Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1017: Bullying

The brown-clothed youth suffered a big loss just now, and he became vigilant in his heart, and immediately greeted his two companions to kill him.

The three immediately surrounded them, and the three magical powers were released at the same time.

Of course, they didn't really use the killing intent, they just wanted to make the little girl suffer.

The little girl's face faded, her hands sealed, and the strange fluctuations condensed again.

"So that's it! She is a Array Mage! Don't give her the Array!"

The three of them are not ordinary people. Although they are not important disciples in Xuanjian Pavilion, they can at least understand some ways.

At this moment, two of them attacked the young man head-on, and the other directly directed the young girl's back.

Sure enough, the offensive of the two people in front disappeared again. When they appeared, the two had already been shaken back, but at this time, the offensive behind the girl had already arrived.

A strong sense of crisis came, and the girl's face became a little flustered. At this time, it was too late to turn around and resist.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed over, and the figure behind the girl who was about to attack suddenly felt a huge impact, and the whole person was immediately knocked away ten meters away.

The people in the hallway suddenly exclaimed.


The young man who was hit into the air suddenly got up in furious.

The impact just now was not a powerful attack, it just made him lose his center of gravity.

The girl also looked at the person next to her in a little amazement. She was a little impressed with this boy two or three years older than herself. Wasn't she just behind her?

Yes, this person is really Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu said lightly: "Don't you feel ashamed of three big men bullying a little girl?"

The three gathered together, glaring at him, and said, "Boy, who are you? This is our business, where is your turn to dictate! Go away!"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the key is that this position is my first priority." Xiao Yu said.

The girl stopped doing it immediately, bulging her cheeks, and said, "Hey, this position is..."

"Are you embarrassed to say? You just intervened in my team first."

"I..." The girl flushed.

She thought about it carefully, as if this guy was indeed in front of her just now!

"No, this position is not yours, I queued up first." The girl still persisted.

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, and was too lazy to entangle with this guy so much, this chattering guy didn't know when he had to quarrel.

The two people here are talking here, as if they didn't pay attention to the three of them at all, and the three of them were furious at the moment.

"I don't care which of you will come first and who will come later, this position belongs to our brother Lin, go away, otherwise we will be welcome!" The brown-clothed youth said coldly.

Xiao Yu said coldly: "Then you guys will be fine for me. I don't care if you are Big Brother Lin or Brother Lin, I came here first."

The three finally broke out.

"What do you do with so much nonsense with them! If he doesn't leave, we will fight him until he leaves!" It was the person who was hit by Xiao Yu just now.

He wasn't upset himself, now that this kid hits the muzzle by himself, wouldn't he squeeze him out quickly?

When the three of them flipped their hands, a long sword appeared, but this was not a spiritual weapon, but a 9th-grade treasure.

Seeing them shine their swords, everyone around them was moved.

This corridor usually has some small disputes, but now it looks like it's not a simple mess!

When the girl saw their bright swords, her eyes widened, as if she was disdainful.

"Are you three big men? If you can't beat them, you can do it! Bah!"

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