Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1040: Select task (below)

Elder Xu regained his vibe and said, "The second type is the mission issued in the Seven Sects. Look here."

Xiao Yu looked at one of the columns, which showed some tasks issued by the six major sects.

"These are the quests outside the sect. The six major sects are released. These tasks can be seen by everyone. Any sect can receive them, and the number of spiritual crystal rewards will be clearly written."

Sure enough, Xiao Yu saw that the six major sects had many tasks suspended on the sheepskin scrolls, occupying a large part of them.

For example, a mission released by this Baiyugu is to hunt down the sixth-level monster "Greece Female Beast", whichever is the inner pill, and the reward condition is 10,000 spiritual crystals.

There is also this Xuanjian Pavilion, which released a piece of phantom iron chalcedony, which can be exchanged for fifty thousand spiritual crystals.


There are also many sects that have released their own tasks, and those rewards are tens of thousands of spiritual crystals, which surprised Xiao Yu.

Of course, those tasks were too difficult, almost all of them were able to take over in the realm of three days, and Xiao Yu now could hardly bear it.

Elder Xu saw and smiled: "Don't worry, these tasks have been suspended for a long time, because they are dangerous, so they will not hang in their own sect. Even in the three-day state, no one is willing to go. Then, don’t have a psychological burden on you. When your strength becomes stronger, you may look down on these tasks."

Xiao Yu smiled. Suddenly, he found that the floating text of a mission issued by Fenggumen in Six Sects suddenly disappeared.


Elder Xu said: "This means that this task is taken away, and this space text will disappear with it."

Xiao Yu felt it was very magical. In other words, the floating text that appeared on this roll of parchment disappeared, so what about the other sects?

Elder Xu said: "This is the strangeness of the space stone. This kind of text is a kind of space power. It appears in the Zongwu Hall of the Seven Sects. You can understand it as seven copies, and any task is taken away. Now, the others will disappear simultaneously, which is similar to the meaning of space jade slips."

Xiao Yu nodded. Indeed, the world of Nine Heavens is so big that it is impossible to imagine.

Elder Xu sighed and said: "It is said that this kind of space power is one of the most mysterious powers in the world. Think of the space teleportation array. It can be teleported over such a long distance and across the space. How powerful is it? Can it reach this level?"

Xiao Yu also nodded in agreement.

It's like the space teleportation array of the world of the sect, and it is left over by the previous powerful people, broken, or used after restoration.

"Isn't the true mighty person able to travel freely in the world of thirty-six small heavens? Isn't it ignoring the turbulence of space?"

"Then I don't know if rhubarb has the ability to travel through space when it comes down to the lower planes?" Xiao Yu thought silently in his heart.

Immediately he shook his head and didn't want to think about it, but now he focused on the present.

Xiao Yu immediately turned his gaze on the other side, and said, "Those are released by some casual repairmen and other small and medium sects, right?"

"Well, some casual cultivators, or small and medium-sized sects, will also look for the help of the seven sects, but under normal circumstances, the seven sects will not pay too much attention to it.

Xiao Yu said: "How to say?"

Elder Xu glanced at Xiao Yu, shook his head and said: "People are selfish, not to mention a huge sect. No sect is willing to see other sects that can surpass themselves, especially the so-called seven sects. ."

When he said this, Elder Xu laughed at himself and said: "But those are the other six sects. If we were Xiaoyao sect before, we would basically not worry about this. There are also many disciples who will pick up the third type of casual cultivator and middle school. The mission of the door, but now..."

Xiao Yu didn't say anything, now, that's not enough.

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