Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1013: Strange Gathering Tower (Part 1)

Now that he was down the mountain, Xiao Yu would of course go to various places.

I heard that this spiritual gathering tower is a place for practicing meditation, and it also needs spiritual crystals to activate, which attracted his attention.

"The Pagoda of Spirit Gathering can be said to be the holy ground for the cultivation of the middle and lower-level disciples of the Seven Sects. Even true disciples would want to go in for meditation, but not everyone has the opportunity to go in."

"Oh?" Xiao Yu's heart moved, and his interest became more intense.

It turns out that the so-called Spirit Gathering Pagoda is a formation method jointly imposed by the seven sects and then displayed in the pagoda.

Inside the pagoda, spiritual power training can be provided, so it is called the Spirit Gathering Tower.

There are three floors in the Juling Tower, and the number of rooms on each floor is limited.

For example, the first floor has a total of 1,000 rooms, the second floor has a hundred, and the third floor has ten.

"Since it's stratification, is the concentration of spiritual power different?" Xiao Yu asked.

Dong Hua said arrogantly: "Of course, there is a standard for the concentration of this kind of spiritual power. At that time, we were the strongest at the Xiaoyao Sect, so the first level was ten times the concentration of our main peak of Xiaoyao Sect."

Xiao Yu's heart moved, the main peak, isn't that the mountain peak he cultivated?

That is the same concentration as one's own second world space!

ten times!

In other words, it is the concentration of Baifold spiritual power of the previous dynasty!

Xiao Yu couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

Seven sects are uniquely endowed by nature and occupy a very good geographical location. This is also a place that other second-rate and third-rate sects cannot match and envy.

Just the concentration of the spiritual power of the first level of the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, this is the place that many sect disciples in the sect world desire?

Dong Hua seemed to know what Xiao Yu was thinking, and sighed: "Junior, you don’t know anything. Actually, many sects in the sect world are coveting our position at the Xiaoyao Sect. They can’t wait to replace us at the Xiaoyao Sect immediately and become one of the Seven Sects. door."

"Yes, the former ancestors of the seven sects, for the sake of the world of the sects, there are even more powerful developments of the seven sects, so they have placed a system to replace the position of the seven sects."

"Huh?" Xiao Yu's heart moved. He really hadn't heard of this.

It turned out that the ancestors of the seven sects at that time did not want to see the laziness of the disciples of the sect, which caused the sect’s foundation to be ruined by later generations, and then announced to the entire sect world at the same time that they would regularly hold a promotion challenge.

Any sect, as long as it has the ability, can challenge any of the seven sects, and as long as it wins, it can take the place of the seven sects.

Having said that, Xiao Yu seemed to understand a lot.

In any place, cultivation resources and talents are fundamental. Since this spiritual gathering tower is so magical and so rich in spiritual power, of course it will be coveted by other sects!

Imagine that Xiaoyao Sect already has such a strong spiritual power. Presumably, the geographical location of other second-rate and third-rate sects will definitely not have seven sects so good?

"Does that even the top of the mountain have to be replaced?"

Dong Hua smiled and said: "It's definitely not, it's just taking the position of the Seven Sects of the Bagzong Sect World, and of course there is also the Spirit Gathering Pagoda World here."

Another disciple echoed: "Yes, if even the mountain tops are really replaced, then this is not called replacement, this is called extinction."

Xiao Yu nodded, he thought of a reason.

The more powerful, the more will be given, the smaller, the more deprived.

This is the reason that the seven sects will become stronger and the second-rate or even the third-rate sects will become weaker.

"Hey, the last time the competition was held by Senior Brother Yin, we saved our sect and did not let those sects replace us. However, I heard about those sects. It seems that several geniuses appeared today, even It can still catch up with some of the true stories of our seven sects."

At this point, Dong Hua and the others looked a little solemn.

Although Xiao Yu was mentally prepared to know that the Xiaoyao Gate had fallen, but he didn't expect that this position was really almost replaced.

"How many years does this competition take place?"

"Three years," Dong Hua's original heavy face stretched out, and said: "But Junior Brother does not need to be so nervous. There is still more than a year before this competition. I think Senior Brother Yin has already made breakthroughs at that time, so there is no need to be afraid of them. "

"Yes, plus we also have Junior Brother Xiao."

Xiao Yu didn't say anything, but noted this so-called sect instead of the competition.

"By the way, what about the second and third levels of the Spirit Gathering Tower? What is the concentration of spiritual power?"

Dong Hua looked a little envious, and said: "The second layer is twenty times, the third layer is thirty times."

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