When the camera scanned the two handsome and incompetent men who didn't know when they appeared, the audience and the fans outside the venue screamed a few times according to the difference in decibels.

Soon Wenrenxing fans and loyal Yangou lovers recognized the true identities of these two super handsome guys.

"A Xing's uncle!!!"

"It's the photo he showed on the reality show! It was said that because I looked at the faces of his two uncles for a long time, I felt that Zhou Lan's heart was not in line with his aesthetics!"

This sound directly turned everyone's thoughts back to the reality show, and then everyone thought of these two people.

[God, I can’t believe I will be able to see a real person on TV one day! ! What kind of fairy face is this? ! The two of them are photogenic without makeup, right? ! 】

[After looking at the faces of these two people, I feel that none of the stars on the stage, including my favorite A Xing, can beat them. Then I looked in the mirror and looked at myself. I felt that I was no longer qualified to lift shoes for the boss. 】

[Same upstairs, I now always feel that I am a defective product that was thrown out by Empress Nuwa with a whip... Then I looked at other people and felt a little comforted. 】

[Okay, I don't worry about the value of the face now, I especially want to see the face of Dong Mingsong, his father and uncle. The face-slapped at the scene made their faces swollen, right? So I wonder why Dong Mingsong has never expressed his attitude positively. He is the orange cat boy. The brain-dead fans said that he was shy and didn't want to put pressure on everyone. Now it is ridiculous! 】

[Yes, yes, he didn't admit it positively because he was not a Ju! After all, he just wants to take advantage of the popularity and attention of the orange cat teenager! And if Ah Xing hadn't become the flying guest of this issue, his calculation would be about to succeed! 】

[It's all right now, in front of the Lord, the fakes can really be seen at a glance. 】

[Today the camera also specifically scanned Dong Mingsong’s uncle and his father. I saw the black cat and white cat’s headgear next to them and I was excited for a while, and then I looked at their faces. Can't get excited anymore. Inexplicably, there is a feeling of special disappointment as if being cheated. After all, I am a real black-and-white cat fan! I saw the performance from the beginning of the orange cat boy's performance in the square for nearly a month! It can be said with certainty that the **** and white cats are definitely superb and charismatic people! 】

[It's not the two people sitting in the audience with blushing necks and no aura! 】

Suddenly, the barrage and the scene were a bit chaotic, and Dong Mingsong knew that things were going in the worst direction when he saw Jinshan and Yingsheng, two big men who attracted everyone's attention just standing there. NS.

He slowly turned his head to look at Wenrenxing on the stage, and his voice became very dry: "You are..."

Although he didn't finish his words, Wen Renxing knew what he meant. Nodded directly.

"it's me."

Dong Mingsong's face became pale, the dialogue and voice of the two of them were very small, and the sharp-eyed audience saw it.

And at this time, I realized that this is definitely a high-profile program director. Without a word, he directly signaled the host to step down and invite Jinshan and Yingsheng to come on stage.

The fans screamed below, but is Jinshan boss so kind to invite?

He looked at the beautiful host who was already holding the microphone and wanted to interview him and the camera that followed him, and gently raised the corners of his mouth, "This is not a big scene to celebrate, and I can't afford it. If you want me to be on stage, it must be at the award ceremony of the actor."

【Ah ah ah ah ah! God, I'm dead! ! This kind of evil, charming and crazy boss try to chuckle! ! 】

[Yes, yes, uncle, everything you say is right! Can't afford you this kind of little show! You just need to show your face. 】

When the beautiful host heard this, the corners of her lips twitched slightly: "Where are the two gentlemen appearing here?"

Jin Shan glanced at the uncle and father of Dong Mingsong who had stood up and stared at him angrily, and suddenly stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers!

In the next moment, the entire recording of the blockbuster turned out to be completely dark.

"Gosh, what's the matter?"

"Is this a sudden power failure?!"

"No, no, no! It's not because of a power outage! Look at it! There are so many stars!"

"Isn't this the star magic on the square that day?!"

At this moment, in a dark studio, with Wenrenxing as the center, a very beautiful star shining with various colors suddenly lit up, like a vortex of stars like a beautiful Milky Way in the universe, and then slowly, These stars scattered and fell into the hands of the ground or the audience.

It wasn't until the audience was shocked to speak with the beautiful Ye Mingshi in their hands that Jinshan's voice rang.

"It's just a matter of safeguarding your reputation. I don't say anything else, I can't bear to be ugly."

After that, not only was the studio being overwhelmed by screams and loud discussions, even the audience watching the live broadcast in their own homes also bounced around, clutching their chests and yelling. The barrage popped out frantically.

[No way, no way, no way, too handsome, too handsome, too handsome! How could there be such a good-looking person in this world! ! 】

[I just made me kneel by the magic trick just now! Who is this great magician? Is there his magic show? I want to buy a ticket directly to see it! 】

[Only I noticed that the reason that handsome uncle came was because the person who impersonated him was too ugly? 】

[You are not alone upstairs, I heard it too. Then I feel dumb to laugh or cry...I can understand Ah Xing's extremely brutal aesthetic. 】

[Wen Renxing: I am the ugliest one in my uncle's house. 】

When the live show arrived here, the subsequent performances became dull.

Tonight and the next day, everyone's greatest attention was naturally occupied by the two uncles of Wen Renxing who were born out of the sky, and even Wen Renxing and Dong Mingsong were so hot.

But for Dong Mingsong, this kind of popularity may not be what he wanted. Almost at the end of the show that night, he was already in the top ten of the hot search. But compared to the positive hot search news that was once brought through the orange cat teenager, this hot search directly connects him with the tags of hot deceivers and shameless pretenders.

Even if Dong Mingsong's team came out to clarify at the first time that he had never personally admitted that he was the Orange Cat Boy, he just liked the performance of the Orange Cat Boy very much, and wanted to pay tribute to the Orange Cat Boy in his own way. When he learned that Wenrenxing was the orange cat boy, Dong Mingsong was very happy, and finally saw the person who gave him strength, etc. He said a lot of things like this, as if he did it just because of love That's it.

But this kind of rhetoric has been ridiculed by the entire network.

[So if you like it, you can pretend to be someone else, right? Because you like it, you can take other people's things as your own. After being exposed, only say one because I like it, so you can be fine. Do you have such a big face? Why don't you rob the bank if you like money? ! 】

[The guy who hates this kind of depravity the most, in order to be famous and profitable, I will do whatever it takes to get famous, think about it, I even voted him because I really liked Orange, and now I feel very sick! People's hard work and identity have been fraudulently used by you. This is simply more abominable than plagiarism! 】

[A person like this shouldn't have a good ending, send him to jail and go to jail! 】

[Thinking about his uncle and his dad also want to pretend to be a black and white cat boss, I feel even more angry and ridiculous, I dare to do this without looking at my own appearance! 】

[Dong Ming Song's life is black! People like this should get out of the entertainment circle, otherwise, I don’t know who will pretend to occupy whose efforts and achievements in the future! Just because of the existence of such people, the entertainment industry has become so dirty! 】

Then the voice of Dong Mingsong rolling out of the entertainment circle became directly all over the Internet. Wen Renxing watched so many news on the Internet while doing daily tasks at home, and couldn't help but think of the time when he was hacked by the entire Internet. feel.

Just thinking of this, he didn't have the idea of ​​speaking for Dong Mingsong. People are responsible for their actions, not to mention that they should be punished if they do something wrong.

Even when he was hacked by the entire network before, is there no reason why he credulously believed in others and felt proud and complacent in his heart? At that time, he was more or less airy, so Wen Renxing only sighed softly: "I hope he can grow up after this incident, and stop doing this kind of trick to his reputation and trust. It's dark."

Once some things are lost, it is difficult to get them back.

In the same way, once something has been done and the sweetness is tasted for the first time, it is difficult to stop, even if it is something that should never be done.

Two days later, Wen Renxing took advantage of his popularity and posted a Weibo to promote his new movie "Custom Lovers".

After this Weibo was posted, it directly attracted a large number of fans to watch and marvel.

My god, when did Wen Renxing, who they thought, who was in the window period after the TV show was finished, secretly and silently made a movie? !

Everyone followed Wenrenxing's Weibo to the Weibo of the poor custom lover with only one or two thousand fans. When I looked at the cast and director's name of this movie carefully, everyone looked like question marks.

It's not that the people in this cast do not know anyone except Wen Renxing? Are they wrong? The director’s name is the same as the actor’s name? If they weren’t sure that Wenrenxing was not the kind of person who would act in weird bad movies for money, they would think that this was a big money for someone who was particularly rich and wanted to fulfill his dream of a director and a leading actor. It was filmed with a pheasant crew. Pheasant movie! So what is going on here? Moreover, the theme of the movie "Custom Lovers" is ten light science fiction, and it seems to be very niche, right? Why does Wen Renxing want to act in this movie!

Fans who watched the official Weibo of the crew again rushed to Wenrenxing’s Weibo and asked him why he couldn’t want to make such a movie. Many passersby or black fans directly said that Wenrenxing must be. This movie was made for money. Wenren Xingbao's reputation is about to be wiped out by himself.

Even if someone who is familiar with the shooting industry broke the news that the assistant director, the film crew and the filming lighting and the soundtrack are well-known people in the circle and everyone recognizes that they have real skills, but wishful thinking sunspots and passers-by do not believe this will be. A nice good movie.

Fans of Wenrenxing have seen the low tide of their idols being hacked by the entire network before, and they have become more cautious in speaking. Wen Renxing only said on Weibo that this is a good movie made with heart, and the others never said that they decided to wait until the movie was finished before judging it.

For those sunspots, fans of Wenrenxing all replied: [Forcing it after watching the movie. ] I just gave them back, and said nothing else, so that the sunspots felt so angry that they couldn’t get up and down. They gritted their teeth and decided to wait for the first time after watching the movie on December 25th. Write bad reviews!

Wen Renxing's Weibo directly went to most of the promotional funds of other crews.

For more than half a month, the popularity of the movie "Custom Lovers" has remained at the top 15 level on Weibo. For this reason, Lin Senmiao also called Wen Renxing to express that he will definitely wait for the movie to make money. Send him a red envelope of promotional funds, so that Wen Renxing is both happy and... well, it feels a little bit subtle.

Anyway, it will be Christmas soon. The movie "Custom Lovers" was screened on time at zero o'clock in major theaters.

What makes the sunspots who have been singing bad news are surprised is that the film schedule rate of the movie "Custom Lovers" is not low, accounting for about 10% of the film schedule. Although this percentage is not high, it is not well-known and almost unknown. For new films that have never been promoted, this is already a very high filming rate. And the attendance rate of the movie is also quite high-because thanks to the name of the customized lover, everyone knows that this must be a romance at a glance. On Christmas Eve and Christmas, this young couple of men and women like to go shopping together and connect with each other. When I watched a movie, of course I had to watch a romantic movie.

Then the couples walked into the set of the movie without realizing it, smiled and went in, the strange expressions came out with some joy.

Especially some girls, after they came out with their boyfriends, their eyes were beaming and they started to send messages in their specific groups.

[Hurry up, show me the custom lovers! ! ! What kind of fairy romance is this! Good special effects thief! The plot reverses one after another! The most important thing is that the two protagonists are so handsome! Their cp is locked by me! I can't believe how this movie passed the trial! Believe me you can knock down the sweetest candy in this movie! No pee points during the whole process! ! Go and see, go and see! ! I'll find a few little sisters after I prepare for the second brush! 】

And soon the film critics came out. What made the sunspots feel very angry is that they couldn't find the slightest black spot in the special effects shooting skills of the film or even the acting skills of the actors. Even if most of the actors except Wenrenxing are fresh faces, their acting skills have passed the test. And the plot...The plot is really good, and the special effects are also very careful, but! The sunspots are fearless, they still found a point to attack!

Then, comments about "Custom Lovers" openly selling corruption and misleading young people's views on love broke out all over the Internet.

The sunspots are spraying here vigorously, saying that the protagonists of the custom lovers turned out to be two men! Said that the movie describes the plot where lovers can buy and sell, so that the purest feelings are contaminated by money.

The sunspots feel that such a statement will definitely be able to step on the movie. However, what makes them feel very angry and even a little desperate is that they have been so hard to black the number of people watching the movie has not decreased but increased, and it is positive. The "tap water" of reviews and movies has also increased.

In just three days, the movie box office of "Custom Lovers" has reached 300 million. And there is a growing trend.

In the hot search on various platforms, the related discussion topics of #Custom Lover# are all over 100 million.

One of the hottest topics is #What kind of lover do you want to customize? #

And what makes Wen Renxing feel very speechless is that a considerable part of the answer here is actually--

[I just want a lover like Uncle Star! Perfect! 】

Wen Renxing looked at this and thought, don't think about it, this life, the next life, will never be possible.

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