cheng would be transferred to Dushuo Mountain to take over the post of Ghost General Lu Bu.

He shook his head with a smile on his face.

Play this shit every time.

"Come on, bring the order of the King of Hades!"

The ghost attendant next to him handed over the token.

"Go, tell Lu Cheng that he can go to Dushuo Mountain."


"That's right." King Chu Jiang called to stop the ghost attendant: "Give him a task, ask him to close Dushuo's ghost gate and set him right."

Last time Lu Cheng and Black and White Wuchang stole the ghost door, and when they put it back, Bai Wuchang crooked the door

This is to pretend not to be seen.

It's really hard.

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