Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1094: Uninteresting

In the venue, many people's faces appeared strange.

Even if this young man refused other people's requests, he even refused the young master of Qi Lingzhuang?

You know, they are the masters here!

Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "I'm still just starting out. Find a refiner who can help me refine middle-grade spirit weapons. If you produce the main ore, you will get half of the Xinglan Mine afterwards."

If Xiao Yu's condition was considered to have his own position at the beginning, then it is not interesting now.

The young masters of the other tool spirit villages all opened their mouths and promised to help refine three middle-grade spirit tools, this kid is not satisfied?

Xiao Yu's eyes were calm and he sneered in his heart.

"Oral promise, I got my Xinglan Mine afterwards, and I left it, or crossed the river to demolish the bridge, who would I tell?"

Xiao Yu is not stupid, it is not wrong that Han Xinhui is the young master of the spirit of Zhuang, and it is not wrong that he has the right to speak.

However, the premise of this transaction was that Xinglan Mine gave them the Lingzhuang, and only promised to help refine three middle-grade magical weapons after it was over.

This in itself was not attractive to Xiao Yu.

First, is there no middle-grade spiritual weapon Xiao Yu? Of course he has. Outside of the armor, he is not short of weapons.

The silver halberd is a middle-grade spiritual weapon, and the Seven-Star Sword is even a thousand-year-old ancient sword. Can he see other spiritual weapons?

Second, although King Jin Chan is a level four monster, King Jin Chan's defenses are extremely powerful. After seeing the Jin Chan silk armor, Xiao Yu was very excited at that time.

Now he has King Jin Chan, it shouldn't be difficult to forge it and combine it with other main ores to make a high-quality medium-grade armor.

Xiao Yu needs an armor now.

Because his body is already strong enough, if he matches the armor, then he can withstand more attacks.

Again, Xiao Yu is not stupid.

At first he didn't know the preciousness of Xinglan Mine, but later he knew.

Xinglan Mine is not an ordinary ore, but also a kind of rare auxiliary material, which can refine high-grade spiritual weapons.

Mo said that he promised to separate half of Xinglan Mine, even if it was one tenth, Qi Lingzhuang might not be able to bear it.

That's a refined spirit weapon of high grade!

The high-grade spiritual weapons of the seven major sects are kept in the hands of the elders. I am afraid that even those famous masters of the formation technique will be difficult to refine. Does this small Han family of Bi Lingyu have this ability?

I keep the Xinglan Mine for myself, maybe I have a chance to use it in the future.

Han Xinhui still kept smiling, but his heart was stunned.

Qi Lingzhuang is the largest family in Bi Lingyu, and everyone within a radius of a hundred li must give them face. Moreover, he is the future owner of Qi Ling Zhuang and the son-in-law of Bai Yugu. The kid is more than good or bad.

Many people are showing unsmiling eyes, as if thinking about something.

"Hehe, it's okay, but if the little brother changes his mind, you can come to me."

Han Xinhui's words are indifferent, showing a kind of cold arrogance, but anyone can hear that Han Xinhui's words can basically be regarded as polite remarks.

Han Xinhui turned around and left. Pan Wenjie and others in Bai Yugu gave Xiao Yu a cold look and left.

Zhong Xiajie and Zhong Yun looked at each other, and the grandfather and grandson seemed to know them.

Everyone knows that only the people of Qi Lingzhuang can chew on Xinglan Mine.

However, this kid was reluctant to hand over the Xinglan Mine, so the transaction would naturally not be completed.

Everyone dispersed, but many casual practitioners sneered in their hearts.

"Uninteresting guy, it seems that this trade fair is not so peaceful anymore."

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