Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1070: Genius girl

Zhan Xiaoyu was surprised that she didn't expect that Xiao Yu was also an array mage. This was simply a surprise to her.

What made her most unbelievable was that the purity of the opponent's soul power turned out to be the first time she met!

Although she was not as good as her in realm, the strange feelings were something other formation mages did not give her.

Feeling the washing like clear water, Zhan Xiaoyu felt a relaxed state all over his body.

The power of the soul that had been consumed too much, as if being injected with vitality, suddenly became radiant.

Feeling Zhan Xiaoyu slowly recovering, Xiao Yu also slowly withdrew his soul power.

At this time, Zhan Xiaoyu's whole body was exuding strange fluctuations.

That is the effect that the power of the soul is constantly being supplemented.

Xiao Yu retracted his mind and looked at this girl with wonder in his heart.

"This guy's soul talent is really amazing, even much higher than Lan Xinrui, at least he has a heavenly rank."

Lan Xinrui had the highest soul talent he had encountered in the Chenbei Dynasty, and it was only the seventh prefecture level, but this Zhan Xiaoyu's talent gave Xiao Yu a much stronger feeling.

Zhan Xiaoyu's soul talent is not only great, but even the soul realm is not comparable to ordinary people. How old is this?

Of course, this is due to the merits of the Purple Spirit Sect.

Among the seven major sects, the Purple Spirit Sect was the only sect gathered by formations, and the soul cultivation method was of course not much less.

However, the formation mage is a minority in any place after all, because the requirements for the soul realm are too high, so there are definitely not many disciples of the purple spirit sect. They may not be comparable to other sects, but they are better than the Xiaoyao. Two or three hundred people are strong, right?

After all, the entire Zongmen world plane has dozens or hundreds of dynasties alone, and this is only one of the remote areas of this plane.

Xiao Yu recalled Zhan Xiaoyu's determined look before the battle, and even said anything about hiding his breath, Yan Fanhao and the others couldn't feel her.

So I underestimated her!

Soon it was the next day, and after Zhan Xiaoyu woke up, Xiao Yu also recovered from meditation.

Zhan Xiaoyu opened her eyes, stretched her waist, and uttered, "So comfortable!"

Immediately he looked at Xiao Yu, who was also awake, with golden light in his big eyes, and said with some resentment: "You fellow, it turns out that you have been lying to me."

Xiao Yu said speechlessly: "Why did I lie to you? I didn't say I was a formation mage, did I?"

Zhan Xiaoyu was right after thinking about it, and immediately said with a look of excitement: "I feel that your soul talent has at least a heavenly level, how about you join us in the Purple Spirit Sect?"

Xiao Yu was taken aback. Is this girl too brazen?

He is a happy person!

Is this group of people wanting to betray their teachers?

Zhan Xiaoyu immediately smiled and said: "Hey, I lied to you, you came to the Purple Spirit Sect, then I won't have any status? I don't!"

This heartless guy, Xiao Yu seemed to have more affection for Zhan Xiaoyu, of course, it was the same as his sister.

"It's time to divide the stolen goods." Zhan Xiaoyu said excitedly.

Immediately he flipped his hand and there was an extra bottle, and then took out an empty bottle, poured about one-third of the empty bottle, and immediately gave the excess to Xiao Yu.

"this is yours."

Xiao Yu was stunned.

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