Showdown, my deck is from the East

Chapter 98: Traditional Performing Arts in Youdu

Inside the King Iceland Hotel.

When everyone heard that the airdropped supply card pack actually had battle cards, and they could keep them for themselves, they immediately became motivated.

"Coach Lu! What are we going to prepare?" Everyone asked.

Hearing this question from everyone, Lu Cheng said with a strange expression: "That depends on whether you want to win a small win, a medium win, or a big win."

Hearing Lu Cheng's words, he felt strange.

If you win, you win. How can there be three or six or nine ranks?

"Although many teams will be eliminated this time, they will win if they qualify."

"I know." Lu Cheng replied affirmatively.

"Then why are there small wins, medium wins and big wins?"

"Don't worry about it, anyway, you vote first!"

"This is still a vote, it must be a big win!!! Ouch!" The fat man turned over, and the wound was pulled.

"That's right. Why do you need medium and small wins when you can win big?" Liu Hongying and the Tang sisters also felt strange.

"It depends on how enlightened you are. If you want to win big, it may be very hard, and you may be injured." Lu Cheng did not shy away.

Everyone knows that Lu Cheng doesn't like joking when it comes to business. Generally speaking, it's true when he says this.

"We survived the deterioration of the secret realm last time. This is just a competition."

Lu Cheng quickly waved his hand.

"No, no, if you link this competition with the difficulty of the last secret realm, I suggest you choose a small win"

"No, we want to win big!"

"Okay, then from now until the battle royale is over, I will really be your coach, and you have to listen to me. You can pay the coaching fee at that time."

"No, brother Lu, let's not talk about a big win, can we really qualify?" The fat man was skeptical.

"Not only can it, it may help you lose weight."

Everyone started chatting about the airdrop card package.

Lu Cheng shook his head, the young man and the ladies in front of him may not know what they are going to face. Silence

Back in his room, Lu Cheng took a deep breath and reconfirmed all the rules of the game.

Afterwards, he picked up the map of Wang Iceland's sub-island and studied it carefully one by one.

Finally locked two maps, picked up a pen and started to calculate.

The competition is about to start, and even after entering, I can still print cards on the spot with the field card and black card, but the preparations that need to be made must be done well.

Teammates want to win big, then start working!

This time I'm going to play a super big one!

Lu Cheng lit up the [Mechanism Workshop] again, and put his own [Hot Pot] on it.

On the day of the battle royale match, the teammates were very nervous, but Lu Cheng still looked relaxed.

But after seeing the means of transportation used to land on the island

Lu Mou is not so easy!

"Why is it a boat? Don't you have aircraft?"

Lu Cheng and the others drew lots to the rainforest, and more than 2,000 people from more than 400 teams were sent to various parts of this sub-island by boat.

"Wang Bingdao's deputy island is actually so big, it's almost catching up with Winter Lion City!" Liu Hongying said with emotion.

"Actually, this one is not a secondary island, it is man-made."

"Is it so generous?"

"Well, well, players, the [Aircast] of your team is here for you." The staff on the ship threw out a card, and then a small ball with wings flew around everyone.

"Attention, let it fly higher when fighting, so that it is not easy to be hit."

"Okay." Fatty took the [Aircast].

"Here is the [Life Shield Belt], one for each person. It has a survival function on it. Once you get injured, remember to use it. The medical card master will come here in a flying vehicle."

Everyone put on their shields, and the island is about to arrive.

"Finally, I'll tell you the rules of this tournament. Leaving the island counts as elimination. Once you call for foreign aid, it's also counted as elimination. In the end, the top three teams on the island's ranking list will advance to the top 36."

Choose three out of 400 teams!

Of the twelve islands, only thirty-six can advance.

What kind of cruel knockout match is this?

"Are there only three teams?" Everyone was surprised.

"That's right, there are only three teams!" The staff said with certainty.

When arranging the competition system before, it only said that they would qualify, but it didn't say that among the more than 400 teams, only the last three could qualify!

"Then we can wash up and sleep." The fat man shrugged.

Lu Cheng was also very surprised.

Three teams will qualify, isn't it reasonable to only qualify for one team?

"Then, what should I do if there is only one team left on an island?" Lu Cheng asked the staff politely.

"Then advance from the highest score on other islands, anyway, there will always be enough." The staff glanced at Lu Cheng and said with a smile.

Lu Cheng nodded, a little seasick, not particularly talkative.

The island has arrived, the time is 7:54 in the morning, and the battle royale has begun!

The place where the island is landed is a wetland, surrounded by the scenery imitating the tropical rainforest. The dense vegetation stretches its branches and leaves to its heart's content, as if telling people that they are the masters of this place.

The forest in front of me is very quiet except for the chirping of birds and insects. It seems that the other players have been sent to different locations on the island, at least there are no enemies within the field of vision.

"Where are we going?" Tang Wuyao asked in a low voice.

Lu Cheng looked at the surrounding environment and said.

"Find a dry place, light a fire, and cook~"


Eat this as soon as you land on the island? Everyone looked puzzled.

"The biggest enemies in the tropical rainforest environment are snakes, rats, ants and diseases. I have a soup base that increases poison resistance. Let me give you a BUFF first."

The soup base for poison resistance is naturally [Meng Po Soup (Snake Meat)]. In this way, the threat is much smaller.

When Lu Cheng summoned the hot pot, sharp-eyed Tang Wenyao immediately noticed something strange.

"Roommate, your pot seems to be a bit different."

"Yes, it has been remodeled. Eat more, you won't see this pot again today, fat brother, give me [Aircast], and I will make some preparations."

The fat man directly threw the aerial broadcast over.

"Brother Lu, you don't want to engage in eating and broadcasting, do you~?"

"No, I just connected the aircast to the Internet"

"Wait, Brother Lu, we don't have a card master network here!" Fatty reminded.

Lu Cheng smiled, and took out a screen from the deck.

"You don't need Card There is a live broadcast signal here. You guys see, the supporting display screen for the aerial broadcast~ I bought it specially when I came here!"

"Ah, boss, this is against the rules. It's a serious violation. If the contestants use the [Aircast] to obtain images, 200 points will be deducted!" Tang Wuyao said in surprise.

"I know." Lu Cheng replied affirmatively, but his hands didn't stop.

"Ah, here." Liu Hongying was also very surprised, as if Lu Cheng had no intention of stopping.

"Think about it, why there are so many points deduction clauses above, but it only stipulates that players who leave the island are considered eliminated?"


"Explain that this is written for you to violate the rules!"

Boss thanks have been updated.

Currently owed 1 update, adding update progress (86/100)

It will be on the shelves immediately, and the latest additions will be returned at that time.

Thank you, Dashuaibi and Damei, for your recommendation tickets and follow-up reading, more heartfelt~

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