Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1042: Acquaintance task

Wan Beast Forest is actually an enlarged version of the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

The only difference is that the Monster Beast Mountain Range is a stretch of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

Ten Thousand Beast Forest is the most cruel and most brutal in the entire plane, and it is also the Longtan Tiger Den where many practitioners dare not easily set foot in it.

The Ten Thousand Beast Forest does not have a teleportation array, and the Spirit Gathering Tower world is an independent and closed world with an array. Therefore, to go to the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, you can only descend from the sect.

Because the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts covers all parts of the sect world, it is huge, but the Wulingshen mission this time found a place relatively close to the seven sects.

In fact, it took less than two hours to descend from the sect. Xiao Yu was already waiting at the agreed place.

Strictly speaking, this was Xiao Yu's first real downhill journey.

However, when he first entered the range of the Monster Beast Mountain Range, a fierce aura that rushed toward his face surprised Xiao Yu.

"What a fierce aura, the monsters here are at least level four monsters!"

The fourth-level monster beast was already a very high level in the Chenbei Dynasty, and the highest level monster beast of the Chenbei Dynasty had a fifth-level level.

But in this forest of ten thousand beasts, that's definitely not the case. I'm afraid there are not a few level five monsters here.

After a while, a figure swept over from a distance. It was a 15-year-old girl.

The girl's appearance was extremely delicate, and her face was a little excited.

On those big bright eyes, there is a kind of spirit inside.

"It's you?"

The girl leaned forward, and she was shocked: "Why are you?"

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, and the girl was astonishingly the guy who jumped in the line in the Spirit Gathering Tower last time, and he said something to teach her to practice.

After the girl was startled, she immediately crossed her hands and hummed: "If I knew you, an arrogant fellow, I would cancel this mission."

"Okay, don't send it."

Xiao Yu waved his hand, turned around and left. It's really not uncommon for me to pick up other tasks. Anyway, it is your Purple Spirit Sect whose reputation will be damaged.

The girl was stunned, blushing, and exclaimed, "Hey! Can you stop being so stingy!"

Xiao Yu stopped and turned around and said, "You said that you want to cancel this task, and one thousand spirit crystals are too few."

Yes, there are indeed too few, Xiao Yu casually plundered more than that.

If you place a bet on the martial arts stage or something, one battle three in Shidan, wouldn't it come faster?

Of course, he had forgotten one thing. Since defeating Wu Shi, almost no people from the real pill realm dare to challenge him, and no one dares to accept Xiao Yu's challenge.

The girl ran in front of Xiao Yu, bulging her cheeks, and said, " know that these are all my spirit crystals! Insatiable!"

Xiao Yu shrugged and said, "Seriously, I really don't know."


The girl was obviously not so angry anymore, staring at Xiao Yu and said, "You have to know if you have a beginning and an end."

"Oh, you taught me a lesson." Xiao Yu suddenly became happy.

This guy is really a big kid!

"You...If you go back, I will let you lose money at the Xiaoyaomen!"

"Okay, no." Xiao Yu waved his hand.

This little guy is a bit unreasonable, and he really doesn't want to pester this guy.

The girl's face changed and she suddenly softened, and she quickly pulled Xiao Yu by the collar and said, "Don't go, can't I be wrong when I am wrong? I finally waited until someone took the task, but it's not good, I..."

"What are you?" Xiao Yu looked a little funny when she looked at the girl's pleading.

The girl seemed to have made a lot of determination, and said: "If you help me, I will give you some."


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