Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 45 Red and Black (2)

The fire is raging everywhere, and the burn marks on my body are still vivid. The heat wave I experienced just now is definitely not fake, but how can it be cold in an instant?

Wang Han actually had a ridiculous idea at the moment, could it be warmer to be closer to the boss?

What kind of weird ability is this?

After calming down, he is planning to completely overload the [Skull Splitter] in his hand, and fight the boss in front of him. If he can successfully kill it, then Yuka can hold on for a while longer, and maybe a few more rescue vehicles can be reached. car.

Huh, wait, that's it?

Wang Han stopped his movements suddenly, he was surprised to find that Lu Cheng was standing behind the little girl at this moment.

When did he go there and what did he want to do? !

Lu Cheng is just a white 4-star support, so close to the boss?

Wang Han didn't dare to speak out, let alone startle the snake. He could only pray, hoping that Lu Chengren was okay.


The little girl said faintly: "Brother behind me, do you want to buy matches?"

With a gesture of his little hand, he took out a match, lit it and threw it behind him

The seemingly slow movements were actually very fast. A ray of fire fell on Lu Cheng's body, followed by a violent explosion. Before being swallowed by the fire, Wang Han seemed to be able to see the consternation, unwillingness and panic on Lu Cheng's face.

"Brother Lu!!" Wang Han roared angrily, and was about to rush up. This student who risked his life to come with him, this 4-star support, died just like that!

He is so young!

The explosion violently tore apart Lu Cheng's body.

Then the flying fragments of the body burned.

No, why use .fly for body fragments?

Wang Han took a closer look, and those were actually confetti!

They were ignited by the explosion, flying all over the sky, reduced to ashes

It turned out to be a paper man just now!

Before Wang Han could react, a shrill, inhuman cry came from "Cecilia".


She bowed her head and knelt on the ground, her body twitched, and Wang Han seemed to be able to hear a sound similar to "cluck".

In just a minute, the tooth-piercing sound stopped.

"Cecilia" raised her head slowly, pause after pause, like a mechanical puppet!

When he raised it to a certain angle and saw her face, Wang Han was shocked.

What a strange face this is, the left and right sides of this face do not match at all!

Wang Han couldn't recover from the two parts of this face at all!

"Cecilia" slowly stretched out her hand, covering the left half of her childish face, only revealing the other half, and Wang Han was able to make up a word in an instant. Fenghua is peerless!

Wang Han couldn't see the red clothes, but Lu Cheng in the form of "Punish the Evil Envoy" could.

The wedding dress was hit by the flames, and the entity completely dissipated, and a phantom in red clothes slowly floated out of the flames like a phoenix that had risen from the flames.

Her appearance could not be seen clearly under the cover of the fire, but Lu Cheng felt that the soul power was crazily slipping away.

Immediately conveyed the attack order to Hong Yi.

There are no combat skill cards or other matching cards between him and Hong Yi, so he can only let her attack with her own skills.

And how would she attack?

Lu Cheng was thinking.

In an instant, he suddenly felt the crazy idea of ​​his card [Red Clothes].

She wanted to split the boss in front of her into two halves!

And it has already been implemented.

There was a huge gap between the purple card and the blue card, and soon the red clothes captured half of the body, but it seemed to have encountered some resistance and stagnated.

How can there be resistance?

Lu Cheng frowned.

He could feel that at this moment, half of the body of the boss kneeling on the ground was occupied by the red clothes, but it seemed that the two forces were holding each other in his body.

In just a few moments, the internal struggle spreads outside the body.

Crazy Yin Qi and resentment escaped from the right side of the body, while the left side emitted a series of deteriorating energies, and the two energies crazily tore and collided outside the body!

The surrounding flames have turned from red to black under the influence of strong Yin Qi and deteriorating energy, and the surrounding temperature fluctuates from hot to cold!

Lu Cheng intuitively felt that there was something in the boss's body, something beyond the blue card was competing for territory with the red one!

Condensed a piece of [Yin Qi] and threw it to the left, but it was as if a mud cow had entered the sea. Lu Cheng could not interfere with this level of energy struggle.

Since energy interference is not enough, then use force to interfere!

"Captain Wang, there seems to be something wrong with the boss, let's go!"

Lu Cheng's voice came, but Wang Han didn't see anyone!

But now is not the time to think about where Lu Cheng is.

In front of him was a scene that he couldn't understand, but Wang Han had a high combat quality, and he immediately came to his senses. The boss in front of him was obviously in a bad state, so maybe it was an opportunity!

"Don't get on, you hide!"

Without any further hesitation, Wang Han used a piece of [Strength Potion], the muscles of his upper body swelled instantly, and then he passed through the flames, and slashed heavily to the left of the boss with an axe.

But Lu Cheng didn't listen to Wang Han, and the invisible Lu Cheng also attacked in place. The wooden spear he held in his hand was [Pinocchio's "honesty" (deterioration)], soared into the air, and stabbed towards the heart.

The spear tip suffered a huge block, and then Wang Han's giant ax fell, "Cecilia" was unstable, and the attack of the two still injured her.

The evenly matched situation was broken in an instant, and the yin energy in Hongyi gradually gained the upper hand, defeating the deteriorating energy on the left after a while.

Yin Qi is constantly encroaching on the territory, and the temperature is gradually no longer rising. The red clothes are about to seize complete control.

Cecilia, who was kneeling on the ground, opened her mouth wide, as if roaring silently.

Soon, she fell powerlessly to the ground, the deteriorating energy was dissipating.

The blood red in the sky has gradually turned black.

"Captain, the secret realm retreated, we succeeded!"

Lu Cheng has already appeared behind Wang Han.

Wang Han has not come to his senses yet, what happened?

Weird, but too weird.

Today's weird battle has completely exceeded Wang Han's cognition.

The whole process was carried out in an unimaginable way, and in the end, with an axe, the boss seemed to be dead?

Originally, I wanted to be heroic!

wait, it won't be

Wang Han looked at Lu Cheng suspiciously.

Did he hide just now? Or did he do all this?

This is too suspicious!

But then Wang Han shook his head and smiled, what a joke, to suppress such a boss in an instant, this is something that low-star purple card masters can't do.

Lu Cheng is still a student, he is indeed just a white card master.

Although that paper figurine is very pretty, it is probably also a white illusion card.

It is simply impossible to kill Cecilia.

Maybe something went wrong with the boss himself.

However, it can be regarded as saving a life.

"Huh? Captain, I just wanted to add status to you, but unfortunately the distance is too far, your ax is so handsome!"

Lu Cheng can't admit it, showing his strength before he doesn't have enough strength is no different from courting death.

"Ah, it's actually nothing to do with me. The boss seems to be fighting with himself. We caught a loophole."

Exit of Fairy Tale Town, outside of Douyu Card.

The storm gathered in the center of Fairy Tale Town suddenly dissipated, the deteriorating secret realm temporarily fell from stage 2 to stage 1, and the cracked Douyuka stabilized its position.

"Lieutenant! Wang Han, he succeeded! He really succeeded!"

Lieutenant Li En let out a long breath, then lowered his head: "Brother Wang Han, let's go, I will try my best to bring as many people out, for sure!"

Entrance to Fairy Tale Town.

Rescue vehicles arrived one after another, and the passengers were transferring to the Douyu Card.

"Hello, we have a classmate named Lu Cheng, he is a boy, about this tall."

"Auntie, hello us"

The Tang sisters were so anxious that they were about to cry, but there was still no news.

After a good trip to the team building, Liu Hongying was seriously injured and fell into a coma, Lu Cheng disappeared

"Oh my God! Where could he go! Why is he running around! What the hell is he doing!" Tang Wuyao was angry and anxious, her tone almost crying.

"The domain card will be recycled soon, please enter the domain in order, thank you for your cooperation!

"The domain card will be recycled soon, everyone please."

"Sister, shall we wait for him?"

The fat man hurried back.

"I asked. Huh, boss, they went to fight the boss. In order to stabilize the domain card, Captain Wang Han repelled the biggest secret boss."

"Where's the roommate!"

"I judge that Brother Lu may have gone to assist Captain Wang!"

"What about them?!"

"." The fat man suddenly lowered his head. "The military judged that Captain Wang Han died, so Brother Lu might as well."

There is another chapter that I will revise and post during the day, please wait a moment, everyone.

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