Shura Emperor

Chapter 561: Create confusion

Shi Feng couldn't believe it, although his cultivation base was controlled, naturally he couldn't get the shackles on his body, but the problem was that these shackles were made of seven-star metal, and it would cost a great sacrifice to break the shackles. A lot of energy and a very long time.

There was only a light in the son's eyes, and the shackles were broken?

Hiss, what level of destructive power is this?

But shock is shock, he is more joyful.

It seems that the son has obtained an amazing adventure.

Very good, I abandoned my son in a cursed place and thought that Shi Hao would only spend his life in an ordinary life, but he didn't expect his son to come back so quickly, and his strength was quite strong.

This time, he has one ten thousandth more hope for the possibility of Shi Hao defeating Shi Zhong.

No way, Shi Zhong's own conditions are too excellent, and he has also been cultivated by the power of the Shi clan. It can be said that even another ten-star great sect's Daozi cannot be compared.

——The reason that the sect has been prosperous is because it is very complicated, the east is not bright and the west is bright, and there are too many geniuses.

But it is precisely because of this that it is impossible for resources to be completely inclined to one person.

But in Shiguo, the will of the emperor is above everything else, and whoever the ancestors want to cultivate, the Shizu will cultivate with the power of the whole country.

Therefore, Shi Hao still has a 1/10,000 chance of winning even though his realm is backward, which is already Shi Feng's very optimistic estimate.

"Father, now that you are free from the bondage, can you restore your cultivation by yourself?" Shi Hao asked.

Shi Feng nodded: "It can be, but it will take time."

"how long?"

"At least ten days."

Shi Hao thought for a while and said, "Father, don't resist my divine sense."

The next moment, he wrapped Shi Feng with soul power, and then with a slam, he sent the other party into Xianju.

He also entered, and saw Shi Feng's face full of incredulity. Obviously, this "space spirit tool" that can contain living creatures is something he has never seen or heard of, and even thinks that it is impossible to exist.

"Hao'er, is this a space spirit tool?" He finally asked Shi Hao.

Shi Hao smiled and said, "It's a bit similar, but it's much higher in quality. This is called Xianju, it can accommodate living creatures, and it has super defense, even if it is impossible for the Heaven-Building Ladder to break through. !"

"How is that possible!" Shi Feng couldn't believe it.

He believed in containing living creatures, because he was in it, and through the sky above his head, he could clearly see the scene in the cell.

However, even the Heaven-Building Ladder can't be beaten?

Isn't this a joke?

The building ladder represents the strongest in the world. What can't be destroyed by the building ladder?

Even if it is ten-star precious gold, as long as the Heavenly Ladder is willing, it can be ground bit by bit until it is destroyed.

Shi Hao smiled slightly: "This is from your daughter-in-law, she is from the fairyland."


Shi Feng spurted out immediately, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his eyes were dull.

"Dad! Daddy!" Shi Hao stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Shi Feng's eyes, hiss, the material thrown at this time was too violent, don't scare me stupid.

"You already have a daughter-in-law?" Shi Feng said, but his eyes were still a little blank.

"I haven't gotten married yet, but I can't run." Shi Hao smiled confidently.

"Wait, you said your daughter-in-law is from the Immortal Realm?" Shi Feng really came back to his senses.

"Yeah." Shi Hao nodded and briefly talked about Su Manman's background, but naturally skipped the matter that the Su family thought he was unworthy.

Shi Feng gasped, this son is too fierce, even the daughter of the fairyland can handle it!

You must know that although there are stories of fairyland circulating in the world, and building the ladder has been diligently seeking to build a ladder to the fairyland, but in the past five thousand years, except for the incomparable ancient Shiyun, who seems to have succeeded, there is no more People have done it.

Therefore, Shi Feng was of course shocked and couldn't believe it when he heard that there really was an immortal world.

But firstly, the son will definitely not deceive him, and secondly, if he comes, he is also in this immortal residence, which is really amazing.

It turns out that there really is a fairyland in the world.

This time, his confidence in Shi Hao's victory over Shi Zhong skyrocketed.

From what he understands, it is almost impossible for Shi Hao to equal Shi Zhong in realm, but what about the means of Immortal Realm?

For example, the light that shot out of Shi Hao's eyes just now was that the seven-star metal was easily cut off. So, if this was used to deal with Shi Zhong, would Shi Zhong be able to resist it?

Your Shi Zhong has indeed been nurtured by the power of the Stone Clan, but my son has obtained the resources of the Immortal Realm. Can you compare?

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Su Manman had returned to the Immortal Realm, and it was very likely that he would be banned for a long time. By then, Shi Hao might have already ascended to the Immortal Realm!

Therefore, it is almost impossible to rely on the resources of the fairy world.

Shi Hao must be reporting good news instead of bad news. His father has been trapped for more than 20 years, so why bother him?

"Dad, I'll take you out first," he said.

With a thought, boom, Xianju suddenly enlarged, breaking through the cell in an instant.

Xianju, this is made by Su Manman's father with great means, and it qualitatively crushes all existence in the mortal world.

Therefore, the magnification of Xianju cannot be suppressed by the formation here at all, and the cell is instantly crowded.

Several nearby cells were also implicated, the walls were broken, and the blocking formation was easily destroyed.

The prisoners in those cells rushed out immediately, even though they were still restrained and shackled on their hands and feet, they still possessed super mobility.

If you can't move your feet, you can jump together, and it's amazingly agile.

Because they either ascended to the Holy Throne or took the road to heaven, they were outrageously strong!

——To tell the truth, if Shi Feng was not a genius of the Shi clan, and Shi Geng had high hopes, otherwise he would not be qualified to be locked here because of his Those prisoners do not know what happened What, because Shi Hao had already shrunk the Xianju back, but since they were half out of trouble, they were naturally unwilling to be imprisoned again, and they rioted and smashed the wall directly above their heads, before the Shizu could react. , the first time out of trouble.

At this time, the guards in the Diyuan Cave were also alerted, and the masters appeared one after another, and a war broke out on both sides.

The guard commander of Diyuan Cave, Shi Shi, is a powerful person who has ascended to the throne. He should not be an opponent of the Heavenly Road. However, now these few Heavenly Road powerhouses are still restrained and cultivated, and they can barely The activity is the result of their continuous accumulation of strength over the years.

Therefore, they can only be tied with the holy position, or even worse. Moreover, once their accumulated strength is exhausted, their combat power will instantly drop to the bottom.

Therefore, these prisoners only want to break through, and they will fight for it.

The battle suddenly became extremely fierce, and both sides refused to back down.

(End of this chapter)

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