Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1073: Assault on the Golden Core Realm (Part 2)

The bold thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and even Xiao Yu himself was shocked.

Earth Spirit Qiong is said to condense only one drop a year, and there are dozens of drops in this half jade bottle.

Feeling the energy in the jade bottle, Xiao Yu's heart felt even stronger.

But in the end, reason defeated the impulse, and he shook his head: "Although I urgently need to improve my strength, it is too risky to do so."

"The problem now is to break through to the Golden Core Realm first!"

In any case, breaking into the Golden Core Realm is a matter of urgency. Earth Spirit Qiong is too precious, and Xiao Yu is temporarily reluctant to use it, so there is only this dragon lizard snake egg.

Aside from anything else, with a move of Xiao Yu's hand, the four snake eggs were immediately broken, and the terrifying life force energy was immediately transformed into the great river of Taotao, all of which was instilled into Xiao Yu's body.

Xiao Yu didn't feel anything when he absorbed a dragon lizard snake egg, but now he was surprised.

Just because this energy contains pure life force, but because it is too large, it seems that there is an invisible giant python that is wantonly running around in Xiao Yu's body.

"Boom boom boom!"

The violent energy fluctuations turned into an invisible dragon lizard and snake, constantly impacting his internal organs, making Xiao Yu's body seem to be turned over.

Xiao Yu's expression became serious. At that time, he absorbed one because he could control that energy, because the dragon lizard snake egg contained the life force of the dragon lizard snake, which turned into its main body.

"When you get into my body, do you want to mess around!?"

Xiao Yu hummed in his heart, and the power of the purple Lin suddenly spurred out, and the purple energy fluctuations instantly transformed into a roaring unicorn beast in his body, and it was swallowed immediately.

The dragon lizard saw the purple unicorn, suddenly showed a panic look, and immediately turned around and left.

But as soon as it left, the purple unicorn chased after it more violently, and immediately bit the dragon lizard's tail, and immediately swallowed the whole one.

Then, this energy was assimilated into a pure life force, after being refined by Xiao Yu, it was concentrated on the real pill.

On Shidan, because it was already in a solid state, and was being continuously replenished by other energies at this moment, Shidan slowly turned into a kind of white.

After a month of Second World Time, that is, three days outside, the Shidan in Xiao Yu's Dantian turned into a pale yellow color.

Dzogchen Realm!

Because the energy of the dragon lizard snake egg was too terrifying, after being swallowed by the purple unicorn at that time, it was compressed into a mass of energy like a whirlpool black hole. Even if Xiao Yu had refined it for a month, it still had two-thirds of the energy.

"Sure enough, it is a great tonic! Next, I will hit the peak of the real pill realm!"

After another month, Shidan has become a brighter orange color this time.

The pinnacle of the real Dan realm!

"One step away!"

At this time, the energy of the dragon lizard snake egg is already half, but this half is used to impact the golden core!

Apart from anything else, Xiao Yu immediately controlled the energy concentration and entered the real pill, rushing towards the golden pill.


But when this refining energy gathered in, the orange-yellow Shidan actually closed all the entrances. With a shock, Xiao Yu's body immediately shook. The internal organs seemed to be impacted by something, and Xiao Yu almost didn't let Xiao Yu. Fainted.

Cultivation itself is going against the sky, and I didn't expect that the Golden Core Realm would be so difficult.

"Little Shidan, I don't believe I can't break you!"

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