The first barrage that Zhou Lanxin became ugly was like the first drop of oil falling into the boiling water, and the boiling water exploded the flowers in an instant.

[It turns out that I don’t think so by myself? ! I was still obsessed with Zhou Meiren's face and couldn't extricate myself. I felt so distressed when the beauty was frightened just now. But when my heart jumped wildly with the live camera brother and finally saw the panicked Zhou Meiren again, it suddenly became cold. 】

[You are not the one who is cold! what is going on? I used to like Zhou Meiren's eyes the most. Although her eyes are not too big, they are very energetic and beautiful! When she looked at it, it was like a starry sky blooming in her eyes! But just now I looked at Zhou Lanxin's eyes, why can't I see the agility of her eyes at all! 】

[Not only the eyes, but also the nose. I used to think that Zhou Lanxin's nose is just right, not particularly beautiful, but small and cute, and it doesn't lie on the bridge of the nose. But now...emmmm, are my eyes blind? Why did her nose suddenly become bigger? And the prosthesis on the bridge of the nose is too obvious, right? How could her nose have not been plasticized? 】

[And her forehead! Wasn’t your forehead plump and smooth before? Why are there so many small pits now! It's like taking too much hyaluronic acid and then it breaks! 】

[Chin, chin, chin, ah, ah, ah! Didn't you notice her chin is crooked? 】

As a result, many viewers and some fans who were worried about Zhou Lanxin's situation began to shift their focus. Everyone began to look at Zhou Lanxin's face carefully, as if they were playing a game of "everyone find the difference". Begin to carefully compare Zhou Lanxin's appearance in the lens with her beautiful photos.

Then, everyone's three views are a bit broken.

[...My God, Zhou Lanxin's face suddenly collapsed after being frightened? How blind I used to think she was a natural beauty! 】

[... I suddenly had a common language with Ah Xing. I remember what Wen Renxing said about Zhou Lanxin in the first place? It's weird to say that her face has plastic surgery! ! I still remember the report! The report concluded that Wen Renxing deliberately targeted Zhou Lanxin because he couldn't stand other people looking better than him, and others received more praise than him. Then Zhou Lanxin's fans began to savour the celebrities frantically. 】

[Haha, I want to ask those crazy fans of Zhou Lanxin, do you still dare to say that you like Zhou Lanxin forever? Where are Zhou Lanxin's fans? Come out and praise your beauty! I just want to see if you can open your eyes and tell lies now! 】

Then Zhou Lanxin’s fans naturally appeared unwilling to show weakness, saying that this was just a shooting effect, and their goddess was frightened and the effect was not good. But as long as they pass this state of fright, their goddess will be able to restore their original beauty!

As a result, these barrage screens were finally swiped by a barrage screen.

[This is the first time I've seen anyone who was frightened, and was able to frighten my chin. 】

[This is the first time I've seen anyone who was scared and able to scare my nose down. 】

[This is the first time I have been frightened, and I can make my eyes small. 】

[This is the first time I have been frightened, able to scare my forehead out of the hole. 】

Then, Zhou Lanxin, who was panicked and angry because the beauty effects that she had worked so hard to get were gone, heard the system tell her that her original star fortune value of nearly 4000 had already been achieved in just over ten minutes. When she fell below 3000, her face was almost completely distorted.

【warn! warn! Please stabilize the mood as soon as possible and restore the decline! If the host's star fortune continues to decline, it is likely to cause various negative news and chain reactions. At that time, the system will consider changing the host as appropriate! 】

Zhou Lanxin screamed frantically in her heart. At this moment, she really regretted and was scared.

Why does she have to come to this disaster survivor program! Can't she use other methods to rectify Wenrenxing? ! Why can't you want to go with him? !

She had known that Wen Renxing was the star of the entertainment industry in this world, and she knew that Wen Renxing could see some of her disguise. That's all. Why did she have to do it right with Wen Renxing? ! !

What should we do now? ! At least tens of thousands of her beauty effects were broken by Wenrenxing. The audience must have seen her original face! God, her face that was broken because of plastic surgery! !

Zhou Lanxin stretched out her hand to cover her entire face in an instant, leaving only a pair of absent and panicked eyes looking at Wen Renxing who wanted to approach her again.

Zhou Lanxin took another two steps back, and she began to pretend to be pitiful: "A Xing! A Xing, I was scared just now. I, I didn't expect that stool would suddenly break down, I'm sorry I was so excited. You, you don't care. ."

She finally knew that she was making up for what she had just done.

Wen Renxing felt a little funny when she looked at her covering her face. Once she didn't feel ashamed to see people with such a messy face. Now her face has returned to its original appearance, but she feels ashamed. NS?

"Sister Zhou, the two of us are hurting friends. Why would I care about what happened just now? No one expected that just now. I'm fine. But you, how are you now? Can you continue to record? Going down?"

Wen Renxing wanted to walk towards Zhou Lanxin again. Zhou Lanxin stepped back quickly and almost didn't fall.

Her face is so ugly, how can she continue to record it at this time? She must restore this face without those beautiful effects to its original shape to see people!

Fortunately, this program of Disaster Survivor is not without the case where the guest quits halfway through. She only needs to say that you are uncomfortable and then return the reward.

In fact, in order to be able to come to this disaster survivor's program to smash the stars, she hardly asked for compensation.

Thinking of this, Zhou Lanxin's face was even more ugly, her heart was bleeding, this time she really suffered a lot!

"No, I, I was a little uncomfortable from the very beginning, and my head was dizzy. I was thinking of sticking to the end, but you almost fell off the stool and scared me into a cold sweat. My head hurts even more. Sorry, I may not be able to continue recording."

Zhou Lanxin's tone was very pitiful and sad, and there was a feeling that people would be involuntarily softened for her after hearing it.

Wen Renxing was also affected a bit, but soon he woke up and saw the little sticker on Zhou Lanxin's neck.

Oh, is there any sound beauty? How can I tear it off for her in a while?

At this time, Zhou Lanxin was already looking at the camera with her eyes, because she covered most of her face with her hands, blocking the most discordant nose, mouth and chin. Although her eyes were not as bright as before, but After all, it didn't make the fans shocked that she had changed too much. In addition to the sound bonus at this time, the barrage that was supposed to say that she was ugly and that she had plastic surgery finally disappeared a lot at this time.

"I'm sorry to everyone, I've escaped this time. But I didn't expect my body to be so weak. I'm really sorry for everyone's expectations." Zhou Lanxin said and bowed to the camera: "Next Once, next time I will participate in this survival game again. Next time I will definitely stick to the end, please forgive me for leaving this time, ah! What are you doing!!!"

Zhou Lanxin was talking, and suddenly heard the system's nightmare warning sound.

Then she found that the voice she said suddenly became sharp and difficult to sound! What's more terrifying is her waist! Her waist! ! !

"Sister Zhou? I, I didn't do anything! It's just white ash stuck to your back hair, so I took two shots of you." Wen Renxing looked innocent, and he stretched out his hand to show Zhou Lanxin. , There really is something white, like peeling paint on the wall.

But Zhou Lanxin couldn't bear Wen Ren Xing Mingming's injury to her and pretended to be innocent at this moment!

She screamed hysterically, and began to shove and beat Wenrenxing frantically with her hands.

"Did I let you touch me?! Did I let you touch me!!! Didn’t I tell you not to touch me and stay away from me!!! You stupid can’t understand me, don’t you? Deliberately want to see me joke? You dare to pretend to be stupid, don't you know what you just did!!! Why am I sorry you let you harm me like this!!! You slut, you should have been by me a long time ago A dead star under your feet!"

"Did I let you touch me! I blame you, I blame you, I blame you! Everything I have worked so hard has been ruined by you!!! Ah ah ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, damn, damn, damn, damn!!!'

When everyone was shocked by Zhou Lanxin's sudden hysteria and madness, a loud voice finally stopped Zhou Lan's heart beating Wenrenxing.

She looked at the chiffon hot pants she was wearing in disbelief. At this moment, a ridiculously small hole had been torn apart in the position of the bottom of the pants.

Zhou Lanxin stretched out her hand and touched her waist suddenly, and finally screamed very collapsed, and fainted all of a sudden.

Wen Renxing pulled Zhou Lanxin's arm with a sullen face when she was about to fall into the sea.

At this moment, Wen Renxing had a red nail scratch on his chin, which was scratched on Zhou Lanxin's face just now when he went crazy.

But even if Wenrenxing did not let Zhou Lanxin fall into the sea, he just pressed his lips, first tied Zhou Lanxin's pants with his own sun protection clothing to her waist, and then carried this person on with a flick of his hand. On his shoulders and walked back.

"Let's go, there is something wrong with Zhou Jie's situation, let's take her to the hospital as soon as possible." Wen Renxing couldn't help complaining to Jinshan and Yingsheng when she was carrying Zhou Lanxin:

[I really didn't expect her ability to bear it is so weak, there are still several stickers on her body that I didn't tear off. 】

[Uncle Jin, do you want to tear up all her stickers? Also, she is faint now, what should we do with her beauty system? 】

Jin Shan has appeared on the left side of Wen Renxing at this time, and his voice is full of smiles: [Tsk, this is the cookie that came to the door on the initiative. If she is dizzy, I can handle her system better. You can tear up all her notes in a while. In this way, her system will be hit hard, and I will be able to peel off that system. 】

Wen Renxing felt relieved and nodded happily. Ah, he was finally able to get rid of a strange person! Moreover, the process of dealing with Zhou Lanxin is much simpler and easier than he thought, which makes him more confident to deal with other strange people and systems.

On the way Wen Renxing carried Zhou Lanxin back to the crew, the barrage on the Internet had exploded.

[Fuck, fuck, fuck! Does Zhou Lanxin have intermittent psychosis? ! She has something wrong, what is she going crazy suddenly! Does Wen Renxing just pat her ashes on her body? ! She treats her as the empress dowager, why can't anyone touch it? ! 】

[I'm going to **** my old mother! My A Xing doesn't care about her failure to stabilize the stool, but she makes it as if all her affairs are related to my A Xing. It’s the first time I have seen such a brazen female star! 】

[Tsk tusk, so I said that Song Rentou's program is not compelling. Don't go up. It's easy to see the original shape when you go up. This is a live broadcast and not a recording. If you want to make up, you can't make up. I had a good impression of Zhou Lanxin before, thinking that she was a kind, gentle and beautiful beauty, and I almost blinded me in the end. She just slammed Wenrenxing's words and I was stunned! 】

[Zhou Lanxin's life is black! I don't care if she is really sick this time or deliberately trying to make some gimmicks, but I hate the series of performances she just did. I saw the character of Zhou Lanxin in the live broadcast. 】

[Ah ah ah, don't you guys talk about Zhou Lanxin, talk about Wenrenxing! When I went, I was handsome by this kid since Wen Renxing turned over and landed. He just held back the hysterical hysterics of Zhou Lanxin and he didn't even make a move, and he looked handsome as a gentleman! And in the end, he didn't let her pour the water into Zhou Lanxin regardless of the premonitions, and carried Zhou Lanxin on his shoulders like a sack, which already made me too handsome to close my legs! Such a tough and gentle boy, I want to marry him ah ah ah ah! 】

[Rival upstairs, draw your sword! ! 】

[What kind of knife? Draw your gun! ! Ah Xing is mine! 】

[Tsk, just by watching today's live broadcast, I feel that the black material of the previous black-sounding stars is not true. If Wen Renxing is really the kind of person who oppresses his peers, doesn't respect his elders, and plays big names at all times, how could he not show any traces in the live broadcast just now. Thinking about it this way, I feel that the water in the entertainment industry is really deep! 】

Then, the barrage began to discuss the black material from Wenrenxing.

Some people think that Wen Renxing is just pretending to be good, but more people think that this young man who is still very responsible for carrying Zhou Lan's heart in the camera is not as described in the black material. Instead, he should be a silent and gentle person.

On the other side of the live webcast, Song Yulang, Lu Yuanshan, and Xiao Xingyun listened to the crazy rising star fortune value and belief value of Wen Renxing that the system told them, and their hearts shrank, and they had an unfavorable premonition.

And Wen Renhai, Sun Lu and Wen Renyue looked at Wen Renxing in the live webcast, with calculations in their eyes.

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