Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1029: Inner Elite

"Even he is here? Isn't he the sixth-ranked insider Wu Shi who is just one step short of making it into the top five?"

"It's him."

The disciples of Fengshimen were also very surprised to see Wu Shi, because they were both familiar and unfamiliar with Wu Shi.

Familiar because Wu Shi is indeed a disciple of their inner sect, and unfamiliar because this young man only stays in the training tower on weekdays, and basically won't come to the competition platform.

"Brother Wu is here too! This kid is definitely going to crawl back today!"

"Brother Feng, Senior Brother Wu, take charge for us!"

"The majesty of the windshield cannot be insulted!"

The disciples of Fengshimen shouted one after another.

Instead, the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion watched all this with crossed hands.

To deal with one person, you must do it yourself, not to mention that there are so many masters in the windshield door here, this is enough.

Xiao Yu's heart moved, Wu Shi's strength is not simple, the pinnacle of Pill Realm!

Dong Hua's expressions moved.

There is a Feng Yihan who is even more powerful than Xi Pingzhi last time, but there is also Wu Shi!

There are two of the top ten in the windshield!

Especially that Wu Shi, that is just one step away from the Golden Core Realm!

Then Wu Shi glanced at his own sect that had been beaten, and the few people in Xuanjian Pavilion, his face flashed with a sneer, and immediately stared at Xiao Yu.

"It seems that Xiaoyaomen has been at ease for too long, are you really going to rebel?"

These words made Dong Hua and the others glared a little, of course it was the kind that dared not speak.

What is An Yi for too long to rebel?

What do they think of as their own escape?

Second-rate sect? Or is it only the points who were lying on their stomachs?

Xiao Yu glanced at Wu Shi and Feng Yihan calmly, and said, "You want to come too?"


For a while, many disciples from other sects took a breath.

This kid is really bold!

Is he confident that he can even defeat Wu Shi?

These two people are not simple stuff!

Is it really good to underestimate other elite disciples in the inner sect?

Wu Zhi's face was gloomy to the extreme, Feng Yihan smiled Senhan, and said, "The sharp-toothed kid, with the help of Xiaoyaomen to let the water pass the pass of the true disciple, really treats himself as a green onion, you If you can get on this competition stage, I want you to lie down today!"

Xiao Yu sneered in his heart and shook his head. Some people just took themselves too seriously.

His understatement made the windshield and the people even more angry.

"Wu Shi, you are watching here, but I want to see, what kind of background does the person who humiliates me?"

As soon as Feng Yihan's voice fell, he immediately took the stage, flipped his hand, and blasted him up with a palm.

The strong wind whistled, and between the surging spiritual power, it turned into a messy spiritual power intertwined giant palm, and immediately grabbed it towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu raised his brows and said, "Well, a little better than the guy in the Xi family."

As he said here, the chic figure is just showing movement, and the same thing is to put one hand up.

This time, on his arm, there was a strange light lingering, and the invisible fluctuations drove the pressure of the surrounding space, and it was ruthlessly against his father.

There is no power, just the power of a method of cultivation.


With a violent bump, Xiao Yu's five fingers flexed, and the opponent's giant palm seemed to have reached a torn wall, pierced in the middle, and then the entire palm was dissipated.

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