Shuangtong Boss Takes You To Fly

Chapter 101: Flower cub

When Ying Sheng finished speaking, a silver-white, sharp aura rose out of thin air around him.

In the place shrouded by this silvery white air, the originally lush grass withered instantly and then shattered inch by inch and finally turned into dusty powder, which shows how overbearing this air is.

Jinshan looked at the silvery white air and his face suddenly changed, "Chaos and qi!! Are you planning to die with that trash?! If you wait for you to die like this, I have to whip the corpse!"

Ying Sheng actually laughed twice when he heard this, his voice rarely brought a bit of teasing and domineering: "I won't die without you."

Jinshan was gagged by the sudden rogue words, and suddenly he didn't want to care whether this guy was dead or alive.

At this time, the system in Ying Sheng's body had also noticed that it was wrong, and immediately shouted out in disbelief: "You lunatic! You actually intend to use the chaotic qi to self-mutilate the soul! You are not afraid that after the extinguishment of me, the feng feng chaos will destroy you. Is it clean by myself?!"

Ying Sheng snorted as if he had heard some joke. The surrounding chaotic qi suddenly became more brutal and fierce, with an aura that seemed to be able to obliterate everything.

However, in this moment, the leader system integrated with the swallowing system yelled out in pain. Compared with the physical pain, the soul pain cannot be described in words. Jinshan just takes the purification potion and it hurts. His face turned pale, and the pain of Ying Sheng directly smashing the soul is hard to imagine.

Therefore, even if the will is as firm as him, his face is not pretty at this time, as if he is holding back something.

Ying Sheng's behavior finally made the leader system panic. At this time, he wanted to get out of Ying Sheng's body and then go to Jinshan or escape from this place directly, because Ying Sheng directly spread the chaotic qi to his surroundings. Within a one-meter range, within this range, as long as the leader system dares to leave his body, it will be directly shattered.

"You don't want your life! Are you really going to do such irrational things to destroy me?! I'm not going to swallow your thoughts completely! I just want to merge with you, with my fusion of you It will become stronger, and our will is also based on you, why did you choose the result of losing both!"

This facilitator system began to lobby for Win, but Win Win was indifferent and unmoved.

He said that the person he is fond of must belong to him from head to toe, and nothing else can exist. Even if it was his part of the contaminated and fused spirit, that wouldn't work.

The leader system began to feel angry, and then it felt extremely absurd and ridiculous: "This is so funny! I didn't even know that the system of being a soul leader still has seeds of infatuation like you! I would rather engage myself for others." Seriously wounded and dying!! Don’t you know that this is the conspiracy of the system master! Look at me! Look at me!! Back then I was the soul leader who entered the final trial mission earlier than you two, okay? !!!"

"But what am I like now?" The voice of the leader system became frantic: "In order to linger, I swallowed a swallowing system with only level three spirit power that I would never even look at! I hide it! I don’t know how many years I spent in that system before I regained a little bit of soul power and consciousness! I finally waited for a chance to be able to regain myself from the mastermind. You two mastermind lackeys actually wanted to stop me! "

"Haha, even if I am completely dead, do you two think you will end up better than me?"

"You also don't want to think about why you were pulled together to do the task when you were about to accumulate enough soul power and were about to leave the city of the mastermind?!"

"The mastermind basically wants the two most powerful system leaders to kill each other, and then he will be the profit of the fisherman!!"

"Otherwise, why the city of the main brain has existed for so long, and no one of the guides has left the main brain?"

The leader system was yelling and roaring loudly, and what he said made Jinshan and Ying Sheng both feel sinking. They have already made various deductions and guesses about the behavior of the main brain and what may happen later in the first common mission world. The result of 99.9% is the result of only one of them or their common demise. . It really made them both uncomfortable for a long time.

But now that the once-failed soul leader spoke out the expected result, Jinshan looked at Ying Sheng with a pale face, but suddenly didn't want to agree with him.

"Perhaps the mastermind is indeed calculating and malicious. After all, if we complete the ultimate task, we will become a very special and long-lived new life form in the universe. After becoming a new life form, even if we are The universe can freely shuttle and exist. This is the result that no matter how normal life forms develop, it is difficult to evolve."

Jinshan hugged his shoulders, his voice was very cold.

"Any successful evolution is accompanied by an incomparably terrifying number of failures. If we are separated from the soul guide from the main brain as the final ‘quantitative evolution’, then it is understandable that the final level is the most difficult."

"Your failure does not mean that I and Ying Sheng will also fail. We will become the first pair of people to break away from the mastermind and get a new life."

"Also, don't take your anger for granted. The reason why you fail is not just from the calculations of the mastermind, but that you have not escaped the greed of human nature itself."

The soul guide system who started the ultimate task in front of Jinshan and them became even more angry when he heard Jinshan's words.

"What do you know! Shut up! Humanity is simply not credible, especially for existences like us! Who has done so many tasks and is about to see the final success, who would easily give up the bright road? !!!"

"You and this person haven't killed each other until now, it's just because you two are evenly matched! Do you really believe that he is interested in you? Haha! This is the funniest joke I have ever heard! Many worlds have seen so many beauties of all kinds, and being able to go to this last step is already selfish! You can't have any trustworthy feelings!"

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha!"

"Your name is Jinshan, right? Even if you have enough, huge money points, but the points will be used up one day, and your heart is not cruel enough, and your brain is not good enough to believe in the mastermind. You will eventually be killed... "

The system leader with a middle-aged voice yelled frantically: "You will eventually be killed!! Kill you so coldly as he can kill me by self-harming the soul without changing his face! This person has no emotions at all! I can feel his soul! His soul is tyrannical and cold from his bones!! How could such a guy who is so cold with his soul like someone who can Who threatened him?!"

"Uh, cough, haha... he is angry, he is angry." The system leader felt his soul power is getting thinner and thinner, but he became happy: "I said what he thought in his heart, so he was Angry!"

"He just wants to play with you! Wait for him to play enough with you, wait for him...hehe...hehe...satisfy his exclusivity, you will be brutally killed by him."

Jinshan's face became cold and gloomy. "To shut up."

Ying Sheng stood opposite him with his eyes down, trembling slightly from the wind.

"Haha, you will be brutally killed by him! Why should I shut up?! I am giving you a chance!!"

"Rather than let him finally kill you, it's better to kill him now!!"

"Now I am entangled in his soul, and he wants to completely destroy me without moving! Now is his most vulnerable time, what are you still hesitating?! A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! As long as you take it out. The energy cannon can even kill him and severely wound him with a single shot of energy!! Then you will no longer have stumbling blocks, and there will be no more soul-grabbing guys in the following tasks. If you kill him, if you are lucky After this mission, you will have enough soul power of one thousand!"

"You can leave the mastermind directly and become the first soul guide to complete the ultimate mission, becoming a legend!!!"

"you shut up!!!"

"Come on! Shoot a gun at me!! Only a fool would give up this opportunity!! Now if you don't kill me and him, he will definitely kill you afterwards!! How can your money knowledge system be better than the armed combat system? ! Kill me ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah-"

The final roar of the leader almost changed its voice, until the voice finally disappeared.

Jinshan could feel the complete dissipation of the soul leader who had failed, and the extremely fragile moment of the victory of the leader who stood opposite him and wiped out the leader.

That was the fragility revealed from the origin of the soul. The current Jinshan is just like the leader said. As long as he takes out a weapon, he can easily solve this once extremely powerful man.

Jinshan and Ying Sheng looked at each other, and Ying Sheng's chaotic Qi gradually weakened. He looked at the man with almost perfect appearance who came to him step by step. Even at an absolute disadvantage at this time, there was no panic in his eyes. He even raised the corners of his mouth and asked, "Are you going to kill me?"

Jin Shan had already walked to the opposite side of Ying Sheng. He stretched out his hand to pinch the back of Ying Sheng's neck abruptly, then pulled him down slightly and kissed him directly.

At the moment the lips and teeth met, their bodies were shocked. After finally waiting for the two to separate, Jinshan chuckled and erased the silver thread from the corner of his mouth with his thumb, raised the corner of his eyes and looked at Ying Sheng: "Yes. How about the bed?"

Ying Sheng's eyes suddenly darkened, he stretched out his hand to directly encircle Jinshan's waist, and the two of them disappeared out of thin air in the chaotic forest in the next second.

"Hey, can you do it now? If it doesn't work, let me do it! There is still time not to be too long, we have to find Yun Tiantian where that girl is, eh!"

Jinshan's voice completely disappeared, and only the suddenly bare land showed that someone had stayed here.


At this time, Yun Tiantian, who was thought of by Big Jin, was very nervous.

She, Liu Mao and Yunyang all hid in a tall bush, watching what was happening in front of them, holding their breath one by one, and didn't dare to move.

Diagonally in front of the bush is a small stream with ice, and on the top of the stream, there is a very beautiful ice lotus. Lin Shanshan was standing next to the ice lotus at this time, facing Luo Yusheng, who was facing them with her back.

Originally, Luo Yusheng could see the aura of every supernatural being through his eyes, so it was almost impossible to track Luo Yusheng. But Yun Tiantian is a lucky little boy who has two big brothers. When she and Liu Mao discussed Luo Yusheng’s annoying point, King Jin once again played the magic of Doraemon. Attribute, took out five aura isolation rings.

In Jinshan's words, as long as you wear this ring, let alone Luo Yusheng's breath-watching eyes, even the clairvoyance of the gods and the most powerful microscope can't see their aura. Naturally, Yun Tiantian had no brains to believe in her family's male god, so she babbled Liu Mao to clean up the mutant animals and plants for a day, and finally ran back very embarrassedly, and also collected enough 5,000 points in exchange for isolation. ring.

At the time, her parents said she was stupid, but now Yun Tiantian feels she is too witty! If she and Liu Mao didn’t wear the isolation ring now, they might have been spotted by Luo Yusheng in the first few minutes of tracking. ?

The magic of this melon almost made Yun Tiantian doubt life.

"Luo Yusheng! I know you are not as good as you appear to be on the surface! Don't you feel ashamed of you secretly following me and wanting to **** my baby?!"

Lin Shanshan held the stem of the ice lotus in one hand, and at the same time asked Luo Yu with an angry expression on her face. She was very angry at this moment, but she didn't dare to take the ice lotus off, she could only think of any way to break the deadlock.

Luo Yusheng immediately became happy when she heard her question: "What's so ashamed of? You don't feel ashamed as an **** and tossing among different men every day. I just followed you in the same direction. What's so ashamed to find the same baby?"

"Now this world is respected by the strong, and treasures are obtained by the capable. For a woman like you who has no abilities and only a face, don't think about this baby anymore, just be a vase and treat this Let me give the ice lotus to me, I might still be willing to protect you."

Lin Shanshan was so angry that her chest was up and down, and she was almost speechless.

But the pain in the palm of her hand soon reminded her that it is not the time to be angry, and she must calmly face this man.

Lin Shanshan took a long breath in silence, and then looked directly at Luo Yusheng.

"Even if I'm an ordinary person, you are a supernatural person, but your ability with only eyes is actually not much different from mine."

"Otherwise you won't fudge with that green hair every day. You said I don’t know how to be ashamed. What is the difference between what you do and me? I’m a normal transaction anyway, but the girls you contacted seem to be After talking with you, luck has become very bad."

"You have a secret. What your eyes can see is definitely more than aura. But I don’t care about these, I only care if I can become a supernatural being. If you want to come, you think so, after all, no matter how powerful your eyes are, you can see No matter how many things there are, it can’t be compared to the powerful force of real action.”

"In this case, let's make a deal."

Luo Yu squinted his eyes, he didn't expect Lin Shanshan to guess the special point of his eyes. However, what Lin Shanshan said was right, no matter how good his eyes were, he couldn't be honest with the power. If he had the ability of ice or water, he would be able to do more. The reason why he hasn't robbed it yet is because he is afraid that Lin Shanshan will eventually break the ice lotus and break the ice lotus.

"Oh, what's the deal? I don't need the base points. I can get those things as long as I want."

Lin Shanshan shook her head: "Of course it's not that. You give me this ice lotus, and after I get this ice lotus, I will take you to find the earth spirit fruit. The earth spirit fruit is in the stalactite cave of Nanwu Mountain in the neighboring province. , After eating it, you will have the earth type power. Moreover, after having the earth type power, you help me kill Yun Tiantian. You really want to get Yun Tiantian? Does she have a particularly powerful aura? Or the same good luck as the girls you lied to?"

"However, I don't care about these. It's hard for me to catch Yun Tiantian by myself, but you with the earth element ability should be able to do this easily."

"This is my greatest sincerity and request. If you still disagree, then I would rather destroy this ice lotus than give it to you."

Luo Yusheng's eyes opened slightly, his heart was already moved, but he still said: "Tsk, isn't Yun Tiantian your good sister, you hate him so much? And, how can I believe that you are not lying to me? ?"

Lin Shanshan was silent for a long time before she said: "I have dreamed about many things that broke out in the last days in advance. Among them is the location of this ice lotus and the earth spirit fruit. Moreover, Yun Tiantian is no longer my good sister, she would rather She protects an unrelated man without protecting me. She has never treated me as a sister."

Luo Yusheng looked at Lin Shanshan and laughed suddenly: "Okay. I promised you. However, you are not dreaming, but rebirth."

Lin Shanshan raised her head in an instant, but Luo Yu's voice no longer irritated her: "Your anger is not the same as other people's. This can't deceive my eyes. But I won't ask more things. After all, I am a man. A very good collaborator, but also wants to get the earth spirit fruit."

"Then, this ice lotus is yours, you,"

Before Luo Yusheng's words were finished, he suddenly fell from the sky as soon as thunder and lightning struck him. At the same time, Lin Shanshan's hand holding the lotus stem also instantly formed a thick layer of ice essence, following her. His right hand quickly spread to his whole body.

Lin Shanshan heard the voice of the person she hated the most.

"Brother! Brother! Hurry, hurry, hurry! Hurry up and pick that ice lotus!!"

Yunyang monkey rushed out of the bushes and ran at a speed that he had never experienced in his life: "Don't worry, sister! Brother will never give this ice lotus to that bitch!!"

The author has something to say: the big gold and silver guys are pulling the lights.

Lin Shanshan: My power!

Luo Yusheng: My ability!

Yunyang: Hey! It's my ability hahahaha!

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