Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 682 Dragon Waterfall Irrigation Field

Even beneath the deepest ice sheets, loud noises can be heard from the tundra.

The offensive on the frontal battlefield has been going on for half a year.

Although Lu Cheng's deterrence tactics are definitely a loss in terms of card star rating and energy, they have gained an advantage in the scene.

The fortress group was threatened by high-penetration spells, so they had to come to the surface and re-disperse the defense line to avoid too much damage from being shot down.

With the help of the dragon knights, and after paying a certain amount of losses, the Behrmans re-established a more scattered and sparse temporary defense line on the surface to deal with the spell coverage.

Now, both sides have to face the [blizzard] weather, and the temporary defense line built by the Behrmans is weaker than before, and the mountain division has a breakthrough opportunity.

3,000 mountain divisions and 10,000 auxiliary corps fought for nearly 1/5 of the positions in six months, captured the [Ice Fortress] abandoned by the Behrmans, and gained a firm foothold.

But at this time, in the rear, in the quiet valley of Longji Mountain, an unusual landslide occurred.

After the Behrmans wiped out the Heavenly Saint Empire Army, it took more than 100 rounds to place a large water conservancy card in the Dragon's Back Valley.

The magical snow water is drawn from the Longyi Plateau to make the waterfall flow straight down, so that the [terraced fields] on the slope of the valley can be irrigated.

And established a large [Valley Ranch].

The energy and supplies exported here directly supply [Dragon Crown Fortress], which is one of the extremely important supply points.

Because it is in the valley, and in the valley, it is covered by magic fog all the year round, so this card is very secretive.

The Holy Beast Envoy couldn't understand at all how Qin Jun discovered this place.

At present, the huge rocks in the valleys on both sides have fallen, and the entire valley road is currently blocked, and the huge rocks have formed a "block" [giant rock barrier]. Now it is impossible to find out what is going on inside, and it is impossible to draw cards from it.

The envoy of the holy beast discovered this situation immediately, because the commotion was so loud that the entire battlefield knew about it.

He couldn't sit still for a while.

What's happening here?

He was already at a disadvantage, and the defeat on the front line was actually predictable. Although the opponent's progress was faster than expected, it was not particularly unacceptable. It was equivalent to being punched hard. It hurt, but it was bearable.

It is completely different when terraced fields, pastures and water conservancy projects are attacked!

This is one of the major arteries.

The other party is going to kick him in the balls! ! ! This pain is absolutely unbearable! ! !

The key issue is that Qin Jun not only found "Eggy", but also put a card that can cause large-scale damage directly past the "blocking" and "reconnaissance" in the fortress area to the rear.

Even if you can get past the barrier, how did the opponent touch it?

You know, the reconnaissance post in the frontline fortress area is a standard gold 4 star (the cost of gold 5 is much higher than that of gold 4).

In other words, this is an invisible, super card with 5 stars or above!

【Shadow Walker Battlegroup】?

The holy beast made me think of the special infantry of Qin Chaowei, the master of the fog city, these elves who can fog

No. Not right.

On the desktop, the front line is quite a distance from the rear, and the grid is calculated a little bit.

The holy beast fell into confusion.

The Shadowrunners are infantry, absolutely impossible.

Probably only light cavalry or magic troops have this ability!

Although the lightly armed troops are super card resistance, they will not be particularly high.

"Hmph" the Holy Beast Envoy suddenly became ruthless: "Draw a card, [Dragon Rider] suppresses the sky, and all the legion cards around surround the valley, long-range destructive coverage!!!"

"My lord, if this happens, our own resource points will also be torn off!!!" A Sanctuary Gold Card Master reminded.

"Can you be decisive? We don't want it anymore! Isn't it greedy? Like to play logistics??? Give it to them, labor and capital don't want it, but this card has to be kept by labor and capital!!! Let's send it to the cemetery together!!!!" "

With a burst of dragon breath, it blasted towards the upstream dam.

Under the command of their master, the mounts of the Bellman dragon knights opened the gates to release the water with the breath of the magic dragon.

As the dam collapsed, a huge water flow slanted down from the valley, the fertile soil on the slope was destroyed, and the water momentum continued to rush downward.

The entire blocking area was instantly submerged.

The mages lit a fire to boil the water in the valley!

To deal with the super-level legion, the order from above is to kill them.

Then, countless spells and projectiles shot towards the valley. In an instant, the former fertile fields were turned into scorched earth, and explosions occurred one after another in the valley.

The ignited magical creatures howled and turned to fly ash.

The Holy Beast Envoy came in person, and he smashed down three magic cards in a rage.

"You come to fuck me, I'm not good enough, I'll fuck you too!!! Go!"

With an order, the Behrman dragoons roared across the bombing area, and the flying dragon let out a sharp cry, using the echo to judge whether there were living creatures in the valley.

This is a super-level investigation method, even if it is a gold 5-star stealth card, there is nothing to hide.

In the end, it was confirmed that there were no creature cards in the entire valley.

"Tsk tsk tsk, general, they are so ruthless"

"Okay, don't look at it, let's take a rest and go." Although Huo Qubing said so, he also looked back, and in the far distance, he could see the magic explosion light reaching the sky.

"The general predicts things like a god. How did you know they would be so fierce. If we want us to search inside, isn't it covered by magic at this time, and I'm afraid it will take a bloody battle to escape." A guard soldier praised.

"That's right, for this battle, the organ dragon that was assigned to me was scratched, and the new one is still" another soldier answered.

Three months ago, the dragoons crossed the front line and quietly arrived near Longji Mountain.

It took Huo Qubing a month, and finally, he found some strange things from a stream of water, traces of artificial construction.

By chance, yesterday, the dragon-clothed forbidden army finally arrived at the spectacle of the Behrmans [Dragon Waterfall Irrigation Field].

The soldiers were amazed by the richness and richness of this place. They wanted to search for it and then burn it to cause heavy damage to the enemy, but they were stopped by Huo Qubing.

He ordered the soldiers to quietly hang the [Snake Mechanism Cable] on the mountain wall, and then the Mechanism Dragon pulled down the boulder, causing a huge commotion and blocking the entire road.

Then give orders, do nothing, leave, leave immediately! ! !

Huo Qubing turned around: "Actually, I guessed that the enemy would be so decisive and ruthless, but I didn't expect them to really do it."

"How did the general guess it?" the soldier asked curiously.

Huo Qubing smiled, suddenly picked up the gun and attacked the soldiers down the road, the soldiers quickly parried.

"Look, people can block it, right?"

"Ah? Oh." The soldier half understood.

"I've seen that place, it's very good, it belongs to the enemy who must save it." Huo Qubing said: "No matter what the enemy army will do, but I know that it will take at least three days for us to search and destroy it, and according to my observation of the surrounding defense lines , We will be entangled by troops from all directions in a day, so I only make an attack posture, but when I break away with one blow, I don’t do anything, so I quickly apply oil on the soles of my feet.”

The soldiers heard the words: "Then general, if the enemy is not ruthless and doesn't destroy the fields, wouldn't our army be working in vain?"

"No." Huo Qubing shook his head: "I won't be aimless. My goal is not there. That place is good, but it's still not good enough."

It turned out that Huo Qubing's goal was not there. It was just a strategy to lure the enemy, but...

"General, the Dragon Waterfall has been defeated, the enemy's supplies are slow, and we haven't suffered any casualties. This has far exceeded Lu Shuai's expectations. Where are we going?" said a dragon cavalry leader of the imperial guards.

"Old Zhang, we are the imperial army. What we burn is building wood and what we eat is panacea. We don't do it once in hundreds of years, and then this is the result? Let's go back, where are we going to put our face?" Huo Qubing shook his head and said.

"So, the general has found a better place?" Old Zhang said happily.

"That's right." Huo Qubing stood up, walked to the ancient river road and squatted down: "After fighting for so many years, I have taught you a lot. Look at the ruts on the river valley road, which are used for supply transportation. Animals and food energy are transported in all directions, look at this one, it is far wider than the others, such a large amount of resources are being transported upwards, don’t you want to see what’s on it?”

The soldiers of the imperial army were not stupid, so they gathered around to observe.

"General, this is the way to go, I'm afraid it's the enemy's camp!"

"That's right, I have the same feeling." Huo Qubing said with a smile.

"General, Marshal Lu said that other places may not have the means to detect our sneaking, but the enemy's camp definitely has them, and we will be surrounded when we enter."

"Hey, what do you think is the reason? In order to encircle us, the surrounding enemy troops, including dragon knights, are all there, and the defense force in the surrounding area has been greatly reduced. Now they are one day away behind us. They should be able to detect us, but So what? Can they catch up? The camp defenders are the last obstacle."

"Ah" Although the soldiers of the Forbidden Army are used to it, it is too outrageous.

Huo Qubing led his troops not only through the fertile fields, but also across the plateau, and even touched the Dragon's Back Valley. Now going to the Dragon Crown is a double pass! ! !

"What expressions do you guys have? Lu Shuai ordered my department to play by ear." Huo Qubing wiped the tip of his gun: "Understood?"

"But Marshal Lu also ordered that our army had better play by ear and go to the fertile fields behind the tundra. If there is no opportunity to fight, we should wait for the large army to act positively to find opportunities for us."

Big troop?

What is peloton?

The big troops are just like Miss Teme's make-up, and they haven't moved a step in half a year.

Waiting for the big forces to create opportunities for themselves?

Isn't that ridiculous?

"Shuai Lu also said this?" Huo Qubing frowned.

"I said so," the soldier replied, but then he realized: "Uh, no, maybe not, I might have heard it wrong!"

"Uh, don't, I will remember, I did say it." Huo Qubing paced back and forth, "But hey, hey, it's not easy to march and fight in the enemy's rear, and we got lost in a wilderness. !!"


"Then, what to do with this, tell me if you can only follow the enemy's path and see if you can go back and return, right?"

"...Ah yes, the general is right."

"The whole army obeys orders!" Huo Qubing turned on his mount: "Soldiers, treat them like the wind! Climb the dragon!"

This chapter is the 672nd! ! ! Mistake! ! !

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