After they left, Rick walked up to Lu Cheng who was counting the cards.

"Brother Lu, these two are so talented, maybe they earned 5 purple cards?"

"Huh? Five?" Lu Cheng made some calculations.

[West Bank of the Nai River] one white card, one [ghost (bridal makeup)] blue card, ten [Yin Qi] (blue 4 stars), one [ghost bronze mirror] (not consumed).

In the end, 17 purple energy cards were collected.

"I made 16 cards and there are more!"


He doesn't know the specific attributes of Lu Cheng's cards, but he is in charge of video recording. Through the video cards in his hand, anyone who is an expert can judge that the duel scene is built with sufficient materials. The duel stage has not yet started. Rui Ke judged that Lu Cheng must have gone out with ten purple cards.

He also intends to laugh at Lu Cheng for opening a arena to pay for the lack of underwear left

What's happening here.

Rick was puzzled, but Lu Cheng knew it in his heart.

He didn't use any purple cards at all.

The ghost blue card is nothing more than a "bride" is certainly not enough to cause such a high level of deterrence.

However, other low-star Huashen cards containing Yin Qi and domain card environment can be used to provide bonuses to the "Bride", and finally overwhelm the Duelist's Devil Dog.

When Lu Cheng first started, he wanted to use the 1:1 transformation spirit of Xiangtang in the city of vain death [Yin Huo Candle Hall] (consume Yin Qi, provide card star light, improve the "fear" level of his own ghost card, and the light level Will weaken over time, but the "fear" level will increase over time.)

For example, placing such a God Transformation Artistic Conception Card on the field can increase the bride.

But he found that it would take a lot of purple yin energy to transform this one.

This value is obviously not acceptable.

In the end, Lu Cheng thought about it for a while, and decided to use the old method of printing his own card to save money.

Try adding harsh conditions to derived cards to reduce usage costs and improve overall performance!

For example, my [Three Kingdoms] has reduced the star rating with great randomness, but the actual effect may be much higher than the basic level.

Therefore, Lu Cheng took a small test and printed a set of cards [Shadow Marriage].

This is a set of cards that needs the cooperation of the opponent's duelist. Every mood trap card is just a blue card. It must be triggered by the opponent's specific action, and they are interlocking. "Provide layers of buffs, and finally defeat the card masters and summoned creatures on the field with a high-level "fear" state.

A private fight with such a high profit.

it's a money grab

Sure enough, those who played the game would never imagine how much money they made at the beginning.

Now, these seventeen purple cards have been exchanged for [spiritual energy] at the ghost bank, and have been invested in the construction of Qianji City.

In the early stage, the level of their own card making technology and card group level drives the level of the arena, and the advanced arena can indeed earn money and popularity, and further improve the ecology of their card group.

If a large-scale duel can be successfully held in the future, and profits can be maintained, Lu Cheng feels that the benefit is unimaginable.

It can drive an entire industrial chain, including the card making industry, oriental characteristic secret tourism, and the sales of characteristic card bags.

No wonder everyone wanted to host the Olympics and the World Cup.

In the card master world where duels are prevalent, it will only become crazier.

Here, playing cards can solve all problems.

In the book, the ancient war of gods is called the gods' competition, and it is also the [Olympic] that finally collapsed. There is no place in the world that can support the duel of the gods card masters. Otherwise, the battle of gods is probably a winner-takes-all gamble in the end Race solved!

However, Lu Cheng felt that even if there was an event of this scale, he probably had nothing to do, so let's take a look!

"Brother Lu, Miss Fana's [White Owl] brought a letter!" Rick said loudly.

"What did you say?" Lu Cheng raised his head slightly.

He is too busy. On the one hand, he has to adjust the card combination of [Yin Marriage], on the other hand, [Thousand Machine City] is about to be harvested. This wave of energy cards must be used wisely, and it is probably the spirit gathering slot at the end. Design and construction, the arena here has just started and needs a lot of energy to start.

"Dear lord, today our government affairs office received a complaint. The newly opened arena with an official statement - Tiandao Arena is suspected of being a black shop. Please ask the lord to deal with it personally. The video card is attached."

"Is this complaint procedure in compliance with the rules?" Lu Cheng asked.

"Reluctantly. They searched for the street first, but your paperwork was issued by you yourself. Therefore, the street level is not enough, and in the end, you have to come."

"That's fine, I'll deal with it myself." Lu Cheng put down the card. "As the owner of the arena, my defense is this. According to Article 5 on the third page of the general fighting skills rules, the scene provider needs to warm up the players during the preparation stage to help them enter the state faster and adapt to the game. Avoid surprises."

"Uh" Rick was a little confused.

Lu Cheng walked to the other side of the table.

"As the lord, I judge from the video that there is nothing wrong with the Tiandao Arena subjectively or objectively. It's just that the purple 2*10 arena size provides players with too low a warm-up energy level. This lord suggests increasing it."

Lu Cheng wandered around again and came to the original position.

"Protest, we judge that the two players are only blue card masters, if the warm-up level provided by us is too high, the probability of their death is 100%."

"The protest is valid. The fight in Tiandao Arena is reasonable and legal. Let Miss Fana avoid it and send the result to the Government Affairs Department for approval."

"The shady scene of winter moon, the unscrupulous arena and the official pits are in harmony, and a major accident is caused in the preparation stage of the duel!" "

Such a headline should not have caused a ripple.

However, the word "Douchang" is a bit eye-catching.

After Wang Bingdao's accident, the owner of the arena was in danger, almost all small and medium-sized arenas were closed, and large arenas only accepted familiar orders.

The two countries have major problems at the same time, and the war cannot continue. At present, the duel market is suspended, a large amount of investment is sluggish, and people's passion has no place to rest.

The man in the room drank a cup of tea and clicked on the theme.

It is now the number one hot review.

"I didn't pass the third subject, I went to Devil's Bend to find abuse, and the car rollover track, I died laughing."

Hot review second.

"Don't mention it, the cards in this scene are full of materials at first glance, and there is a sense of atmosphere. It should be very cool to duel here! Can you show me the way?"

Hot review third.

"I still broke the news. A few months ago, labor and management were on Wang Iceland, and they were buried by [Avalanche] during the warm-up phase. Did you speak? It's just embarrassing."

man shook his head

Typed a comment on Card "It's hype at first glance, the layout is really okay, remind everyone, you can wait and see, don't rush, it's not safe now, everyone understands."

Tiandao Arena.

Lu Cheng was thinking about how to spread his fame. After all, funds are limited, and advertising is also money, so people may not believe it.

Mr. Rick, who was chasing girls online, suddenly jumped up from his chair.

"Brother Lu! That B failed to complain, so he hired writers and sailors to hack us online!"

Lu Cheng frowned.


With my own social life, I am still afraid of this kind of problem, this is not easy to handle!

"Hack us? What's going on now?"

"We're on fire!"

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