Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1006: The rising boy (part 2)

Chen Le's face was icy and knew that this was almost his stunt at the bottom of the box.

His own cultivation base was higher than Xiao Yu, and he still used supernatural powers to fight against him. Among the same level of Fengshimen, few people were his opponents.

What's more, this is still the declining Xiaoyaomen?

But who knows, facing the attack of the powerful divine ventilation blades around him, Xiao Yu smiled lightly, and an unchanging look of Taishan collapse appeared on his face.

But Dong Hua and others have already held their breath.

Can't be careless this time!

Who knows, Xiao Yu shook his hand this time, but what was different was that this time, the silver-white light leaped Qi Ali.

A crescent of a millstone jumped out, and then flew out.

Familiar breath, sudden fluctuations, Dong Hua and other disciples exclaimed——

"Supernatural power!"

This is the Huang Pin supernatural power of Xiaoyaomen.

The writing wind blade, under the silver grinding disc, was crushed one after another, and there was no residue left.

His face was as gray as death, and his face was extremely pale.

His two magical powers couldn't help but couldn't shake each other a bit, and they were destroyed so simply.

This kid didn't master any unfathomable magical powers, and his strength was not high. Why could his strength crush himself?

Xiao Yu's two or three shots had already made Xi Pingzhi's expression gloomy.

A look of appreciation began to appear in Wang Wei's eyes.

"I didn't expect that Xiaoyaomen actually produced such a wizard."

"What do you think?"

Suddenly, a erratic voice seemed to ring in Chen Le's ears, and his face suddenly changed drastically.

But it was over, Xiao Yu grabbed it with a palm, and Chen Le gritted his teeth immediately, as if he still wanted to resist with his fists.

But he couldn't even kill Xiao Yu with supernatural powers, let alone his physical body?

The shoulder of one of his arms was immediately grasped by Xiao Yu, and Chen Le's shoulder was shattered immediately after hearing the sound of inspection.


The screaming screams sounded, and the flow of blood was almost to death.

Xiao Yu shook his head, just throwing it away, Chen Le was still on the ground like a dead dog.

"Brother Chen!"

The faces of the disciples at the windshield door all changed wildly, and they all rushed up.

Chen Le's hand was abolished, his painful face became pale and he was covered with sweat.

"Boy, you are so presumptuous!" The disciple of Fengshimen immediately yelled angrily.

The people around seemed to be shocked by this scene.

Chen Le actually lost?

It was so defeated that there was no strength to fight back!

Is this kid still here?

But more people looked at Xiao Yu with thoughtful eyes.

Winning the strong by the weak is nothing new, nor is it shocking.

What they were just shocked was, Xiaoyaomen, when did such a wonderful inner door come out?

"Won?" Dong Hua and the others looked at this scene in disbelief.

On the martial arts stage, Xiaoyaomen has always won less and lost more for the past 30 years, but today it has changed from the abnormal.

Under normal circumstances, people at the Xiaoyaomen won, they only think that it is a desperate exchange, but now?

This is too easy, right? I don't want to compete with each other at all, it is a kind of crushing, a kind of abuse.

Xiao Yu carried his hands on his back, looked at the people at the windshield door, and said indifferently: "It's still the same sentence. It's inevitable that you will be injured when you compete. Moreover, he wants to challenge me, not I want to challenge him. Are you satisfied with this answer ?"

These words were light and breezy, but there seemed to be a sonorous and powerful invisible, and there was a look of gaze in it, which made many people feel a little moved.

Youthful spirit, youthful spirit!

Is there really an unknown genius in Xiaoyaomen?

"Boy, you're so foolish, do you think I have no one in the windshield?"

I don't know when, Xi Pingzhi stood up.

Xiao Yu looked indifferent, glanced at him, and said, "You want to challenge me too?"

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was dumbfounded...

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