The consequences of forcefully attacking the Blade Armor Bear are obvious, and the [Glancing Wind Wolf] was destroyed.

When the card creature is destroyed, if there is no special effect, it will turn back into a card and cannot return to the deck for a short time.

Of course Senior Sister Liu didn't tear up this card, it's just a game, it won't happen.

The bear's head slowly turned to the other side, sniffing.

Seeing this, the assassin card master didn't dare to go forward.

The giant bear with two layers of armor is full of metal thorns!

How can this be done? Who hurt her?

"This is... is this a defensive counterattack tactic? The team with too long a name actually assembled a monster full of spikes! The Gale Wolf who was ridiculed was instantly killed by his own attack! However, I remember that the Jin Ge team had a magic card Teacher, will the giant bear guarding the entrance of the cave become a living target?"

As the host said, the Jin Ge team's support added a buff to the magic card master.

"It doesn't matter, that bear can't fight in melee, I will fight, they say Mao is weak, watch me burn it!"

The magic card master of the Jin Ge team took out a white card, and then the flames flowed.

A classic [Fireball]!

The bear's target is huge and clumsy, basically unable to avoid it, but...

It didn't seem like it wanted to hide either.

The fireball flew over, but it seemed to hit something!

There was a burst of lightning, and the fireball technique disappeared, while the giant bear was surrounded by two lightning-glittering flying swords.

[Sword Array - Guardian]!

"What's going on here! The opponent's magic counter card?"

The magic card master didn't believe in evil, so he tried several times, but it was all in vain!

Magic cards with a star rating lower than [Five Thunder Sword Formation] basically cannot break through the sword formation

It's over, the scene is awkward.

The bear just crouched at the entrance of the cave, not planning to go anywhere, and unable to go around.

Don't dare to fight in melee, and can't move with magic! There is no physical remote output on my side either!

Before the fight, I thought the opponent had four guarantees and one output. This bear is too shameless!

A full ten minutes passed, and the screen didn't move.

After all, the host has seen the world.

"The scene seems to be at a stalemate for the time being. Is the team with too long a name preparing a big move inside? It can't be seen from the outside. Let's cut the scene to the inside of the cave and look at the big screen."

"Brother Fat, don't eat it, the hairy belly is almost gone, save some for Senior Sister Liu, you eat too much now, half of the buff will disappear in the next round."

"Sister, take care of your younger sister! Look at her, aren't you afraid of losing her figure?"

(Tang Wuyao: Shouldn't you take care of it? It's none of my business for the little demon girl to lose her figure!)

"Well, it's okay. I haven't gained weight since I was a child. If I add some cabbage, I tell you, I'm going to starve to death!"

"Fat brother, you have a thick skin. If you go out and feed the bears, I think I can fight until noon."

"I'm not going, they will beat me if I go out!"

"Roommate, isn't it a little unethical to fight like this!"

Lu Cheng thought about it.

"It's really not my fault. Captain Lei instructed you to take a detour."

"Uh, I won." The fat man sat in the waiting area drinking a drink.

In the end, the Jin Ge team conceded defeat, and there was no point in procrastinating, [Glancing Wind Wolf] was destroyed, and if the game was delayed until the end of the game time, they would also lose points.

"Is there a reward?"


"Look, you just complained about my tactical rogue, the audience was convinced, okay?"

"No, no, Brother Lu, the first half of the barrage is all asleep. The reward is for eating and broadcasting later."

The next round of lottery has been completed. Lu Cheng and his teammates are sitting in the waiting area, recovering their energy, and studying the replays of other teams' games. The winner of this game on the screen should be the opponent of the next game. If they win again It's already out.

The final is an exhibition match.

However, the school said that winning the final will reward credits and 20 energy cards of 10 units.

The credits are useless, but according to today's price, these energy cards are worth nearly 80,000

Lu Cheng was still watching the match when someone came over.

"What are you doing here?" Tang Wuyao's voice, who was happily fighting with Liu Hongying, suddenly turned cold.

"Be careful next time, your opponent may have hidden a card"

The voice is so familiar, Lu Cheng turned his head to look, Liu Jun.

The Huolintiantian team won very easily just now. The blue card masters of the team didn't even play a few cards. Liu Junxiu made a [spread], which ignited all the fire on the field, and the opponent gave up.

"What does it matter to you?"

"Ha, don't be so hostile. In the past, I had a problem. We don't know each other. You see, the team that has the advantage on the field should be your opponent in the next game. You have to be careful if you have a backhand."

A trace of complacency flashed across Liu Jun's expression.

He specially bought the news through his relationship, and arranged for this team to meet Lu Cheng and the others in the game. He revealed the core card information outside the court. Lu Cheng and the others will definitely win, and their hostility towards him should be reduced a lot. .

"Uh, thank you senior, we have to prepare tactics, so we won't give it away!" Lu Cheng replied.

Liu Jun was stunned for a while, they didn't want to know what the opponent's core card was?

"You don't know what a core card is, do you?" Liu Jun asked.

"No we know"

How do you answer the call? How do they know?

Could it be that he bought it too?


It's a pity, I can only wait for the next opportunity to show my love.

"Okay then, we'll see you at the exhibition, haha, I won't hold back then!"

"Brother Lu, why don't I know. What core cards do they have?"

Lu Cheng looked at the match just now in the replay, the superior team was the Beast Blood Boiling team, all five of them brought a summoning deck, and all of them were 1-star creatures, without exception, with low energy consumption, spreading all over the field.

Lu Cheng took a closer look, and found that these creature cards were all of the Beast type.

Lu Cheng searched in his mind for the core cards related to the field among the beast-type white cards, and then ruled out some impossible cards and especially cherished cards based on the information. The one that most fits the current duel is

"[Scavenger Coyote], Warcraft - Hearthstone Expansion Pack, every time a friendly beast on the field is destroyed, the Scavenger Coyote will gain attributes."

"In that case, if all the beast cards attack Hong Ying's Blade Armor Bear and are all destroyed in an instant, this card will become an attribute monster!" Tang Wuyao reminded.

"Who said we're going to assemble a blade armor bear next time?" Lu Cheng smiled and said, "That broken bear fell asleep for the audience, who gave us a reward?"

"It's not Po Xiong, I still think it's quite handsome!" Liu Hongying shouted dissatisfied.

"In the next round, let's not kill those little creatures, and deal with the coyotes with all our strength first." Lu Cheng rubbed his hands.

"No way, those little beast cards are too many, they will shatter when touched, and they will bite us if we don't touch them!" The fat man thought for a while and said.

"Hey, I have my own way!"

Thank you Wuyan Shuaikong, book friend 20190811152648356, the teacher let go of that loli, book friend 150918124602587, Liu Chao, and the master tolerance bosses for each 4 monthly tickets

Thank you conglinhuli, book friend 20220122103317473, peak zero point, Cangyuyuelan bosses for the 2 monthly tickets!

Thank you book friend 20201209143608394, and the boss for the 200 coin reward.

Current update progress (55/100)

Thank you Yanzu for your recommendation tickets and follow-up reading~~~

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