Shura God Emperor

Chapter 105: Do you want to continue

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu once again impressed her.

Although the sword technique used by Xiao Yu did not belong to the dynasty, she clearly saw that the move just now was clearly a powerful sword style, and it was not a sword aura.

It's just that Xiao Yu condensed the powerful sword style into a more powerful sword aura, which can be said to be a change.

"Xiao Yu, is there anything else you can surprise me?" Zhao Xin finally began to become interested in Xiao Yu.

She admitted that she underestimated Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu's arrogance was not without reason.

However, this sword style is powerful, but not invincible.

"Interesting, it seems that I have seen a decent opponent." Zhang Wenli sneered, and he seemed to be interested in Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was holding the Seven-Star Sword, with a slender body, long flowing hair, and very chic.

"Nothing is impossible. What you don't know is because you are too weak."

"Stop talking nonsense! Let you see how good I am! Long Tao is angry!"

Huang Dong roared again, an extremely profound force was spreading out. Xiao Yu knew that Huang Dong had exploded with all his strength.

A huge turbulent sea suddenly condensed, the waves were turbulent, and the waves stirred up tens of meters high.

Immediately afterwards, the wave directly turned into an angry dragon tens of meters.

The people in the entire venue were shocked by the aura of this angry dragon.

Xiao Yu looked up, the angry dragon transformed into the sea water was very mighty, the dragon's beard fluttered, and the huge body contained full and profound spiritual power.

"Xiao Yu, I will let you see what it means to crush strength! Go!"

Huang Dong shouted angrily, with a move, the wave angry dragon suddenly roared, and then it turned into a light blue tornado hurricane and strangled it.

"Xiao Yu!" Zhao Xuan's Huarong paled, a little moved.

This move is really powerful. She has been watching from the side just now, but this time, can Xiao Yu follow?

Everyone was waiting for the tornado hurricane to engulf Xiao Yu. It was obvious that the weak figure looked too small in the face of the huge moves.

"I don't know how he will resist it?" Zhao Xuan became curious.

This was because Xiao Yu was motionless at this time, letting the sea breeze sway him, but the calm expression made people unable to see any clues at all.

"This guy will put on airs. Isn't he trying to give up?"

"Hehe, it's impossible to admit defeat now, Huang Dong seems to have killed himself."

This time, the angry dragon hurricane was more violent and terrifying than the previous one, and the posture was overwhelming and irresistible.

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light, and the long sword in his hand finally moved.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Long sword waste, like willow leaf fluttering, fifteen slender sword auras formed the sword cover and flew up.

This move was shockingly the result of Xiao Yu breaking the sword style just now, but Huang Dong was using his full strength to explode his strength. This level of offensive had already reached the mid-stage strength of the Qi Convergence Realm.

If Xiao Yu wanted to win, relying on these sword auras alone would not seem so realistic.


How did they know that Xiao Yu's fifteen ways were all the third style of the sea breeze and fluttering leaves compressed by the Haiyuan swordsman.

In an instant of effort, astonishingly triumphantly appeared, the angry dragon hurricane was directly strangled to pieces, and then disappeared.

The audience was moved again, unbelievable.

"His swordsmanship... so terrifying!"

"Huang Pin Sword Technique? Is this true?"

The same is the Huang Pin move, one with great momentum and one moisturizing things silently, but that small move once again successfully confirmed Xiao Yu's power.

Huang Dong's face was extremely pale and his eyes were hollow. At this time, Xiao Yu's Seven-Star Sword directly pierced his chest.

"Do you want to continue? You have already lost."

Huang Dong's face was ashamed, and the loss was a mess, and there was no room for negotiation.

Zhao Xin glanced at Xiao Yu slightly, she guessed it was not wrong, Xiao Yu just used some kind of trick that had been understood by his own talent, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to burst out such terrible power.

"It seems that I have to re-evaluate him."

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