Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1000: Borrow a bet

"Well, that's him. I heard that Xi Pingzhi challenged Wang Wei last month? He still challenged the odds of one to four, but it is said that he lost."

"Oh, I heard that they are two levels apart, right?"

"Yeah, the ante is one hundred spiritual crystals! After that time, Xi Pingzhi went back to cultivating hard. It is said that he will challenge Wang Wei to avenge him. I didn't expect this guy to also come."

"It's no wonder that even though the competition platform advocates defeating the strong with the weak, it is almost impossible for Xi Pingzhi to achieve great success in the Dan realm and challenge Wang Wei in the early stage of the Golden Dan realm, okay?"

"This kind of seems to span two levels, but there is a realm in between! The difficulty is more difficult than crossing three levels!"

This is called Wang Wei's arrival, which also made Xiao Yu a little surprised.

This person turned out to be the Golden Core Realm!

The last realm among the four realms of pill formation! That is the real pill turned into a golden pill! The spiritual power has reached a kind of solidity, and compressed to the extreme state!

The arrival of Wang Wei seemed to make Xi Pingzhi a big enemy.

Last time he lost to Wang Wei, although it is not a shame, but this kind of behavior of challenging the strong with the weak will improve his reputation a lot, but if he loses, he will be given the title of overweight.

"Wang Wei, this is the matter of our Fengshimen and Xiaoyaomen. Don't stick one foot in!" The young man himself was about to make a move just now, but Wang Wei's face changed with one foot stuck in him.

When Wang Wei came, if he glanced at Xiao Yu meaningfully, he immediately smiled at Xi Pingzhi: "Don't worry, I'm not here to get a foot in, I just watch the excitement."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief. The Magic Moon Sect was a neutral sect, but it had something to do with the Xiaoyao Sect, so he was really afraid that Wang Wei would really interfere with them using the Xiaoyao Sect as a killer.

"But... what I want to say is, Chen Le, what you say is that you are a Real Pill Realm Xiao Perfect, one level higher than others, how can you challenge it when you challenge it? Don't you feel blushing?" Wang Wei Said with a smile.

Chen Le's face became flushed.

This is killing two birds with one stone. It is not only about him, but also that Xi Pingzhi is bullying the small by the big, which makes Xi Pingzhi's face even more ugly.

"Wang Wei, this matter has nothing to do with you!" Chen Le snorted coldly.

He is also an inner disciple, but his reputation is not as great as Xi Pingzhi, and of course he is even worse than Wang Wei.

Wang Wei smiled and said: "It's better than this. I have a suggestion. You can start with a one-to-two bet."

The odds of one to two are naturally a difference of one level, and the weaker side will win twice the bet.

Chen Le frowned, he thought about it, and it seemed reasonable.

If he challenged this kid like this, he would be called a suspicion of bullying and a bad name.

But if there is a bet, then everything is different in nature.

"Then you have to ask us, the leader of the seven sects, what is the opinion of the Xiaoyao Sect." Chen Le looked at Xiao Yu ironically.

The expressions of Dong Hua and others changed. Although inter-level is the method promoted by the competition platform, there are ten people in this method, and seven or eight will lose!

"Yes, but I only have a bet of five spirit crystals." Xiao Yu said truthfully.

Chen Le sneered and said, "Five spirit crystals? Can you make Xiaoyaomen so poor?"

Xiao Yu looked at Dong Hua and others, and said, "Brother, how many spirit crystals you have in your body, can you borrow me as capital?"

The faces of several Xiaoyaomen disciples flushed suddenly.

When the other people saw this, they burst into laughter.


This kid is so stupid, this is the one who digs holes for himself to jump!

Imagine that there are a lot of people, and they are still the same door. Since they have opened their mouths, should they borrow or not?

Borrow, but the chance of winning is small! Wouldn't there be no dregs left at that time, and there will be no return?

No, since it's the same door, so many people are watching, isn't this still being said ill of Xiaoyaomen?

Xiao Yu grinned and said, "Don't worry, I will return your doubled spirit crystals."

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